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To: 101st - Printable Version

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To: 101st - RedEclipse - 12-01-2012

[Image: 0rrSn.png]
Greetings friends,

I hope you're in good health and grand nation of Malta is well also. A unpleasant news come to my desk, which is worry me and my brothers.

While one of my Phoenixes was around of Outcast space, he's got a weird thing on the scanners. We're multiple times checked systems of the shuttle, but seems it's working well. So, I sending you a scan report, please open your channels.

Attached files: 1, 2.

So, we had encounters with the Nephilim, the crown of Zoners engineering. These ships are so rare, even we have only few of them. So... As you see, it's carrying Outcast identification code, so it's bring me here.

How it can be possible? How that Outcast captain was able to get such ship? We're checked our records on Livadia, there is no one was give out to non Zoner group or individual. We're still keeping administrate of Livadia, even after Omicroners left. Or... Worth thing comes to my mind, captain of Omicron.Ambassador somehow was able to capture this ship and murder crew with the captain.

I would like to hear for some explanations in this case.

[Image: Jh16c.png]

RE: To: 101st - Prysin - 12-06-2012

[Image: Martino-TB-top.png]
[Image: Martino-TB-bottom.png]

Bueno Signore

first of all, the 101st and the Council of Dons does not approve of such vessels within our ranks, however, we do understand how "easy" it is for one of them to end up in our ranks.

The Outcast society is not built upon a religion, culture or region, it is built upon Cardamine. Once a user, you may never stop, and your genetical code has forever been changed to that of ours. Thus anyone who are using Cardamine and are trying to make the Orange Dream reality is one of us.

So, if your captain happened to be a Cardamine user, such ship may very well have simply, slipped, into our hands. That being said, the Dons does not encourage or welcome these behemoths. They are cumbersome, space consuming and attracting more attention then we want, including your'se.

You can rest assured that the captain will be brought before the Dons to answer for his deeds, the ship however, will stay under Maltese control until the Dons have made their decision.


For power, wealth, Malta & the Orange Dream.
Martino Perez, Administrator of the 101st Ghosts of Razgriz.

[Image: 101st-TB---bottom.png]

RE: To: 101st - RedEclipse - 12-17-2012

[Image: 0rrSn.png]

I'm very sorry for a late response, I somehow managed to miss your transmission on my desk.

We're grateful for your explanations, it's at least explained this situation a bit. Although...

This ship was spotted in deep Omicron region, a few weeks ago. With Zoner identification code... How it's possible... Anyway, just to keep you informed.

[Image: Jh16c.png]