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Freelancer scripts for single player with disco mod - Printable Version

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Freelancer scripts for single player with disco mod - Sirius - 12-30-2012

I am interesed in learning how to make Freelancer scrips, or at last how to make a event in game. For example:
1.When I come close to a Battleship in a system, it will radio me with a message, if I am hostile it will call allies to atack my. They will appear some where at nK distance(n=1,2,3, infinite) and in that moment friendly npcs will come from nK to assist me.
2.NPC's fleet fight with predecided targets,kills,weapons,etc.

What I want is even posible?

RE: Freelancer scripts for single player with disco mod - ProfGiggles - 12-30-2012
I think that Why485 have proven that things like that is possible. Don't ask me how though.

RE: Freelancer scripts for single player with disco mod - Sirius - 12-31-2012

I saw that video a while ago. It's the scrip from firs mission from the single player story, he nly chenhed the location of the liner and the location from where the rougues ships are coming. This means there is a editor for the script files from game.

RE: Freelancer scripts for single player with disco mod - jammi - 12-31-2012

Unfortunately not. Mission scripting is done through (I believe) THN formats, which are a royal pain in the arse to tinker with. Other than being generally complex, there aren't any editors. Currently you have to make changes in a raw text format through notepad.

Planetscapes also use the same files. You can assign weather effects and passing traffic through it.

RE: Freelancer scripts for single player with disco mod - He||oween - 01-06-2013

Without additional hooks it works well only for one player, for multiple - bugged. Tutorial you may find somewhere at TSP under the topic "help with the mission script"