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Accident - Valeria_Benitez - 01-11-2013

Valeria came to in unknown space in her decurion, most systems damaged beyond functionality and with only minimal engine power. Cruise engines were offline, weapons were offline, shielding was at 7%. Life support was still working but her oxygen supply was low and she didn't take any food rations with her.

How this had happened? It started as a routine patrol...

[Image: OxdN0.jpg]

Valeria felt the the engines of the decurion as she ascended out of the atmosphere of her home world. She had launched her decurion, a craft she did not fly as frequently as she used to back then. Yet, when she saw the atmosphere thinning and this familiar red dwarf with its orange light... this brought back memories to when she was launching from crete the first time after she had been accepted into what was now her familia.

So much time had passed and Valeria had developed so much. Nowadays she was flying a centurion into battle instead of a decurion. And sometimes she even chose a Titan, even though she was not well suited to fly it to its full potential.

She was just approaching Tripoli shipyard, the first step of her standard patrol, when saw a legate dreadnaught activating it's jump engines within the debirs and asteroid field.

Having by now witnessed it often, she remained far beyond the safety distance and watched the spectacular charging effect. She knew well to stay clear of these wonderous devices as they would take anything in close proximity with them.

As the jumpdrive activated there was the usual bright flash of light, but this time, something was different. There was a strange energy wave... and it was approaching on high speed.

**Warning: Energy wave detected**

**Warning: collision in 5... 4... 3... 2...**

Valeria tried to steer away from the wave to avoid it but it hit her craft hard, shaking it violently. By now an experienced pilot, Valeria reacted fast and steered her craft into the wave.

**Warning: Shield failure**

Sparks began flying from various consoles and electronics in the cockpit as she tried to keep the craft on a course directed into the wave. Colorful effects and lights were visible outside the window and for a moment Valeria wasn't sure she was even in the universe at all

**Warning: Hull breach imminent**

But at this time it didn't matter. Sparks continued flying and smoke began to fill the cockpit as electronics as consoles began flaring left and right.

"At least, it did not happen at the hands of another..." She thought before a bright flash of light illuminated everything around her ...

RE: Accident - Valeria_Benitez - 01-11-2013

So, Valeria came to in unknown space in her decurion, most systems damaged beyond functionality and with only minimal engine power. Cruise engines were offline, weapons were offline, shielding was at 7%.

[Image: poJyZ.jpg]

As she checked her craft's systems for a damage report the proximity alert went off and ships with an unknown tag appeared... on an intercept course.

As they closed in on her position, they tried hailing her, but with a damaged comm system, all Valeria could broadcast was static. She could listen them trying to figure what this unknown ship was and what happened, if it even had a pilot and in that moment, Valeria had an idea.

She redirected energy to the last intact weapon and fired it.. in a pattern. Noticing that, the unknown ships scanned for life forms and found Valeria's life signs. They dropped a nanobot and told her via comm to tractor it in and use it on the comm if she could. And she did!

They introduced themselves as "Xenos-Alliance" ships and it turned out, now that she could speak to the unknown craft, that they had found her after scanning an energy spike near her position. Of course, they were curious who Valeria was and how she got here and why.
After she identified and introduced herself, she explained her origins and the accident that brought her here. They asked her about the Corsairs to gauge whether they were enemies to the Xenos alliance and after Valeria answered their questions they decided to spare her life. They even expressed an interest to talk to her again as they saw some possibilities for common interest, but for now they needed to get her out of here again, which Valeria gladly agreed to seeing she really just wanted to find the way back home.

The generous Xenos escorted her to California from which she could find the way back by herself. Impressed by how the Xenos treated her and met her respectful demeanor, she told them they would hear from her again and then set course back to Omicron Gamma, back home...

[Image: nPbnF.jpg]

RE: Accident - Valeria_Benitez - 01-12-2013

True to her word, Valeria had loaded her Correo "Camilla" with goods for the the generous strangers who had spared her life after this accident and her return home.

However as she knew next to nothing about them, and what they might find useful, she chose to load the most valued things of corsair economy as a token gratitude and gesture of respect before beginning the long journey from her home world to the distant Xeno system.

[Image: Rq5GV.jpg]

[Image: 0a0J4.jpg]

[Image: BXhoh.jpg]

Her journey went uneventful but since she had deleted her flight log as a gesture of respect to the generous strangers, she had trouble navigating blindly once she had arrived back in the kepler system. However, she still had the frequency they had used to communicate the other day.
And after some initial difficultues, she seemed to be able to open a channel.

It turned out the Xenos commander she met the other day, had come into a similar situation Valeria was in when they had met first. The commander's transport was suffering shield and engine failure and under assault from bounty hunter rookie ships.

The goods Valeria had chosen to load incidentally were exactly what was needed most to commence repairs on the damaged transport. So after fighting off the bounty hunters, Valeria docked to the transport and transferred the goods that were useful for repairs.

[Image: Q5zYv.jpg]

The Xenos people who greeted Valeria gave her a funny look as they had never before seen a corsair. But they treated her politely enough albeit with caution and scepticism.

Once the transfer was complete, Valeria undocked again from the transport and continued to fight off the occasional bounty hunter rookie ship. In the mean time the Xeno commander's transport called in a repair ship who managed to complete the necessary repairs to return to the nearby Xeno base.

Valeria was invited along and since she still had the rest of her goods to deliver and was looking forward to meet the other Xenos, she agreed and activated the cruise engines, flying with the other ships towards the base...

[Image: U8g02.jpg]

RE: Accident - Valeria_Benitez - 01-21-2013

Prelude: After Valeria had stranded in Liberty by accident and met the Xenos there, she was spared by them and returned with a token of her appreciation, a full correo load of goods. She met the Xenos and talked to them which resulted in one of theirs wanting to visit the corsairs now, as a diplomatic envoy.

After a long journey back from Kepler and Colorado system, Valeria's correo and the Xenos transport arrived in Omicron Gamma. The journey had been dangerous and in Magellan they were almost stopped but could escape.

As they approached planet Crete, Valeria needed to unload the gifts the Xeno pilot brought manually as the Xenos transport's transponder was not yet registered in the corsair docking control.

[Image: aJriYvR.jpg]

[Image: yCsxpef.jpg]

Counterfeit software being hacked lane codes that could be used to activate and travel a trade lane a single time for each code. Needless to say, these were in high demand on planet Crete.

After those gifts were delivered, Franco joined them and they set out to work on the transponder correction for the Xenos transport so it was able to communciate with corsair docking controls without registering as hostile. Fortunately Tripoli shipyard had a few open gamma house keeping jobs and with the luxuary of a transport, nothing was wasted on those missions...

Once that was done as well, the bounty hunter pilots were flown to battleship Fes for interrogation and trade for captured corsair pilots and Franco, the Xenos transport and Valeria returned to Omicron Gamma to finally land on planet Crete...