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Missile changes (not CD) - Printable Version

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Missile changes (not CD) - X-Lancer - 06-06-2008

Missile in Discovery have 2 problems..

1. it only hits ppl when it heads on.(most of the time..yea..).

2. it sucks because its speed.. is my idea..

Increase missile's speed..increase target tracking ability to 180 degrees (it wont lost target when the target is within 180 degree in front of missile..the missile tracking ability in 4.84 it sucks)..decrease missile's turning ability..(it's in space dude..what do you expect? the faster u go..the harder u turn...). this is the general idea..

so..AAM/SAM Missiles has 2 types..

close range AA missile (for example AIM-9 Sidewinder in RL..)

fly slower than Long range AA missile..but turn faster than long range AA missile..(for AIM-9 it's Mach 2.5)

Long range AA missile (for example AIM-120 in RL)

fly faster than close range AA missile but turn slower....(AIM-120's speed is Mach 4)

PS: In RL..fighter's top speed is at about mach 1.8~2.3 ...

Missile changes (not CD) - Tenacity - 06-06-2008

They arent as useless as you think.

Merely removing the ammunition requirement from fighter missile launchers would be enough I think. Nobody uses them because ammo is expensive and runs out too quickly.


And quit comparing this to 'real life' - nothing here follows the laws of physics or reality, you cant compare apples to hamburgers.

Missile changes (not CD) - mjolnir - 06-06-2008

First go trough the balance thread.. on the first 2 pages you find at least 3 threads about it... no need to start new and repeat everything over again.


' Wrote:They arent as useless as you think.
Nobody uses them because ammo is expensive and runs out too quickly.

Oh really? Most of the good pilots I know use a missile or two.. as secondary armament . Which is what they were in vanilla... don't try to change them into primary weapons....unlimited ammo is just stupid.

Missile changes (not CD) - Dantrithor - 06-06-2008

Hmmm... you cant remove the ammo cap i think. Maybe improving it, or making all missiles use cargo space for an overall limit, but not removing the ammonition from them. I think something like 0.2 cargo units per missile would work. then, in 50 available cargo space you could have 250 missiles (if you have 3 missile launchers, more than 70 missiles per launcher)

Missile changes (not CD) - Stoat - 06-06-2008

Missiles are already powerful enough, when used correctly. Increasing their speed or tracking ability will overpower them imho.

Missile changes (not CD) - SGTMatt - 06-06-2008

good god, please don't make them even more powerful. They work awsome as long as lag is down. Me and Fluid took down a pair of slippys in less then 30 seconds in a spatial (me) and a raven's claw (him) useing missiles. Lag is what keeps them from functioning well.

It is so easy to rape a fighter with missiles as it is, especially a vanilla fighter.

Leave em be I say.

Missile changes (not CD) - Tic - 06-06-2008

I actually agree with this, but then missile should have 3 times bigger refire rate, like in RL.

Missile changes (not CD) - Symbol - 06-06-2008

' Wrote:And quit comparing this to 'real life' - nothing here follows the laws of physics or reality, you cant compare apples to hamburgers.

to this

' Wrote:I actually agree with this, but then missile should have 3 times bigger refire rate, like in RL.


Missile changes (not CD) - AdamantineFist - 06-06-2008

' Wrote:good god, please don't make them even more powerful. They work awsome as long as lag is down. Me and Fluid took down a pair of slippys in less then 30 seconds in a spatial (me) and a raven's claw (him) useing missiles. Lag is what keeps them from functioning well.

It is so easy to rape a fighter with missiles as it is, especially a vanilla fighter.

Leave em be I say.

Lag screws missiles all to hell. Renders their tracking next to inoperative. If they track properly, though, they can be very powerful. ESPECIALLY against vanilla fighters.

Missile changes (not CD) - Fletcher - 06-06-2008

Unlinmited ammo? Sorry but hell no, they are deadly enough as it is, once they hit. For example, spam some Paralyzers and then a torpedo or nuclear mine, and bam, you raped a fighter. Simple.

Increase overall ammo, well its hit and miss, for those with bad connection, they will love it, its not directly their fault, but too much and everyone will use missiles, lagging the server.

As far as I know the server is as powerful as its going to get, I think it has a quad core or two, I can't really remember, so missiles are always going to be a gamble, just like torpedoes, if they hit, they hurt, alot. If they miss, your banker is going to hate you.

Missiles are essentially a gamble, if they hit, lucky you, if not you get annoyed and start threads. I agree something may or may not be done to make the connection more 'efficient' but its a dream. I'd love lag to be less of an affliction to the server.

Missiles = Gamble