aerelm's Guide to "4.86 Easy Repping" - aerelm - 12-27-2012
aerelm's Guide to "4.86 Easy Repping"
» First of all, this guide is in no means complete, or is going to be complete anytime in near future. Although I'll try to add newer factions over time, I might not have enough time to update it on a regular basis.
» This 'guide' gives a few tips on how to rep up with various factions much easier and faster than the usual mission-grinding methods. Some of the factions listed below are guards, while others are normal factions which many waste their time with missions while repping them takes less than fifteen minutes in most cases.
» Also, some people might say this thread will ruin the business for those who make money with making ships, but tell you what? Still after knowing how to do it themselves, many are lazy enough to ask someone else to do it for them! So your business will keep going good enough.
» Some of the methods posted might be rushed due to multiple people requesting it. So there's the possibility of these methods being updated or altered in future, so won't be a bad idea to re-check this thread every now and again.
Common Repping Methods: Bribes effect the guard rep depending on how your rep with the regular faction is. Unless the rep with regular faction is +0.30 or higher, a Double Bribe would be enough to get the IFF of regular faction, but to get IFF of the guard faction, lowest number of bribes you'll need would be 3 bribes when regular faction is at full hostile. Higher the rep with regular faction gets, more bribes you'd need to reach the guard IFF. So, the basic step of making repping with bribes easier, is using easy methods of lowering rep with the regular faction before taking the multi-bribe. In some cases like Corsair, Outcast or Xeno guards, using Hostile /restart commands is the easiest way, and in cases like BHG guard which doesn't offer anything higher than double bribes, shooting depots or dropping missions is the way of getting around your 'unwanted' friendly rep before getting the guard IFF.
» Multi-Bribes:
Multi-bribing is when you take multiple bribes from the Same faction, without leaving the bar. When you switch between bar and equipment dealer, the bribe bartender offers stays the same, but NPCs sitting at the tables change and so does the bribe, rumor or info they're offering. This is the key to multi-bribes. So:
- Go to the bar and make sure the bartender is offering the bribe you want.
- If yes, go to next step, and if not, relog (F1 -> Select New Char -> Same Char) and repeat step 1.
- Don't take the bribe. Instead, switch to equipment dealer and back.
- Check the other NPCs in the bar to see if any of them is offering the bribe as well.
- If so, take all the bribes when you get the number you need, and if not, repeat steps 3 & 4.
Once done, You'll have the reputation you want. it might cost a couple of millions, but is much easier and faster than spending a few hours doing missions against laggy NPCs to get the same rep.
» Depots:
Shooting depots effect the guard reps less than the regular faction. So shooting depots after a double bribe will lower your rep with the guard faction less than the Double bribe had raised it. Therefor, getting another double bribe will raise the guard rep to a higher level than it was before.
Or in other case, when you've already taken a single bribe from that faction and want to bring it down to neutral again for a multi-bribe, shooting depots will lower your rep much faster than shooting NPCs, which saves you a lot of time.
» Dropping Missions:
As an alternate to shooting depots, this method takes longer but helps with factions which don't have enough number of depots for guard repping, or factions which have no depots at all. This method requires being at least neutral to the faction you want to guard rep with, which makes the process longer than multi-bribing at full hostile or using depots, but still faster than regular mission-grinding method. To drop missions what you have to do is:
- Go to the bar of a base which offers the highest numbers of missions at once.
- Take a mission from the job board or an NPC, but don't leave the bar.
- Open the Navmap while you're still in the bar and cancel the mission.
- Take another mission and repeat the last step.
Every 10 missions you drop with this method lowers one block (0.1) of your rep to the regular faction. One small note about this method is, if you drop too many missions, it might cause issues in the repping process, so make sure you drop your rep just as much as mentioned in the guide, not more.
Regular Factions: Although repping with regular factions does not take really long without using bribes, still for many factions getting a simple double bribes is easier and faster than doing 6~10 missions. Also, some factions like Freelancers, Zoners or Synth Foods do not offer any missions, and only way to rep them would be through bribes.
» Ageira Technologies:
- /restart Miner
- Fly to Trenton Outpost, New York.
- Take a double bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Ageira)
- Fly to Detroit Munitions and buy the ID.
Faction Depots: None
» ALG Waste Disposal: (Thanks to Tempest.)
- /restart Rheinland
- Fly to Dortmund Station, New Berlin.
- Drop missions until your rep is +0.29
- Take a double bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Gateway)
- Buy the ID from equipment dealer.
Faction Depots: None.
» Blood Dragons:
- /restart Kusari
- Fly to Ainu Depot, Hokkaido.
- Drop Dragon missions until your rep is +0.29
- Take a double bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender. Blood Dragon)
- Fly to Kyoto Base in Chugoku to buy the ID.
Faction Depots: None.
» Bounty Hunters Guild:
- /restart Bretonia
- Fly to Sheffield Station, Manchester.
