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Trader - pirate interaction. What's your take on this? - Printable Version

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Trader - pirate interaction. What's your take on this? - looqas - 06-05-2008

I've been wondering about this.

As I fly Johannes Farb, a real Hessian talkshow, I tend to get mixed responses to my solitary system wide speeches. I do a lot of trash talk. And when pirating one of my favorite openings goes like this.

"This is RHA. No need to panic. Get your wallets ready and I'll be there shortly" or "Please proceed orderly to point x." or "No need to panic. Get your fingers of the cruise button and you'll do fine."

I've gotten positive feedback and negative. Mostly I'm the only one talking to a full system. New Berlin has grown pretty quiet lately.

And because I like to talk I see many traders just whizzing by.

So which one you guys and gals prefer? A pirate that's all about money or a pirate that in real life would suck at his money raising trips.

Here're some screenies of what I mean

Trader - pirate interaction. What's your take on this? - Tenacity - 06-05-2008

The problem is mostly due to traders.

Most traders out there never respond, F1 out, or run away rather than playing into someone else's RP.

Because of that, a lot of pirates that usually RP have given up on it and just do the "X million or your life" crap now.

Both parties are to blame, but I think it was originally started by traders trying to powergame and not RP.

Trader - pirate interaction. What's your take on this? - Reverend Del - 06-05-2008

One of my Rogues played poker last night with a mark. It was great. I prefer to do the yabbering when I get the chance. If you're in a team then they can keep them pacified whilst you get the spiel out. But sometimes that just isn't possible.

Trader - pirate interaction. What's your take on this? - Thexare - 06-05-2008

Somewhere in between. "1mil or die" is really quite crappy, but it's not smart to ramble on and on and let potential "customers" get away. I'd say it's better to leave the bulk of the talking for after the piracy is completed.

Trader - pirate interaction. What's your take on this? - Kuraine - 06-05-2008

I've lost count of the amount of times that traders have escaped while i've been trying to roleplay and give the whole anti-male kusari speech that the Golden Chrysanthemums often use. It does annoy me somewhat when i never get a reply or when all they say is "lol, shut up" or something like that.

But overall i'm not that fussed. I'm roleplaying, even if they don't enjoy it or don't care. I'll continue to do as i've always done.

Trader - pirate interaction. What's your take on this? - mwerte - 06-05-2008

' Wrote:I'd say it's better to leave the bulk of the talking for after the piracy is completed.

seconded. i'll talk...if you pay and dont run.

Trader - pirate interaction. What's your take on this? - sovereign - 06-05-2008

Rheinland Pirates (RP) assemble! Whenever there is a group of us, I get to do a little more of a schpiel. First the "halt" followed by CD, then the nice "care to donate?" and we see the response. If they try to run, they get an unhappy "drop the cargo, fool" and are usually destroyed. If they stop for the nice bombers + fighters, they get the compulsory demand and then we talk for a while. If they stall too long we give an ultimatum, if they run we've given our demand and they get SN'd and otherwise destroyed. If they were nice, we start talking about all the people they are helping by their generous donation. It works rather well, all you need is an abused traderoute *cough* S-13 *cough* and three or four pirates and the RP engine is cranked! If you have a pair of bombers it gets better, then you can deal with the inevitable battlecruisers.

Trader - pirate interaction. What's your take on this? - BaconSoda - 06-06-2008

Really, I believe in short conversations. Enough before firing or donating and then a small bit afterwards. My usual routine for the AFA is something like the following (Keep in mind I really want to kill them according to RP):

Sousuke: Halt, Gajin

If they halt, he continues, if they don't he fires

If exporting:

Sousuke: To export those goods, you must pay a tax to the workers that provided it. This tax can be payed in the form of ## million credits, or half of your cargo.

If importing:

Sousuke: Gajin, what gives you right to bring such corruption into Kusari? In order to redeem yourself, you must pay penance in the form of ## million credits, or half your cargo

If questioned:

Sousuke: You are in Kusari, now, not Rheinland/Liberty/Bretonia. We are the people of Kusari, and you will adhere to us, or you will regret defying us for the short time your life will continue.

Before they die:

Sousuke: You were given ample opportunity, and were warned. If you survive, do not return to Kusari.

If they paid:

Sousuke: Thank you, your willingness to cooperate will be....Noted.

If he didn't ask before firing:

Sousuke: You have one more chance, Gajin. You can save yourself by giving to Kusari in return for the thievery you have committed.

I know it just looks like blapedy blah to you guys, but that is what I like to do. It is very similar for my Rogue, although in a different dialect. Really, any more than that just seems silly to me. You have the muscle, why should you have to explain yourself to the trader? What more does the trader need to know besides what you "intend" to do with the money?

Of course, this changed according to the RP's of my prey, like if I find a Junker or a Smuggler, oooh, the pain that will ensue if they don't pay that exorbitant tax. And lets not even start about Synth Foods or Interspace Commerce...

EDIT: Oh, and check out this!

Trader - pirate interaction. What's your take on this? - Tanker - 06-06-2008

I voted for "pirates" that talk.alot

I play several different types of characters..When I play as my trader..Tanker.. I enjoy the RP with the "pirate". It allows me to RP back. But you can only RP so much with "2 mill or Die".

If you are 8k away or are ignoring me..Yes I will fly on by..However..if you are close by and request me to stop ,I will !..

This has to work both ways..traders and pirates .to have fun RPing.

So..just so you know..if you "catch me"..I won't be running.

Trader - pirate interaction. What's your take on this? - Jihadjoe - 06-06-2008

My experience as a pirate is that the more you talk, the more you suceed... I know that sounds a bit dumb, but traders are more willing to stick around and pay if you engage them in RP... of course you have to terrify them first with a good ol' SNova, but y'know.

As a trader/smuggler I prefer pirates to talk. It annoys the hell outa me if they just say 1milz or die then give me about 3.982 seconds to open a trade screen before they open fire. These are the pirates I shoot with my pirate transport.

The pirates I respect are the ones who start roleplaying properly... Even the "nothing personal mate" pirates amuse me. I give bonuses for good RP when I am getting pirated, but I will make an escape/fight attempt in ANY piracy situation.

Remeber pirates, if you blow up your quarry you're blowing up credits...