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SIR Charles Wellington History - Printable Version

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SIR Charles Wellington History - Patriot - 06-06-2008

//Old bio transfered to the right tread

Charles Wellington was born in a noble familly of Bretonia on New London planet, is father a very rich MMB actionnary,receive from the title of SIR OF BRETONIA for all the good and humanitary action he do for the Bretonian nation,aslo receive this domain on new london rebuilt like a very old castle we have on earth
[Image: Castle-Exterior.jpg]

i never know my mother she die in a kusari raid on a MMB convoy 2 month after i was born,when my father die
is title of SIR OF BRETONIA was transfered to me by the queen,its happen at my 26 years old.

After that i pass a years to fly around Sirius for discover the beauty of the space i also discover the horror of the space ,as a SIR OF BRETONIA ,the kusari nation track me like a dog but never succed to catch me as a billionaire ive got a lot ressouce for defend myself, a lot bounty hunter are now rich.

After this years i take the decision to return in bretonia and retake familly bussiness in hands,so i retake the old trasport of my father and diversify the interest of my compagnie so now i got different section

The first one are:[Wellington]Transport--For carry stock around Bretonia and all Sirius
[Image: wellingtontransport.jpg]
Ship:Advanced Train
Equipement:-6 Transport turret level4 [class7]
-8 Yellow cargo pods
-Adv transport gravitron shield
-Capital ship thruster
-Discovery scanner
-Armor upgrade MK Vlll


The second are:[Wellington]Tourism--deserve edimbourg,Cortez and grand canaria
[Image: wellingtontourism.jpg]
Ship:Royal Liner
Equipement:-9 Transport turrets level4 [class7]
-Adv transport gravitron shield
-Train cruise distruptor
-enchanced countermesure dropper
-Discovery scanner
-Armor upgrade MK Vlll
-Cheetah thruster


The third are;[Wellington]HMS-Victory
[Image: WellingtonHMSvictory.jpg]
Ship:Bretonian Cruiser

The fourth are:[Wellington]Cartography


Personnal Ship
[Image: wellingtonpersonnalship.jpg]
Ship:Bretonian Gunboat
Equipement:- Grand gunboat canon
-7 Solaris gunboat turret class 8
-Train cruise distruptor
-Enchanced counter mesure
-Gunboat Gravitron sheild class 8
-Capital ship thruster
-Discoveru scanner
-Capital armor upgrade MK Vll

Last are the gun dealing section,whit a Nomads relic called :nomads power cell and the help of the Order scientist named Jonathan Chapters,we discover a method for produce codename weaponry,of course these method are keep top secret in the [wellington] facility on Cambrige planet,thee section of [Wellington] are the more rentable.


Of course all these ship have the bretonian licence they need

Wellington are still in expansion and more section are to come

This introduce myself to you ladie and gentlemen

Im SIR_Charles Wellington a SIR OF BRETONIA
Actionnary of the MMB
Supporter of the Bretoniam army and police


Charles wellington

SIR Charles Wellington History - Patriot - 06-06-2008

What i will do now,i lost all............Chapters manage to evade in this damm molly's raid one month ago,and now i cant no more force him to produce for me these code weapon i sell for pay all my bills.

I guess all good thing must have a end,but now i have no choice,[Wellington]Transport,[Wellington]Tourism,[Wellington]HMS-Victory,[Wellington] Gun-Dealer and my personnal bretonian gunboat.......all sold i got just enouth for pay all my bills and restart at zero,all what my father working for,i lost it.

Now im stuck to trading,in a old percheron i manage to save from scrap,my old route again and again,Bore to LD-14 from California and Mox on the way back to the Battleship Yukon.........i do this route one million time,and i have to do it again now boring but we all need credit.

i just hope i can survive now,i suppose Chapters have put a thousand mercenary on my tails for take is revenge and now i have no credit for bribe her........AHHHH!!!! life are hard these day.

Wellington out