- Take a double bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Police)
- Buy the ID from equipment dealer.
Faction Depots: Next to Sheffield in Manchester, Next to Deshima in Shikoku.
» Border Worlds Export:
- /restart Rheinland
- Fly to Freeport 1, Omega-3.
- Take a double bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Gateway)
- Fly to Scarborough Station in Newcastle to buy the ID.
Faction Depots: None.
» Bretonia Mining & Manufacturing:
- /restart Rheinland
- Fly to Freeport 1, Omega-3.
- Take a double bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Daumann)
- Fly to Douglas Station in Omega-3 to buy the ID.
Faction Depots: Next to Southampton in New London.
» Bretonia Police Authority:
- /restart Freelancer
- Fly to Sheffield Station, Manchester.
- Take a double bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Bowex)
- Fly to Liverpool Border Station to buy the ID.
Faction Depots: None.
» Bundschuh:
- /restart Rheinland
- Fly to Kruezberg Depot, New Berlin.
- Take double Bundschuh bribe.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Hessian)
- Take a single LWB bribe.
- Fly to Bruchsal Base in Frankfurt to buy the ID.
Faction Depots: None.
» Coalition:
- /restart Bretonia
- Fly to Boa Vista Station in Omega-50.
- Buy the ID from Dealer.
Faction Depots: None.
» Colonial Military:
- /restart Freelancer
- Fly to Java Station, Tau-23.
- Take an IMG bribe.
- Fly to Jakarta Orbital Facility, Tau-39.
- Take a double Colonial bribe.
(NPCs offering the bribes: 2 IMG NPCs)
- Fly to Coronado to buy the ID.
Faction Depots: None.
» Corsairs:
- /restart Bretonia
- Fly to Trafalgar Base, New London.
- Take a double bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Molly)
- Fly to Cadiz Base, Omega-5.
- Buy the ID from Dealer.
Faction Depots: Next to Yaren Base in Delta.
» Cryer Pharmaceuticals:
- /restart Miner
- Fly to Trenton Outpost, New York.
- Take a double bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Ageira)
- Fly to Cambridge Research Station and buy the ID.
Faction Depots: Next to Cambridge Research Station in Cambridge.
» Daumann Heavy Constructions: - Basic rep
- /restart Bretonia
- Fly to Solarius Station in Omega-11.
- Take a bounty hunter bribe at the bar.
- Take a double Daumann bribe.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, BHG)
- Buy the ID from the dealer.
Faction Depots: Next to Leipzig Station in Dresden.
» Daumann Heavy Constructions: - Gallic-friendly rep
- /restart Kusari
- Fly to The Ring, New Berlin.
- Take a Republican bribe at the bar.
- Take a double Daumann bribe.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Republican)
- Buy the ID from the dealer.
Faction Depots: Next to Leipzig Station in Dresden.
» Deep Space Engineering:
- /restart Miner
- Fly to Trenton Outpost, New York.
- Take a tripe bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Ageira, Synth Foods)
- Fly to Baltimore Shipyard and buy the ID.
Faction Depots: Next to Newark & Baltimore in New York.
» EFL Oil & Machinery:
- /restart Gallia
- Fly to Beauvais Production Facility, Ile-de-France
- Drop missions until your rep is +0.29
- Take a double bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: 2 EFL NPCs)
- Buy the ID from the dealer.
Faction Depots: ????.
» Farmers Alliance:
- /restart Kusari
- Fly to Kagoshima in Kyushu.
- Drop missions until your rep is +0.29
- Fly to Kabukicho Depot, New Tokyo.
- Take a double bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Farmer)
- Fly to Kagoshima in Kyushu to buy the ID.
Faction Depots: None.
» Freelancers:
- /restart Freelancer (Or any of the house restarts)
- Fly to Barrier Gate Station bar.
- Take a double bribe.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Any other NPC)
Faction Depots: See - Zoner Depots.
» Gaians:
- /restart Bretonia
- Fly to Trafalgar Base, New London.
- Take one Molly & Outcast bribes.
- Take double Gaian Bribe.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Molly or Outcast)
- Fly to Islay Base in Edinburgh and buy the ID.
Faction Depots: None.
» Gallic Brigands:
- /restart Gallia
- Fly to Ecommoy Base, Maine. Dock.
- Undock. Shoot a few Brigand NPCs to lower your rep to +0.29
- Suicide and respawn on the base.
- Take a double bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Brigand)
- Buy the ID from the Dealer.
Faction Depots: None.
» Gallic Junkers: (Thanks to Wraga)
- /restart Gallia
- Fly to Beaumont Base, Ile-de-France.
- Take a triple bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Gallic Junkers)
- Buy the ID from the Dealer.
Faction Depots: None.
» Gallic Metal Service:
- /restart Gallia
- Fly to Soissons Mining Facility, Ile-de-France.
