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To : The Order / Ship request - Printable Version

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To : The Order / Ship request - Pacificator - 12-17-2012

/: Modulating frequency
/: Carrier found
/: Sending data

From : Templar Boniface
Ship ID : [TAZ] GreyfaceBane
Location : Baffin

[Image: oldknighttemplar.jpg]

Kalisti my friends !

I am Boniface, Templar from the Temporary Autonomous Zoner. We do not fight alongside for my task mostly keeps me in Baffin protecting our sacred temple while yours keeps you in the Omicrons repelling Nomads. Nonetheless, we are akin to each other for I have much respect for your deeds and I know you hold some for ours.

* He bows respectfully *

One of the sycophant came of late telling me that due to changing regulation, I have to fly another ship than my Havock. I wish bureaucracy wouldn't be allowed to dock in Pueblo Bonito... Willing to make good out of a hill news, I realize this gives me the opportunity to get a ship I've long be looking for, the Sekhmet.
Fully aware that this fine piece of weaponry belongs to your shipyard, I ask you permission to buy. The ship will be used to protect Baffin's territory and pursue the Pentabarf ones that offended Eris.
As good manners, I will ask one of our space wanderer to bring you a full load of medicinal Elixirs from one of our Freeport in the Omegas. I am sure it will be put to good use.

I will be monitoring this channel for your answer.

May the goddess watch over you !

/: Carrier lost
/: End of transmission

RE: To : The Order / Ship request - Omicron - 12-17-2012

[Image: 1zohq84.png]
Admiral Golanski, Order Overwatch speaking.

I had discussion with our logistic division about aquisition of 019A "Sekhmet" snubcraft. This can happen and I will order to take one unfinished craft from production line. As for unfinished, ship will be functional at 90% capacity due to neccesary modifications we will have to introduce. I will list you most important differences.
  • Bomber heavy banks will be empty for your customization need. Order antimatter arsenal will further decrease efficiency as Zoner infrastructure is not capable of supporting it, therefore we are not including or offering it.
  • Ship can be pre-armed with configuration of your choice. Our standard issue includes 1 Hellfire rocket bank and 4 EMP guns. However we also leave it up to you.
  • You will find shield systems missing, however you will have chance to equip graviton, positron or molecular based device on our facilities.
  • Minor changes in targetting and navigational software to increase compability.
That would be all. Total cost was rounded to 40 million credits payable to Order|Armory which will cover ship production and further cost to boost our production capability. You will be able to enjoy your new bomber under simple condition: It cannot fall into anyone's hands, even other Zoners outside of your Discordian temple. Soon as we receive confirmation, within 12 hours time your new ship will be available onboard C.V. Apophis, Omicron 100 starsystem.

On last note, we also started our own line of very succesful reconnaissance fighters and our "Hathor" gunboat production should resume to normal soon.

Golanski out.

[Image: 2lutfzp.png]

RE: To : The Order / Ship request - Pacificator - 12-18-2012

/: Modulating frequency
/: Carrier found
/: Sending data

From : Templar Boniface
Ship ID : [TAZ] GreyfaceBane
Location : Baffin

[Image: oldknighttemplar.jpg]

Dear Admiral Golansky,

I do accept the terms of your offer.

Here is the payement to your armory :


If you don't mind me doing I see you have some selling point for that vessel in Omicron Mu. It would be better advised for me to pick the ship up there, as knocking on the door of your guard affiliated battleship in O100 may not trigger a very positive answer...

Some of my brethren may be contacting you in the near future to acquire more of these vessels.

It is a pleasure working with the Order.

A blessing on your wings,

Boniface out.

/: Carrier lost
/: End of transmission

RE: To : The Order / Ship request - Omicron - 12-18-2012

[Image: 1zohq84.png]
Payment received.

Your ship per request can be aquired at Taba border station, guarding Omicron 92 jumphole. Your ship will be ready soon and last step is to add its identification to our database.

Golanski out.

[Image: 2lutfzp.png]

RE: To : The Order / Ship request - Pacificator - 12-18-2012

/: Modulating frequency
/: Carrier found
/: Sending data

From : Templar Boniface
Ship ID : [TAZ] GreyfaceBane
Location : Baffin

[Image: oldknighttemplar.jpg]

The Border station looks good to me.

The ship ID will be the same than the last one : [TAZ]GreyfaceBane

Thank you again for your cooperation

/: Carrier lost
/: End of transmission