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The Unione Corse - [UC] - Printable Version

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The Unione Corse - [UC] - Teerin - 01-13-2013

[Image: 10yewwo.png]

An organization that has been around for centuries; in the shadows, out in the light, their operations not entirely known to all but a few. Rumored to have been started in the early second century AGS, they were formed by and since then led by those with connections.

Initially, they had no qualms with the laws set by the Gallic Crown. They funded explorations that led further into the Gallic Sector and helped to establish trade between the various young worlds. Eventually, as the government put more and more restrictions into place, the Corse were forced into maintaining their now less legal business along with those still legal.

During the First Gallic War, many of the Unione Corse (still disgruntled by the Crown's inconvenient new laws) sided with the Normandie rebels. This was not a wise, nor successful move. A great many were arrested by the Royal Police, and their control over the markets, black or not, was severely weakened. However, the police were having problems of their own. One such problem was a man named Timothy LaBrise, who led a small group of people that splintered from the GRP. His and his group managed to join the Corse, yet maintain a degree of autonomy from the rest.

Between the wars, other factions came to be more significant, such as the Gallic Brigands. The Unione Corse were able, for the most part, to have good relations with all.

This changed when some treacherous, greedy Junkers sold out bits of information on the Unione's darker operations to the Gallic Police. Bourbon Base, owned by the Gallic Junkers, was seized by the LaBrise as revenge. Everyone on board that station was murdered, and surprisingly, there was no further retaliation from the Junkers. Instead, they built a new base in Burgundy. A bigger one; a better one.

Later on, when the Second Gallic War began, the Unione Corse were far more discreet about which side they favored. As a result, both sides treated the Corse with suspicion. Nevertheless, the Unione Corse delivered prototypes of the GRN's mine-neutralizing devices to the Maquis, which were then recreated in sufficient numbers by the Council. From there, these devices were used to clear that narrow path into the Lorraine minefield.

Around this time, many concerns arose over the lack of unity and loyalty among the Corse, which proved true when an internal conflict between LaBrise and Orsini's Corse came about. LaBrise worked with the Gallic Crown, whereas Orsini led his forces openly against it. During this war, the leader of LaBrise was mysteriously murdered about when Orsini himself disappeared. At the end of the struggle, LaBrise were no more. In fact, most of the Unione Corse was no more.

Led by a man who joined under a pseudonym a few years prior, the Unione Corse slowly got back to its feet. The General restructured the balance of power, giving the families some control whilst keeping their politics separate from the main ranks. Quietly establishing its influence, the Corse branched more out of Gallia. And even though the Unione Corse were sure to keep work against the Gallic Crown secret, Sirian connections also serve as a safe-guard if they marked them as enemies.

Today, the Corse have been able to establish many relations outside of Gallia, presenting themselves as a mostly lawful group that is eagerly willing to smuggle commodities and information to its allies.

[Image: 19nk83.png]
General Information
ID Papers: Unione Corse
IFF Transponder: Corse -
Legal Status: Quasi-legal
Name Tag: [UC]
Callsign (Fighters, Bombers): [UC]-FirstName.LastName
Callsign (Gunboats, Freighters, Transports): [UC]-UCN-ShipName
Callsign (All): [UC]-CodeName

Primary: Extending their influence, generating a profit
Secondary: Covertly assist its allies against the Gallic Crown
Tertiary: Protect Gallia from Nomads and the Outcast menace, maintain control over the Gallic black market