- Drop missions until your rep is +0.29
- Take a double bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: 2 GMS NPCs)
- Buy the ID from the Dealer.
Faction Depots: Tau-23 GMS Mining Site.
» Gallic Royal Police:
- /restart Gallia
- Go to any of the New Paris bars.
- Drop missions until your rep is +0.29
- Take a double bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, GRP)
- Buy the ID from the Dealer.
Faction Depots: ????
» Gas Miners Guild: (Thanks to BugsBunny)
- /restart Rheinland
- Fly to Gas Miner Naha, Sigma-13.
- Take a double bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Zoner)
- Buy the ID from the Dealer.
Faction Depots: None.
» Gateway Shipping:
- /restart Liberty
- Fly to Newark Station, New York.
- Take a double bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Ageira)
- Fly to Kensington Shipping Platform and buy the ID.
Faction Depots: Next to Kensington in New London.
» Golden Chrysanthemums:
- /restart Kusari
- Fly to Ainu Depot, Hokkaido.
- Drop GC missions until your rep is +0.29
- Take a double bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Blood Dragon)
- Buy the ID from equipment dealer.
Faction Depots: None.
» Hogosha:
- /restart Kusari
- Fly to Kabukicho Depot, New Tokyo.
- Drop missions until your rep is +0.29
- Take double bribe.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Farmer)
- Buy the ID from the dealer.
Faction Depots: None.
» IDF Shipping:
- /restart Gallia
- Fly to Sarcelles Shipping Facility, Ile-de-France.
- Drop missions until your rep is +0.29
- Take a double bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: 2 IDF NPCs)
- Buy the ID from the Dealer.
Faction Depots: Near Indochine Outpost in Tau-23.
» Independent Miners Guild:
- /restart Liberty
- Fly to Freeport 4, Magellan.
- Take double bribe at bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Gateway)
- Buy the ID from the Dealer.
Faction Depots: None.
» Junkers:
- /restart Bretonia
- Fly to Trafalgar Base, New London.
- Take a double bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Gaian)
- Buy the ID from the dealer.
Faction Depots: None.
» Kishiro Technologies:
- /restart Liberty
- Fly to Fort Bush, New York.
- Take a double bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Universal)
- Fly to Shinagawa Station in New Tokyo and buy the ID.
Faction Depots: ????
» Kruger Minerals:
- /restart Rheinland
- Fly to Essen Station in New Berlin.
- Drop missions until your rep is +0.29
- Take a double bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Republican)
- Buy the ID from the dealer.
Faction Depots: ????
» Kusari State Police:
- /restart Kusari
- Drop missions until your rep is +0.29
- Take a double bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender and any other NPC)
- Buy the ID from the dealer.
Faction Depots: Next to Narita Outpost in New Tokyo, next to Osaka Storage Facility in Honshu.
» Landwirtrechtbewegung (LWB):
- /restart Rheinland
- Fly to Kruezberg Depot, New Berlin.
- Sell the Freelancer ID and get a recruit one instead.
- Take a double bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Hessian)
- Fly to Kaiserslautern Depot in New Berlin to buy the ID.
Faction Depots: Near Cruiser Schwarzwald in Koeln.
» Lane Hackers: - Method #1
- /restart Bretonia
- Fly to Trafaglar base, New London.
- Take an Outcast bribe.
- Fly to Mactan Base, Magellan.
- Take a double bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Outcast)
- Buy the ID from equipment dealer.
Faction Depots: None.
» Lane Hackers: - Method #2
- /restart Freelancer
- Fly to Mactan Base, Magellan.
- Take an Outcast bribe.
- Drop missions until your rep is +0.29
- Take a double bribe.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Outcast)
- Buy the ID from equipment dealer.
Faction Depots: None.
» Liberty Police, Inc.:
- /restart Miner
- Fly to Philadelphia Station, Pennsylvania.
- Take a double bribe.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, any other NPC)
- Buy the ID from the dealer.
Faction Depots: Next to Newark Station, New York.
» Liberty Rogues:
- /restart Rheinland
- Fly to Freeport 2, Bering.
- Take a double bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Unioner)
- Fly to Buffalo Base in New York and buy the ID.
Faction Depots: Humboldt C/D-4.
» Mollys:
- /restart Bretonia
- Fly to Trafalgar Base, New London.
- Take one Gaian & Corsair bribes.
- Take double Molly bribe.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Gaian)
- Fly to Arranmore Base in Dublin and buy the ID.
Faction Depots: None.
» Nomads (Morph):
- /restart Freelancer
- Fly to Kansas through Magellan (Sector G-5/6)
- Find the Rattlesnake wreck within the northeast cloud (Sector F2)
- Face the same direction the wreck is facing.
- There is a gate at lower right corner of your screen.
(Note: The gate won't appear on neither scanner nor map, wait for lightnings to see it)
- Take the gate and fly to the Shrine (Sector F-3/4) in Unknown.
