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Choosing a New Gunboat - Need Input - Printable Version

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Choosing a New Gunboat - Need Input - NonSequitor - 06-04-2008

After reading many pages of tirades against the BH gunship, I've come to the conclusion that I should get another gunboat.

However, options are pretty restricted for a BH, rp-wise. That's why I need some input from fellow players.

I'd like to throw some ideas on the wall and see if they stick. Constructive comments are welcome.

Here are some ships that I've been considering to replace my gunship.

First, the Orca: (+) Good basic design, strong rp presence. (-) Useless front gun and five forward firing turrets. (-) While pilot may not be satisfied with the ship, pirates may send you messages thanking you for using a ship they can dispatch with relative ease.

Second, the IMG gunboat: (+) Six forward-firing turrets. (-) Kind of ugly and unfreelancerish. (-) Lackluster agility and turning. Then again IMG isn't a military organization.

Third, the Liberty gunboat: (+) Still within the realm of believable rp to own one (Liberty and BH origins), (-) Unbalanced in the number of turrets, but could be solved by leaving one hard point unequipped.

Fourth, the Bretonia gunboat: I don't really know much about this ship's performance. (-) Why would the Bretonian Armed Forces sell a gunboat to a BH, when the war effort against Kusari creates an increased military demand for all military ships?


Choosing a New Gunboat - Need Input - mjolnir - 06-04-2008

Well you have only two options:

Orca - which is ok though it will be improved for next version

IMG GB - which I would also claim as ok since it's very close to Orca in everything except having 6 working turrets. It is also "civilian" sold on planet Kurile, maybe you should ask CR about it first though.

Choosing a New Gunboat - Need Input - Teknikal - 06-04-2008

From my experience Orca isn't to bad the main gun is pretty useless though The IMG is good if you can cope with it's look's I just dont like how flat it is though.

What I was thinking of doing myself although I'm not 100% sure it would stand an RP scrutiny test was Merc ID and a Kusari Explorer I've been tempted a few times but I think I'm mainly just curious about the ship.

Choosing a New Gunboat - Need Input - Muleo - 06-04-2008

The ship choice..

IMG gunboat is a good choice, it's a good ship if you know how to fly it, except I'm not quite sure if it's really 'freelancer' might be restricted to IMG and their allies.

Liberty/Bretonian gunboat, depends on where you work more, if you're more active in NY, get the liberty, and if you're more active in Bretonia, the Bretonian gunboat.

If you get the liberty, theres no need to leave a turret empty, use it to it's full potential.

Choosing a New Gunboat - Need Input - NonSequitor - 06-04-2008

I appreciate the responses so far.

So far I'm leaning towards the Libby gb, mainly due to the traditional ties of the BH to Liberty. I'd like to try out the Bretonia gb, but for me it seems a bit of an rp-stretch. Bretonia is at war with Kusari and won't willingly sell military hardware to a BH. Whether or not I get to actually buy one is up to the SA and possibly LSF. I put in an "application" a few weeks back, but later withdrew it, since at the time there was some tumult on the forums concerning players rping to get the toys they want. I didn't want to pour gas on the fire, so I stuck with the gs. Well, time to come up with another application.

I always thought the IMG gb was pretty much up for grabs, but maybe the matter is not so black and white. To be honest, I really didn't like piloting the ironing board of impending doom. Normally I'm not someone to give too much emphasis to esthetics, but that gb is a notable exception.

Choosing a New Gunboat - Need Input - Athenian - 06-04-2008

This is disappointing, Megiddo, seeing as I have come to associate you with the ship and you know how to handle one. I fly one for one of my characters but nowhere near as successfully.

Its tough being a BH these days. People complain about big cap ships then about smaller ones - next it'll be the bomber. Eventually us BH will just be flying around in startrackers wondering why we get chewed up by corsair gunboats. Sure the gunship is a cool ship but its not a super ship by any means.


Its hard to justify recommending the Orca considering the problems with it.

The Bretonian one lacks agility, and RP wise I cant see how youd get one.

If its okay RP wise Id say the Liberty GB; its reliable and a good all rounder. I bet people will tell you its oorp at least within thirty minutes of getting one.

Choosing a New Gunboat - Need Input - Tenacity - 06-04-2008

Should just go with the orca, I know it's forward gun is bugged but that's on the fix-list for 4.85 I think.

The others dont fit a bounty hunter.

Choosing a New Gunboat - Need Input - sovereign - 06-04-2008

The IMG one could work, shoot a PM to von Gotteshand, one of the major people with the [IMG] (the =CR= are NOT IMG...)

The Liberty one would have to go through the SA, and with Korrd's recent authorization of KoS'ing people who "steal" ships from player factions, I don't think that would work. Less so with Bretonia, they aren't just preparing for war, but actively warring against Kusari and would never let go of military hardware.

Stick with the gunship, go to the Orca (ehh...) or ask for the IMG.

Choosing a New Gunboat - Need Input - Dopamino - 06-04-2008

The Orca has worked fine for me, just make sure you put the best armor upgrade you can get on it and make sure the forward cannon is turned off all the time (unless you're fighting a large target that you can shoot down at).
So far I've taken down 5 Osirises with it, so it's not too bad of a ship. Go to Gran Canaria in O49 to get it outfitted well;)

Also, if you want to keep your gunship just put a full missile layout on it:P

Choosing a New Gunboat - Need Input - Reverend Del - 06-04-2008

Orca for preference, it is due for a fix. So that forward gun won't be so terrible. Plus it's a bout as BHG as it gets. Damn fine boat.