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Aoi Iseijin? - Omi - 12-16-2012

Are those guys still around at all, or is it solely Das Wilde representing Nomad infectees? I remember seeing them flying around a ton in Kusari, but since I've come back I haven't seen a single one, nor any mention of them on the forums in any recent timeframe. Are they dead or just super inactive/hibernating?

RE: Aoi Iseijin? - Veygaar - 12-16-2012

They're gone, the Das Wilde are similar but in Rheinland mostly. The K'hara are the nomad faction and they are still active, not the same as the old Kusari Wild though.

RE: Aoi Iseijin? - Omi - 12-16-2012

I see. That's a shame, Kusari could use the activity these days, by the looks of it.

Thanks for the info.

RE: Aoi Iseijin? - Vrabcek - 12-16-2012

I believe there is still place to remake them...
It is just nobody wants to put the time for it

RE: Aoi Iseijin? - Starsunder - 12-18-2012

How does one rep a Wilde, anyway...?

RE: Aoi Iseijin? - Jansen - 12-18-2012

Admin magic or being part of a Wild faction, there arent any other ways.

RE: Aoi Iseijin? - Starsunder - 12-19-2012

Well, that's......unexpected. Even Noms have a Trial ID. Oh well.

RE: Aoi Iseijin? - Narcotic - 12-19-2012

You don't really need to have a Wild ID/IFF in order to RP as infected. And since morphs can only pew in self-defense (like any ID allows), you could always make your own "Wild indie char". There's not much of a difference. Though I've actually never seen anyone, who does it. But it's possible.

RE: Aoi Iseijin? - Strichev - 12-19-2012

Oh, I've done it. And it wasn't pretty. An Order battlecruiser orbiting Hamburg, along with one RNC cruiser, a GB and two fighters decided to destroy me, after I objected to their "scanning" of the planet for nomad infestation.

RE: Aoi Iseijin? - Jansen - 12-19-2012

That amount of love is a part of the job Tongue