- To get out of the system, you have to use the jumphole (Sector D/E-1) near the crimson planet.
(Note: After buying the Morph ID you won't be able to dock anywhere but the Shrine and Nomad bases, and can't use any other ship but the Morph)
Faction Depots: None.
» Orbital Spa & Cruise:
- /restart Rheinland
- Fly to Cold Bay Depot, Hudson.
- Take double bribe at bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Planetform)
- Fly to Planet Curacao, Cortez.
- Buy the ID from equipment dealer.
Faction Depots: None.
» Outcasts:
- /restart Kusari
- Fly to Freeport 10, Tau-37.
- Take double bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Outcast)
- Fly to Omicron Alpha and buy the ID.
Faction Depots: None.
» Planetform, Inc.: - Method #1
- /restart Liberty
- Fly to Cold Bay Depot, Hudson.
- Take double bribe at bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Planetform)
- Buy the ID from the dealer.
Faction Depots: Between Leeds Gate & Planet Harris in Tau-31.
» Planetform, Inc.: - Method #2
- /restart Bretonia
- Fly to Perth Station, Edinburgh.
- Drop missions until your rep is +0.29
- Take a double bribe at bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Gateway)
- Buy the ID from the dealer.
Faction Depots: Between Leeds Gate & Planet Harris in Tau-31.
» Red Hessians: - House Navmap
- /restart Rheinland
- Fly to Vogtland Base, Dresden.
- Drop missions until your rep is +0.29
- Take a Hessian bribe then a LWB bribe.
- Buy the ID from equipment dealer.
Faction Depots: None.
» Red Hessians: - Border Worlds Navmap
- /restart Corsair
- Fly to Cadiz Base, Omega-5.
- Sell the ID, buy a Recruit ID and go to the bar.
- Take double Hessian bribe from Zoner NPCs.
- Fly to Ronneburg Base and buy the ID.
Faction Depots: None.
» Republican Shipping:
- /restart Liberty
- Fly to Fort Bush, New York.
- Take a double bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Gateway)
- Fly to Altona Station in Hamburg and buy the ID.
Faction Depots: ????
» Rheinland Federal Police:
- /restart Rheinland
- Drop RFP missions until your rep is +0.29
- Take a double bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, any other NPC)
- Buy the ID from equipment dealer.
Faction Depots: ????
» Samura Heavy Industries: - Basic rep
- /restart Freelancer
- Fly to Kabukicho Depot, New Tokyo.
- Take one Alliance bribe.
- Take double Samura bribe.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Farmer)
- Fly to Shinjuku Station and buy the ID.
Faction Depots: None.
» Samura Heavy Industries: - Corsair-friendly rep
- /restart Freelancer
- Fly to Kabukicho Depot, New Tokyo.
- Take one Alliance bribe.
- Take double Samura bribe.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Farmer)
- Fly to Planet New Tokyo.
- Take one Kusari Police & Kishiro bribes.
- Fly to Yenagi, Sigma-13.
- Take a Corsair bribe.
- Return to Kabukicho Depot.
- Take double Hogosha bribe.
- Fly to Shinjuku Station and buy the ID.
Faction Depots: None.
» Solar Engineering:
- /restart Gallia
- Fly to Compiegne Space Colony, Ile-de-France.
- Drop missions until your rep is +0.29
- Take a double bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Solar)
- Buy the ID from the Dealer.
Faction Depots: ????
» Synth Foods, Inc.:
- /restart Kusari
- Fly to Roppongi Station (Interspace base in front of Planet New Tokyo)
- Take double bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Universal)
- Fly to Planet Stuttgart, Stuttgart.
- Take one Rheinland Police bribe.
- Buy the Synth Foods ID from the dealer.
Related Depots: None. - Farmers Alliance and LWB Bribes can be used to lower Rep
» The Council:
- /restart Freelancer
- Fly to Battleship Pamiers, Roussillon.
- Take a double bribe.
(NPCs offering the bribes: 2 Council NPCs)
Faction Depots: None.
» The Maquis:
- /restart Freelancer
- Fly to Caussade Depot, Roussillon.
- Take a double bribe.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Maquis)
Faction Depots: B4 in Lorraine.
» The Order:
- /restart Order
Faction Depots: None.
» Unione Corse:
- /restart Gallia
- Fly to Epernon Base, Orleanais.
- Take a triple bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, 2 Corse NPCs)
- Buy the ID from the Dealer.
Faction Depots: None.
» Unioners:
- /restart Rheinland
- Fly to Kruezberg Depot, New Berlin.
- Take double Unioners bribe.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Hessian)
- Take a single LWB bribe.
- Fly to Wedel Mining Facility in Hamburg to buy the ID.
Faction Depots: None.
» Universal Shipping:
- /restart Miner
- Fly to Trenton Outpost, New York.
- Take a double bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Ageira)
- Buy the ID from equipment dealer.
Faction Depots: ????
