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Police Prisoner. BPA C.Ins Hone Nathan captured by the GRN. - Printable Version

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Police Prisoner. BPA C.Ins Hone Nathan captured by the GRN. - Hone - 01-12-2013

[Image: bk8if.jpg]

An escape pod is an essential piece of equipment for any space ship. It must be able to survive the explosion of the mothership, the explosion propelling it clear of the wrekage, the radiation flying around from the space battle that caused it, and of course, the cold, merciless, vacuum of space. It must be tough.

As Chief Inspector Hone Nathan contemplated this in depth; he considered that they could have sprung for a door that opened from the inside.

RE: Police Prisoner. BPA C.Ins Hone Nathan captured by the GRN. - Timmy - 01-13-2013

Leeds system, RNS Lyon

Three marines approached pod and opened it. One of them stayed aside and aimed his rifle at bretonian, other two expelled from the pod. They carefully searched him for weapons, took them away and tied his hands with handcuffs, speaking only french to each other. Then one of them with sign told prisoner to follow and they moved to prison level. Two other walked behind him...


From the bridge Marcell was observing all these actions on the screen. As they proceeded to the cell transmission cut off. Marcell remained at the bridge. He never wanted to talk with prisoners, but his sence of hospitality forced him to at least greet him. After a while of thinking he gave orders to head back to Edinburgh and walked to the prison level...

RE: Police Prisoner. BPA C.Ins Hone Nathan captured by the GRN. - Hone - 01-13-2013

[Image: space_cops_by_evilted40-d3b7set.jpg]

"Hey, not so rough!"
Growled Hone, as the Gallian shoved him in the back,
"Uh... Parle, Parle? Pale vous anglais?"

RE: Police Prisoner. BPA C.Ins Hone Nathan captured by the GRN. - Timmy - 01-13-2013

One of marines behind started to laugh "Bien! Il essaie de parler francais." (He tries to speak french)

Man ahead looked at first one angrily "Taisez vous et passez votre chemin." (Shut up and keep moving)

Everyone continued walking forward, ignoring the question.

RE: Police Prisoner. BPA C.Ins Hone Nathan captured by the GRN. - Hone - 01-13-2013

[Image: SpaceShipCorridor_90_Degree_Angle_11.jpg...Larger.jpg]

"Bloody - Hey! Where are we going? What do you want?!"
Recieving only glowers and more shoves for his trouble, the Chief Inspector decided dignity was the better part of Valour, and resigned himself to suffering in silence.

RE: Police Prisoner. BPA C.Ins Hone Nathan captured by the GRN. - Timmy - 01-13-2013

After a while walking through long coridors in silence they've finally reached prison level of the cruiser. Man ahead pressed button on the wall pannel and one of the cells opened. Marine behind pushed bretonian in.

"Attendez ici." (Wait here) he said grinning. After that they left the cell and locked it.

RE: Police Prisoner. BPA C.Ins Hone Nathan captured by the GRN. - Hone - 01-13-2013

[Image: Mandela-Cell-3.jpg]

Hone kicked the door absentmindedly, his foot hurt. As far as he could see, this cell had one purpose, to keep outside things out, and inside things in, unfortunately for him, he was currently one of those inside things.
Oh well, it wasn't the first time he'd been locked up in the line of duty, at least it wasn't corsairs this time, he stalked over to the bed, and contemplated attempting to get some sleep.
"If only I could get a Message out..."

RE: Police Prisoner. BPA C.Ins Hone Nathan captured by the GRN. - Timmy - 01-13-2013

Marcell entered prison level. Two marines near enterance to the cell with bretonian strained and saluted to him. He saluted back and ordered to open cell. One of marines pressed the button on wall panel and cell opened. Marcell walked in, looking at the prisoner. "Bonjour, monsieur..."

RE: Police Prisoner. BPA C.Ins Hone Nathan captured by the GRN. - Hone - 01-13-2013

[Image: _44447194_noon_get_270.jpg]

The apparently sleeping man was reacting before the door had finished opening, leaping from the bed, and rugby-tackling the commander, he attempted to drive him into the guard, blocking their weapons line of fire...

RE: Police Prisoner. BPA C.Ins Hone Nathan captured by the GRN. - Timmy - 01-13-2013

Marcell simply steped left, pushing bretonian to oposite side. The policeman bumped one of marines, who pushed him away easily. Both marines aimed their rifles at prisoner. Marcell stoped them from shooting with the sign. However the marines kept aiming at the bretonian.

"It is not very smart to attack someone who can decide will you live or die." Marcell simply said, putting his hands down, but being ready to block any further attacks.