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Gallia cruiser turrets - Printable Version

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Gallia cruiser turrets - olly_nz - 12-05-2012

No matter how many shipyards, stations and planets i go to i can not find any turrets for any gallia ships. For example; i got a gallic gunboat and couldnt find anywhere to get turrets for it so i was just a sitting duck for the damn councilAngry

RE: Gallia cruiser turrets - Anaximander - 12-05-2012

download Freelancer Companion it solves everything

anjou is the "guard system" of GRN, you can get all the sweet gear there.

RE: Gallia cruiser turrets - olly_nz - 12-11-2012

thank you.

RE: Gallia cruiser turrets - Savi - 12-11-2012

Djon station in Burgundy is a very nice place to buy capital ship guns too. It's GRP station tho.

RE: Gallia cruiser turrets - olly_nz - 12-18-2012

i run out of money for guns after i bought the capital ship. The only option is to fly to Kusari or Bretonia, do a couple of jobs and go back. Lets start a 3 week journey of flying out of Gallia and getting killed by The Council, Maquis, Brignds and every Bretonian that sees me and flying back. The turns in the mine field are to sharp for the battleship. Dam!

RE: Gallia cruiser turrets - Anaximander - 12-18-2012

why dont you just create a trader character or do GRN missions (if you've got enough guns to at least kill something)?

RE: Gallia cruiser turrets - Knjaz - 12-18-2012

(12-18-2012, 01:02 AM)olly_nz Wrote: i run out of money for guns after i bought the capital ship.

Then you did something wrong. I highly do not recommend buying combat vessels, especially capital ones, until you set up your money-making ships, i.e. at least a 5k'er or battletransport for trading (depends on what you prefer, but I'd say 5'ker is a better option for cash grinding.), or transport/miner.