» Xenos:
- /restart Miner
- Sell the Miner ID and buy a Recruit one instead.
- Fly to Ames Research Station, Kepler.
- Take a Zoner bribe at the bar.
- Make sure bartender is offering Xenos bribe & one Xeno NPC is present.
- Take the bribe from bartender and then the one from Xeno NPC.
- Fly to Nome Base and buy the ID.
Faction Depots: None
» Zoners:
- /restart Liberty
- Fly to Bethlehem Station, Pennsylvania.
- Take a double bribe from the bartender and one of the NPCs.
- Fly to Freeport 2 in Bering, or Freeport 6 in Tau-29 and buy the ID.
Faction Depots: Next to FP1 in Omega-3, Next to FP6 in Tau-29.
Guard Factions: One thing to note when repping guard factions is when doing it at full hostile to the regular faction, NPCs from the faction will not talk to you or offer bribes. So, the solution is to make sure the wanted NPC(s) are present when bartender is offering the bribe, so after taking the bribe from bartender, the NPC offers the same bribe as well.
» Blood Dragons Guard:
- /restart Kusari
- Fly to Kyoto Base, Chugoku.
- Drop Dragon missions until your rep is +0.01
- Fly to Ainu Depot, Hokkaido.
- Take a double bribe at the Bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Blood Dragon)
- Repeat last 4 steps twice. (Three double bribes total)
- Fly to Kyoto Base in Chugoku to buy the ID.
Faction Depots: None.
» Bounty Hunters Guild Core: (Thanks to Stoat)
- /restart BHGCore
Faction Depots: None.
» Bretonia Armed Forces Guard:
- /restart Bretonia
- Get a ship & equipment of your choosing.
- Fly to Battleship Essex, Dublin.
- Take only 'Destroy Installation' missions which don't ask you to kill hostile ships.
- After 44 Missions fly to Salisbury and buy the ID.
Faction Depots: None.
» Corsairs Guard: - Edge worlds Navmap
- /restart Outcast
- Sell the Outcast ID and buy a recruit one instead.
- Fly to Gran Canaria, Omega-49
- Take a Hessian bribe then a Zoner bribe.
- Make sure bartender is offering Corsair bribe and 3 Sair NPCs are present.
- Take the bribe bartender is offering & then two from Corsair NPCs.
- Fly to Casablanca Base in Omega-47 and buy the ID.
Faction Depots: Next to Yaren Base in Delta.
» Corsairs Guard: - House Navmap
- /restart Bretonia
- Fly to Battleship Hood in Dublin & buy a Miner ID.
- Fly to Gran Canaria, Omega-49
- Sell the Miner ID and get a recruit one instead.
- Take a Hessian bribe then a Zoner bribe.
- Make sure bartender is offering Corsair bribe and 3 Sair NPCs are present.
- Take the bribe bartender is offering & then two from Corsair NPCs.
- Fly to Casablanca Base in Omega-47 and buy the ID.
Faction Depots: Next to Yaren Base in Delta.
» Farmers Alliance Guard:
- /restart Kusari
- Fly to Kagoshima in Kyushu.
- Drop missions until your rep is +0.01
- Fly to Kabukicho Depot, New Tokyo.
- Take a double bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Farmer)
- Repeat the last 4 steps twice (three double bribes total).
- Fly to Kagoshima in Kyushu to buy the ID.
Faction Depots: None.
» Gaians Guard:
- /restart Bretonia
- Fly to Battleship Hood, Dublin.
- Buy a Miner ID from equipment dealer.
- Fly to Trafalgar Base, New london.
- Sell the Miner ID & get a recruit one instead.
- Take a Molly bribe & an Outcast bribe.
- Take a triple Gaian bribe.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Molly, Outcast)
- Take a Corsair bribe.
- Fly to Islay Base in Edinburgh and buy the ID.
Faction Depots: None.
» Gas Miners Guild Guard:
- /restart Rheinland
- Fly to Gas Miner Naha, Sigma-13.
- Take a double bribe at the bar, /droprep.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Zoner)
- Drop missions until your rep is -0.2
- Repeat last two steps twice. (Three double bribes total)
- Buy the ID from the dealer.
Faction Depots: None.
» Golden Chrysanthemums Guard:
- /restart Kusari
- Fly to Ainu Depot, Hokkaido.
- Drop GC missions until your rep is -0.2
- Take a double bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Blood Dragon)
- Repeat last two steps twice. (Three double bribes total)
- Buy the ID from the dealer.
Faction Depots: None.
» Hogosha Guard:
- /restart Kusari
- Fly to Kabukicho Depot, New Tokyo.
- Drop missions until your rep is -0.2
- Take a double bribe, /droprep.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Farmer)
- Repeat last two steps twice. (Three double bribes total)
- Buy the ID from the dealer.
Faction Depots: None.
» Independent Miners Guild Guard:
- /restart Liberty
- Fly to Freeport 4, Magellan.
