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Gallia is "Dead"? - Printable Version

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Gallia is "Dead"? - Zen_Mechanics - 12-13-2012

I don't have much interest in gallia, since I am a zoner and for some reason i cant neutral gallic forces ( except criminals ).
Gallia is very silent, all of those systems and bases, maybe increasing the server slots and advertisting the mod will bring more players.
Share your opinions.

RE: Gallia is "Dead"? - pitockm - 12-13-2012

already discussed , long story short , people are busy with other stuff. yet there is some people around to make fun with!

RE: Gallia is "Dead"? - Zen_Mechanics - 12-13-2012

(12-13-2012, 12:12 AM)pitockm Wrote: already discussed , long story short , people are busy with other stuff. yet there is some people around to make fun with!

I might consider mining there, no pirates eh.

RE: Gallia is "Dead"? - Reptile - 12-13-2012

Gallia? never heard about that.

RE: Gallia is "Dead"? - Texan - 12-13-2012

Nuke the whole thing!

RE: Gallia is "Dead"? - Unseelie - 12-13-2012

I like ranting. you don't have to read this

In fact, this is the internet, you don't have to be here.

But in my view, lots and lots of sirius is dead. Most of it.

Even if we ran 225 players, we'd be stuck at no more than 2 players per system if they were distributed evenly. They're not, so luckily we have systems with decent populations..but they're few and far between, and the trade system, which Xoria keeps improving, is designed to keep transports on fairly well distributed paths...again helping/hurting the player distribution problem. It distributes players, which is great. It distributes players, which means less players see one another, which is not great.

Xoria did re-do the Gallic economy for the next mod, which looks to be quite interesting, and involve the rest of sirius, so it will drag more players there. Again, good for gallia, probably bad for player distribution in general. There's no real fix to the problem of places feeling empty except to remove systems, which is not likely to happen. Lots of effort has gone into them, and we like new systems. We like our guard systems, we like our new nomad and order environments. (at the cost of emptying a few old systems, and I really do lament the loss of omicron minor as an occupied system)

There's been a proposal to give bretonia some systems in exile, which sounds nice, but simmilar fears of adding to an already way-beyond our player capacity system.

Ideally, I'd hope for 1 or two systems per house. Yeah, I'm a radical.
One or two systems per house. A bunch of other systems, which have jump holes to the gated systems. the gated house systems are the only systems taht stay very long, the others cycle through in and out of the mod throuhg autoupdates to their systems and the jh names/locations. System X is dublin one month, its edinburgh the next. System Y is bering, then hudson. Tau orbits through different chains of systems, so does omega. Magellan/Cortez switch on and off.

Say NY, NL, NB, and NT are static systems, linked by jump gates/lanes. Say, perhaps, each house has one other system that sticks around..viola, 8 gate/lane static systems. Then say you've a tau chain of 2 systems between kusari/bretonia. Say you've an omega, a sigma, an omicron in the same way. They can all switch configurations and systems fairly often..and grow and shrink as the factions occpying them gain/lose popularity. Suppose one month the corsair/hessian war was particularly active..then the next month, omega could have 3 systems...and shink back down as activity dies back.

Anyway, the only real solutions to dead space is to shrink that space. Which we're not going to do, or vastly increase our playerbase...and if we have suggestions for that, that'd be awesome.
Right now, we're gaining popularity through ModDB. Please, please go vote for us. Get your friends to vote for us. The higher ranked we are, the better off our player saturation.

RE: Gallia is "Dead"? - Hone - 12-13-2012

I suggested rotating systems quite a while ago, we definitely need less at once, though Id also settle for just deleting 90% of the non vanilla systems.

RE: Gallia is "Dead"? - Unseelie - 12-13-2012

But I suggested it first. Basically, I suggested all the good thigns first

I'm a narcisist. And spammy.
Now that all the old posts are gone..I need to re-write a whole list of rants on how things could be magically better if the mod were 100% different. Bhahahaha.
Rotating the systems would be brillant. Hell, I'd like to delete 80% of the vanilla ones.

Rotating the systems handslap!

RE: Gallia is "Dead"? - Hone - 12-13-2012

Linksoritdidnthappen That said, do you really want to delete 80% of vanilla ones? Dont you think if we got rid of the non-vanilla ones, we'd have a small enough number already? I have to say I could do with some of the vanilla ones merged, like tau 31 and 29, who needs TWO buffer systems? Same with O3 and 7, and magellen and cortez, ect.

RE: Gallia is "Dead"? - Unseelie - 12-13-2012

assume player numbers around 120...

Then think about how many players you want in a system for a decent rp environment. Say if you have six, and two are silentish traders.

so 2/3rds of 120 is 80.

So you're left wtih about 80 players, if you want 5 in a system, you need 16 systems.