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Why did You decide to play Discovery? - Printable Version

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Why did You decide to play Discovery? - kacijon - 06-09-2008

Why Did you decide To play Discovery Mod?

Well tell me I vote Becose It is Great Mod! What Will you vote. I hope This is not Wrong If I ask this.

Vote Guys then post what you say.


Why did You decide to play Discovery? - kacijon - 06-09-2008

Ok thnaks Guys I was already hoping that I will be banned. Ok Post more.

Why did You decide to play Discovery? - kindred - 06-09-2008

It's fun, entertaining plus the forums has more drama than daytime soap operas.
Not really sure what your second post is trying to say, weird.

PS. Spelling Nazi !
because - Spelled Pronunciation[bi-kawz, -koz, -kuhz]
1. for the reason that; due to the fact that: The boy was absent because he was ill.
2. because of, by reason of; due to: Schools were closed because of heavy snowfall.

Why did You decide to play Discovery? - Screenlag - 06-09-2008

I found it on filefront and it looked good.
I've never regreted that day.

Why did You decide to play Discovery? - Dantrithor - 06-09-2008

Because another thing. (You missed the "Other reason" option!).

I had done everything possible in X-Tension, and i looked for another space simulator. Freelancer was really good, but the after-campaign part lacked something for me. Coming from XT i really felt without any real objetive apart from exploring, which i did, and killing things in Freelancer.

Discovery gave a greater extent to the things, and with the bonus of a roleplaying community, which i really enjoy.

So i guess ill vote "BESOCE It is great mod!"

Why did You decide to play Discovery? - Boss - 06-09-2008

Interesting. So far it has nothing to do with capships.

Why did You decide to play Discovery? - Cyberanson - 06-09-2008

Because I like it, the community and the whole athmosphere which Freelancer + Discovery brings. I can't exactly name one reason...

Diplomatic matters evolve, new ships are being integrated, I earn trust, I get to know people from all over the planet if I like to. Well, just a great thing.

Why did You decide to play Discovery? - Tenacity - 06-09-2008


Quote:Interesting. So far it has nothing to do with capships.

There, i voted capships for you =P

Why did You decide to play Discovery? - Dopamino - 06-09-2008

Gin Rummy: I always say the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.
Riley: What?
Gin Rummy: Simply because you don't have evidence that something does exist does not mean you have evidence of something that doesn't exist.
Riley: What?
Gin Rummy: What country are you from?
Riley: What?
Gin Rummy: 'What' ain't no country I ever heard of! They speak English in 'What'?
Riley: What?
Gin Rummy: English, mother****er! Do you speak it?
Riley: Yeah.
Gin Rummy: So you understand the words I'm saying to you!
Riley: Yeah.
Gin Rummy: Well, what I'm saying is that there are known knowns and that there are known unknowns. But there are also unknown unknowns; things we don't know that we don't know.
Riley: What?
Gin Rummy: Say what again! Say what again! I dare you! I double dare you, mother****er! Say what one more time!
I play here becose I'm addicted and the Betty ford Clinic doesn't have a 12 step program for Discovery:P

Why did You decide to play Discovery? - kacijon - 06-09-2008

OK Guys Looking good so far. I thougt this post is not a good Idea Or that I shall not post it .

But I take a chance.