- Take a triple bribe at the bar, /droprep.
- Drop missions until your rep is at -0.2
- Repeat last two steps once. (Two triple bribes total)
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Gateway, Planetform)
- Buy the ID from the dealer.
Faction Depots: None.
» Junkers Guard:
- /restart Bretonia
- Fly to Trafalgar Base, New London.
- Take a triple bribe at the bar, /droprep.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Gaian, Mollys)
- Drop Junker missions until your rep is -0.2
- Repeat last two steps once. (Two triple bribes total)
- Buy the ID from the dealer.
Faction Depots: None.
» Kusari Naval Forces Guard:
- /restart Kusari
- Get a ship & equipment of your choosing.
- Fly to Battleship Matsumoto, Hokkaido.
- Take only 'Destroy Installation' missions which don't ask you to kill hostile ships.
- After 44 Missions fly to Hiroshima and buy the ID.
- This will take only around 75 minutes if done in a group of two.
Faction Depots: None.
» Lane Hackers Guard: - Method #1
- /restart Bretonia
- Fly to Trafalgar base, New London.
- Take an Outcast bribe at bar.
- Fly to Mactan base, Magellan.
- Take triple Hacker bribe, /droprep.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, 2 Outcasts)
- Drop missions until your rep is at -0.1
- Take double Hacker bribe.
- Buy the ID from the dealer.
Faction Depots: None.
» Landwirtrechtbewegung (LWB) Guard:
- /restart Rheinland
- Fly to Kruezberg Depot, New Berlin.
- Take a single LWB bribe at the bar, Relog.
- Sell the Freelancer ID and get a recruit one instead.
- Undock, shoot three LWB NPCs to lower your rep to -0.7
- Dock, take a triple LWB bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Hessian, Unioner)
- Fly to Kaiserslautern Depot in New Berlin to buy the ID.
Faction Depots: Near Cruiser Schwarzwald in Koeln.
» Lane Hackers Guard: - Method #2
- /restart Freelancer
- Fly to Mactan base, Magellan.
- Take an Outcast bribe.
- Take double Hacker bribe, /droprep.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Outcast)
- Drop missions until your rep is at -0.2
- Repeat last two steps twice. (Three double bribes total)
- Buy the ID from the dealer.
Faction Depots: None.
» Liberty Navy Guard: (Thanks to Contaan)
- /restart Liberty
- Get a ship & equipment of your choosing.
- Fly to Fort Severn, Ontario.
- Take only 'Destroy Installation' missions which don't ask you to kill hostile ships.
- After 44 Missions fly to Virginia and buy the ID.
Faction Depots: None.
» Liberty Rogues Guard: - Method #1
- /restart Rheinland
- Fly to Freeport 2, Bering.
- Take double Rogues bribe, /droprep.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Unioner)
- Fly to Montezuma base, Cortez.
- Drop Rogue missions until your rep is at -0.2
- Take double Rogues bribe at bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Hacker or Outcast)
- Buy the ID from the dealer.
Faction Depots: Humboldt C/D-4.
» Liberty Rogues Guard: - Method #2
- /restart Freelancer
- Fly to Montezuma base, Cortez.
- Drop missions until your Rogue rep is at -0.01
- Take double Rogues bribe, /droprep.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Hacker or Outcast)
- Repeat last two steps twice. (Three double bribes total)
- Buy the ID from the dealer.
Faction Depots: Humboldt C/D-4.
» Liberty Security Force:
- /restart Miner
- Fly to Philadelphia Station, Pennsylvania.
- Take a double Police bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Police)
- Fly to Kodiak Research Station, Alaska.
- Take a double LSF bribe at the bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, NPC in Researcher outfit)
(Note: The bribe researcher's offering will be available -after- you've taken bartender's bribe)
- Buy the ID from the dealer.
Faction Depots: None
» Mollys Guard:
- /restart Bretonia
- Fly to Arranmore base, Dublin.
- Drop missions until your rep is +0.01
- Fly to Battleship Hood, Dublin.
- Take a double Mollys bribe at bar.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, IMG)
- Repeat last four steps twice. (Three double bribes total)
- Fly to Londonderry to buy the ID.
Faction Depots: None.
» Outcasts Guard:
- /restart Freelancer
- Fly to Freeport 4, Magellan.
- Get a double IMG bribe and buy IMG ID from dealer.
- Fly to Barrier Gate Station, Coronado.
- Unmount the ID, but don't sell it.
- Make sure Bartender is offering Outcast bribe and the smuggler & the Hacker are present.
- Take the bribe from the bartender.
- If both the smuggler & the Hacker are offering Outcast bribes, take both.
- If the Hacker is offering Hacker bribe, don't take it. Instead, remount your ID, relog, and repeat last 3 steps.
- Once you have the triple bribe, sell the IMG ID and buy a recruit one instead.
- Fly to Cali Base in Tau-23 and buy the ID.
