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To: James Lambert, From: ------- - Printable Version

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To: James Lambert, From: ------- - Sarawr!? - 12-30-2012

-:Incoming Transmission:-
-:Sender ID - Chidori Natsukawa:-
-:Link Established:-
-:Message Begin:-

"I have been asked by friend, to find you, and confirm that you are alive, and of course...that you still require the...particular skills, that our 'friend' possesses."

She smirks playfully, tilting her head before speaking again.

"If you're please respond to this message. It would be very bad were I to find out that you're living, but have been avoiding our 'friend'..."

She brushes some hair away from her face, shrugging slightly.

"After all, you know what she is capable of...but you've yet to have the pleasure of...meeting me."

Another smirk crosses her lips as she bows her head curtly to the monitor.

"Sayonara, Lambert-san...we'll see you soon, one way or the other."

She winks to the monitor as it fades to black.

-:Message End:-
-:Link Terminated:-

RE: To: James Lambert, From: ------- - Manticore - 12-31-2012


[Image: UPlsP.jpg]

To: Chidori Natsukawa
Subject:Re: No Subject
Encryption: High
Priority: Normal

Lambert appears on screen, looking very tired and unwell. There are bags under eyes that tighten with wariness.

I'm just going to cut straight through all the nonsense here. You represent the Heavy Metal Queen, I take it. As you can see... I am alive. For the moment, at least.

I had contracted with the Queen for a certain delivery, yes. To be made to a certain drop point at a certain time each month, as discreetly as possible. However, I did not receive the shipment last month, and was forced to pursue... other options.

He sighs, tiredly.

I had assumed something had happened to disrupt the shipment, or otherwise our agreement was cut off on your end. If that is not the case, do please correct me.

Lambert out.


RE: To: James Lambert, From: ------- - Sarawr!? - 12-31-2012

-:Incoming Transmission:-
-:Sender ID - Chidori Natsukawa:-
-:Link Established:-
-:Message Begin:-

"Oh good, you're alive! How wonderful!"

She giggles softly before continuing.

"To the point...I have been instructed to tell you that we'll be delivering two shipments instead of one this month, at no extra cost...The captain does admit when she's messed up, after all."

She brushes some hair away from her face, sighing softly.

"Naturally of course...I'm to inform you that my Captain sincerely hopes...that you're still interested in being a business partner.."

She smirks somewhat wolfishly toward the monitor and the sound of typing can be heard somewhere off screen.


She bows her head as the screen fades to black.

-:Message End:-
-:Link Terminated:-

RE: To: James Lambert, From: ------- - Manticore - 12-31-2012


[Image: UPlsP.jpg]

To: Chidori Natsukawa
Subject:Re: Re: Re: No Subject
Encryption: High
Priority: Normal

Lambert appears on screen, looking a bit less wary but still unwell.

Well, that was somewhat... unexpected. The offer is most generous, and I of course would be pleased to accept.

His face softens a bit in a small smile, but then he sobers as he thinks of something else to add.

However, the little "mistake" did cost me... rather dearly. I'd prefer not to be forced to do that again, so I'd like to speak with Akaisha in person and get a more... personal explanation as to the mix-up. Perhaps I can arrange to meet your ship myself when you come for the next delivery?

Lambert out.


RE: To: James Lambert, From: ------- - Sarawr!? - 12-31-2012

-:Incoming Transmission:-
-:Sender ID - Chidori Natsukawa:-
-:Link Established:-
-:Message Begin:-

"The Queen is currently docked at Manhattan Central Spaceport, a meeting would be a very simple matter. If that is what you desire, the Captain has informed me that we will depart from the port immediately."

She hums a bit, shrugging to the screen.

"I'm sure the Captain will be more than pleased to answer any questions you may have...though if you intend to seek some sort of retribution over the missed shipment..."

Her voice trails off, and she grins toward the screen.

"...Well, I would advise against taking that course of action."

She sighs softly, offering a half-smile to the screen before speaking again..

"It looks as though you will have a chance to meet me after all, but not to worry, I am not some psychopath."

She smirks a little before bowing her head as the screen fades out.

-:Message End:-
-:Link Terminated:-

RE: To: James Lambert, From: ------- - Manticore - 12-31-2012


[Image: UPlsP.jpg]

To: Chidori Natsukawa
Subject:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re: No Subject
Encryption: High
Priority: Normal

Lambert appears on screen again, looking weary and tired but actually smiling a bit.

Already on Manhattan now, huh? And with my goods ready for delivery? Well, I'm glad to hear that. Only a short flight from where I am at the moment.

He pauses, glancing away from the camera and muttering under his breath.

I would still like to speak with Akaisha personally... just so we can be sure there are no more mistakes. As for retribution... I can assure you that I am not interesting in anything like that. I've managed to stay alive to this point because I have known when to choose my battles, and I know better than to try crossing the crew of the Queen.

Anyways, I will seek you out in space, once I'm able to slip away from here. I look forward to meeting you... in person.

Lambert out.