ALLIED (+.8) - Gallic Brigands: The Brigands work with the Corse to control the entire Gallic Black Market. Sometimes, the Unione Corse are hired by Gallic Corporations as escorts to shoot at the Brigands (so that they can evade piracy). So the Corse takes their money and have a mock fight with the Brigands while the trade ships leave. Cat, mouse, and dog.
ALLIED (+.75) - Maquis: Despite their use of almost entirely different methods, the Maquis get along rather well with the Unione Corse. They also used to be a main oil supplier.
ALLIED (+.7) - Colonial Republic: In mid 735 AGS, these groups came to an agreement and have supported each other well since then.
FRIENDLY (+.6) - Independent Miners Guild: The relationship with IMG began as a simple arms deal, but grew more and more as time grew on, from supplying Fort Siloso to fighting the Outcasts with them.
FRIENDLY (+.5) - Order: Almost a month before the treaty with the CR, Task Force 141 came to an intelligence agreement with the Legion des Damnes, Council of Maquis, and Unione Corse at Freeport 10 in Tau-37. Months later, the Corse notified 141 of Operation Fallen Grace.
FRIENDLY (+.4) - Hogosha: Sharing many similar quasi-legal characteristics, the Hogosha are considered good friends by the Corse.
NEUTRAL (+.3) - Council: While they have worked together before, neither group trusts the other. The Council dislikes them since previous Corsicans have proven unreliable for siding more with the Crown, whereas the Unione Corse thinks the Council is foolish for relying on the Brigands and hypocritical for operating closely with the Maquis.
NEUTRAL (+.2) - Interspace Commerce: Attempts to make a lucrative deal with IC failed when they had a series of leadership issues.
NEUTRAL (+.2) - Independent Neuralnet Division: Similar problems with IC were had with IND, as their contact just disappeared.
NEUTRAL (0) - Farmers Alliance: The Alliance are friends with the Hogosha, so they don't mind the Corse's presence in Kusari. Too much.
NEUTRAL (0) - Lane Hackers: A brief, secret partnership existed with the Hackers, but it didn't go very far.
NEUTRAL (0) - Other Corporations: Most coporations are considered neutral to the Unione Corse, unless they can provide a lucrative contract, or encroach upon their smuggling turf.
NEUTRAL (0) - Liberty Lawfuls: As of late 735, they began to consider the Unione Corse more like the Hogosha, instead of just another hostile Gallic faction. The Corse were hired for cryocubes, which was very good for business.
NEUTRAL (-.1) - Rory's Renagades: While they also have good relations with the Gallic Brigands, these Renegades support the Outcasts against IMG, therefore ending up on the opposite side in a battle.
NEUTRAL (-.1) - Bretonia Lawfuls: Usually not trusted for being Gallic, the Unione Corse act on their best behavior while in Bretonia.
NEUTRAL (-.1) - Gallic Corporations: Overly suspicious or panicky Gallic trade vessels can be an annoyance to the Corse, who usually have no hostile intent.
NEUTRAL (-.1) - Kusari Lawfuls: The Kusari Forces are often wary and unsure of Corse vessels, but no problems have come about.
NEUTRAL (-.2) - Siran Junkers: Even though the Corse see them as competition for cryocubes, and their friends, the Hogosha, despise them, the Junker Congress is more tolerated than their Gallic counterparts.
NEUTRAL (-.3) - Gallic Lawfuls: The occasional hit on a Brigand or arrest of a Sirian competitor in Gallic House Space keeps them happy. However, they remain suspicious (without proof) of the Unione Corse, and many Corse have their own reservations against the Gallic Crown.
UNFRIENDLY (-.45) - Gallic Junkers: Unlike the Hogosha and Sirian Junkers, the Corse and Gallic Junkers are not hostile towards each other. There's almost a cold war betwwen them; docking rights are granted, but if one strays alone outside of Gallic House Space, they might become a target. These Junkers also lack unity, posing no major concern for the Corse.
UNFRIENDLY (-.55) - Samarran Raiders: Fighting IMG/CR, or flying with the Outcasts, they are targets. By themselves, it's just the 'cold shoulder' treatment.
HOSTILE (-.7) - Golden Chrysanthemums: Encounters with the Golden Chrysanthemums are not common, but they are most unpleasant.
HOSTILE (-.8) - Outcasts: The Unione Corse have many friends who hate the Outcasts along with the possibility for competition on the Gallic black market to fuel their own hatred toward these sniffers.
HOSTILE (-.9) - Nomads/Wilde: Well informed by the Order, the Corse target them with the highest priority.

[Image: 315c002.png]
Armed Division Rankings
General: Leads the Unione Corse. Out-of-character, this is the faction leader. [Limit 1]
Commandant: High ranking membre. Out-of-character, this/they are the second in command(s), dedicated to the faction and understand the roleplay very well. [Limit 2]
Parrain: The head of domestic matters. Out-of-character, this is a forum-crazy individual who understands Corse roleplay very well and is the lowest High Command rank. [Limit 1]
Lieutenant: Senior membre. Out-of-character, this rank only exists to provide a leader in combat situations where High Command members are not present. [Limit 5]
Membre: Worthy of the Corse. Out-of-character, this is the standard rank, [No limit]
Aspirant: Recruit membre. Out-of-character, someone who needs to log a few hours here and there and show that they understand the basic concepts of the Corse. [No limit]