Faction Depots: None.
» Red Hessians Guard: - House Navmap, Method #1 (Thanks to Oxslow)
- /restart Rheinland
- Sell the Freelancer ID and buy a recruit one instead.
- Fly to Vogtland Base, Dresden.
- Take a LWB bribe.
- Drop missions until your rep is -0.2
- Take a double bribe at the bar, /droprep.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, LWB)
- Repeat last two steps twice. (Three double bribes total)
- Buy the ID from the dealer.
Faction Depots: None.
» Red Hessians Guard: - House Navmap, Method #2
- /restart Rheinland
- Fly to Freeport 5, Omega-41.
- Buy a Miner ID, relog, switch to Recruit ID.
- Get a Corsair then a Zoner bribe.
- Fly to Cadiz Base, Omega-5.
- Take double Hessian bribe from Zoner NPCs, /droprep.
- Fly to Freital Base, Omega-11.
- Drop missions until your rep is -0.2.
- Fly to Vogtland Base, Dresden.
- Double bribe at the bar.
- Buy the ID from the dealer.
Faction Depots: None.
» Red Hessians Guard: - Border worlds Navmap
- /restart Corsair
- Fly to Cadiz Base, Omega-5.
- Sell the ID, buy a Recruit ID and go to the bar.
- Take double Hessian bribe from Zoner NPCs, /droprep.
- Fly to Ronneberg Base, Take a LWB bribe.
- Fly to Freital Base, Omega-11.
- Drop missions until your rep is -0.2.
- Fly to Vogtland Base, Dresden.
- Take a double bribe at the bar.
- Buy the ID from the dealer.
Faction Depots: None.
» Rheinland Military Guard: (Thanks to Corsairawrawrs)
- /restart Rheinland
- Get a ship & equipment of your choosing.
- Fly to Battleship Altenburg, Dresden.
- Take missions in sector 4C near the battleship.
- After 47 Missions fly to Braunschweig and buy the ID.
Faction Depots: None.
» The Order Guard:
- /restart Order
- /droprep and drop missions until your rep is +0.01
- Repeat the last step twice. (Three double bribes total)
- Buy the ID from the dealer.
Faction Depots: None.
» Unioners Guard:
- /restart Rheinland
- Fly to Wedel mining facility, Hamburg.
- Drop missions until your rep is 0.0
- Fly to Kreuzberg Depot, New Berlin.
- Take a triple bribe at the bar, /droprep.
(NPCs offering the bribes: Bartender, Hessian & Unioner NPCs)
- Repeat last 4 steps once (2 triple bribes total).
- Fly to Duesseldorf and buy the ID.
Faction Depots: None.
» Xenos Guard:
- /restart Miner
- Sell the Miner ID and buy a Recruit one instead.
- Fly to Ames Research Station, Kepler.
- Take a Bounty Hunter bribe then a Zoner bribe.
- Make sure bartender is offering Xenos bribe & one Xeno NPC is present.
- Take the bribe from bartender and then the one from Xeno NPC.
- Fly to Nome Base, Kepler.
- Drop missions until your rep is -0.2
- Fly back to Ames and take another double bribe.
- Fly to Tau-45 and buy the ID.
Faction Depots: None.
» Zoners Guard:
- /restart Liberty
- Fly to Bethlehem Station, Pennsylvania.
- Take triple Zoner bribe, /droprep.
- Fly to FP6 in Tau-29 but don't dock.
- Shoot 2 sets of depots near Freeport so your Zoner rep will be +0.01 again.
- Kill yourself and respawn in Bethlehem.
- Take triple Zoner bribe.
- Repeat the last 4 steps once. (Three triple bribes total)
- Fly to Freeport 2 in Bering or Freeport 6 in Tau-29 to buy the ID.
Faction Depots: Next to FP1 in Omega-3, Next to FP6 in Tau-29.
As you can see, not all of the faction depots are listed here. If you know some depots for a faction that is missing from the guide, please let me know so I'll add it to the list.
Restart Reputations:
Each restart CSV's rep is set to +0.4 (4 blocks green) with every faction which has a major presence in that house, but there are some exceptions (Junkers, Interspace Commerce, etc.) in some cases. So, here is a list of all the restarts, and all the friendly reps of each, in case someone wants a quick reference page:
» Bretonia Restart:- Border Worlds Export
- Bretonia Armed Forces
- Bretonia Mining & Manufacturing
- Bretonia Police Authority
- Cryer Pharmaceuticals
- Gaians
- Independent Miners Guild
- Mollys
- Planetform, Inc.
Location: Planet New London, New London.
» Freelancer Restart:- Cryer Pharmaceuticals
- Deep Space Engineering
- Interspace Commerce
- Junkers
- Lane Hackers
- Liberty Navy
- Liberty Police, Inc.
- Liberty Rogues
- Synth Foods, Inc.
- Universal Shipping
- Xenos
Location: Barrier Gate Station, Coronado.
» Gallia Restart:- EFL Oil & Machinery
- Gallic Brigands
- Gallic Metal Service
- Gallic Royal Navy
- Gallic Royal Police
- Ile-de-France Shipping
- Solar Engineering
- Gallic Junkers
- The Council
- Junkers
- The Maquis
- Unione Corse
Location: Planet New Paris, Ile-de-France System.
» Kusari Restart:- Blood Dragons
- Farmers Alliance
- Gas Miners Guild
- Hogosha
- Interspace Commerce
- Kishiro Technologies
- Kusari Naval Forces
- Kusari State Police
- Samura Heavy Industries
Location: Planet New Tokyo, New Tokyo.
» Liberty Restart:- Cryer Pharmaceuticals
- Deep Space Engineering
- Interspace Commerce
- Junkers
- Lane Hackers
- Liberty Navy
- Liberty Police, Inc.
- Liberty Rogues
- Synth Foods, Inc.
- Universal Shipping
- Xenos
Location: Planet Erie, Pennsylvania.
» Miner Restart:- Bretonia Mining & Manufacturing
- Daumann Heavy Constructions
- Deep Space Engineering
- Independet Miners Guild
- Interspace Commerce
- Kishiro Technologies
- Liberty Navy
- Samura Heavy Industries
Location: Planet Erie, Pennsylvania.
» Rheinland Restart:- ALG Waste Disposal
- Daumann Heavy Constructions
- Junkers
- Interspace Commerce
- Landwirtrechtbewegung
- Red Hessians
- Republican Shipping
- Rheinland Federal Police
- Rheinland Military
Location: Planet New Berlin, New Berlin.
And as a final note: If you find any errors in this guide, or run into any questions while repping any of the factions posted above, let me know either by posting in this thread, or contacting me over PM or Skype, so I fix the error or answer your question.
Happy Repping!
RE: aerelm's Guide to "4.86 Easy Repping" - aerelm - 12-27-2012
» To-Do List:-
- Regular Factions:
- Interspace Commerce
- Kusari Exiles
- Guard factions:
- Bretonia Police Guard
- Bundschuh Guard
- Kusari Police Guard
- Rheinland Police Guard
RE: aerelm's Guide to "4.86 Easy Repping" - Ascalon - 12-28-2012
Awesome job. Thank you very much
RE: aerelm's Guide to "4.86 Easy Repping" - Duvelske - 01-01-2013
» Gas Miners Guild:
- /restart rheinland
- fly to nagano Luxury liner Mackinac
- double bribe GMG
- Fly to okinawa and buy id.
RE: aerelm's Guide to "4.86 Easy Repping" - feanor10 - 01-02-2013
Outcasts Guard advice not working
RE: aerelm's Guide to "4.86 Easy Repping" - aerelm - 01-03-2013
(01-01-2013, 09:07 PM)Duvelske Wrote: » Gas Miners Guild:
- /restart rheinland
- fly to nagano Luxury liner Mackinac
- double bribe GMG
- Fly to okinawa and buy id.
Care to explain how is this method better than the one already included in the guide?
(01-02-2013, 06:37 PM)feanor10 Wrote: Outcasts Guard advice not working
Which part are you having trouble with? That method works just fine, and gives you full green Outcast & Outcast Guard reps with neutral reps with all their allies if done right.
RE: aerelm's Guide to "4.86 Easy Repping" - feanor10 - 01-03-2013
Take double Bounty Hunter bribe.
This part, just there isn't 2 charecters who offers Bounty bribe, Bartender never offers Bounty bribe
RE: aerelm's Guide to "4.86 Easy Repping" - Stoat - 01-03-2013
Aer, there's a triple BHG Core bribe available on Dabadoru. You take a bribe from the bartender, and then another appears. Rinse and repeat and hey presto, Core rep.
RE: aerelm's Guide to "4.86 Easy Repping" - aerelm - 01-03-2013
(01-03-2013, 08:35 AM)feanor10 Wrote: Take double Bounty Hunter bribe.
This part, just there isn't 2 charecters who offers Bounty bribe, Bartender never offers Bounty bribe
Yes, the bartender doesn't. Two of the regular NPCs though, often offer BHG bribes.
(01-03-2013, 09:26 AM)Stoat Wrote: Aer, there's a triple BHG Core bribe available on Dabadoru. You take a bribe from the bartender, and then another appears. Rinse and repeat and hey presto, Core rep.
Oh, wow. That's definitely worth a look. Thanks for lettin me know.
RE: aerelm's Guide to "4.86 Easy Repping" - feanor10 - 01-03-2013
(01-03-2013, 10:28 AM)aerelm Wrote: Yes, the bartender doesn't. Two of the regular NPCs though, often offer BHG bribes.
I've tried for about half of an hour to take double BHG bribe, but I met only single BHG bribe from Station security char