Famille Senat Title System
Parrain: Directs the Famille Senat, reporting to it regularly in order to account for his decisions. [Limit 1]
Tribun: The five Tribuns are elected by the Senateurs to oversee the Senat and work with the Parrain. Should a Parrain leave or be dismissed, the Tribuns will appoint a new one. Outside the Senat meetings, they hold closed sessions to discuss matters privately. The Tribuns can also remove anyone in the Corse from their position if four of them agree on it. Out-of-character, these people understand UC's roleplay well and are advisors to the faction leader. [Limit 5]
Senateur: A head family membre, one of several hundred in the Famille Senat. A family's power in the Senat depends on their size, wealth, and history. A family gets a seat for every four membres, and as a sign of respect, those with great wealth and history vote first. Out-of-character, this is a simple rank that can be chosen by any Membre who wants the additional roleplay. [No limit]
None: A membre who is either without a Corsican family, has been chosen not to represent their family, or holds the rank of General or Commandant. Out-of-character, uh, nothing. [No limit]

Roster (alt and reserve characters not listed)
GENERAL - Casimir Logarus: This man's origins are as mysterious as the Unione Corse itself, joining and living under his pseudonym. He is a polished diplomat and tactician who has an extreme liking of novels from Old Earth. [Teerin]
COMMANDANT - Arek Maxim: Maxim is rather ... fascinated with making money, and some say that he can calculate a return trade route faster than an Outcast sniffs Cardamine. As to whether he prefers the Council or the Crown, no one is really sure; perhaps francs have something to do with it. Nonetheless, he is a good leader and right-hand man for the General. [exdeathevn]
PARRAIN - Zechs Marquise: The Parrain is another man with a false name, though he is believed to use his real one elsewhere. He spends a good deal of his time away from Gallia, and he is always seen wearing his simple mask. [Felix_Wannamaker_III]
LIEUTENANT & TRIBUN - Jason Orsini: The adopted son of Joel Orsini, Jason helps to continue the legacy of the Unione Corse. [Implosion]
LIEUTENANT - Henri Gardon: Succeeding his father and taught well by his uncle, this man follows the less legal side of the Corse. [SummerMcLovin]
MEMBRE & SENATEUR - Jean Demoy: An eager, determined man. [Vasuv]
MEMBRE & SENATEUR - Antoine La'Biere: Having spent his life on Montelimar Base, he seeks to learn about the outside world and is determined to prove himself out in the wide world. [GrnRaptor]
MEMBRE & SENATEUR - Sorien LeBlanc: Competent and intuitive, he has a good sense for what's going on. He has good diplomatic potential as well. [Johnathan Nox Carter]
MEMBRE & TRIBUN - Lucas Ricard: Sharing many of the Unione Corse's core values, Ricard is highly regarded in his work as a Tribun. [Moveit56]
MEMBRE & SENATEUR - Auguste Roux: Born on Bourbon Base, Roux is more of a royalist than most. He is also a skilled freighter pilot. [Gorva]
MEMBRE - Novak Starsunder: He works for the Corse from somewhat of a Freelancer's perspective, and is a former Libertonian citizen who lives in Gallia under a four year permit. [Starsunder]
ASPIRANT - Royce Caliot: A former employee of GMS, he has followed his family in joining the Unione Corse. Although his main interest is in transporting, this man is a curious sort.[Echilon]
ASPIRANT - Jose Nivalgo: This man has long been a Corsican, but retired early after making a good fortune. Back at the job after his long break, he as a well-rounded businessman that knows how to deal with customers of all sorts.[Lanakov]

[Image: 34q4ltg.png]
Technology Usage
Primary: Unione Corse [100%], Gallic Brigands [90%]
Seconday: Gallic Civilian [100%], Sirian Civilian [75%]
Tertiary (Requires permission from HC): Hogosha [75%], Council [90%]

Special or Noteworthy Ships and Squadrons
UCN-Minerva: A liner modified to equip a pair of docking bays, this vessel serves as the 'flagship' of the Unione Corse. [Lucullus]
UCN-Veilleur: This freighter, cloak capable, has been tasked for reconnaissance missions, and is permitted to fly outside the normal Zone of Operation. Veilleur is currently assigned to Tribun Durand. [Courier]
Alterer Squadron: These fighters are larger and heavier than the Cuirassier Noirs, providing the ability to use experimental weaponry and Class 2 turrets. [Coubres & Pliers]
Coffre: Usually stationed at Bastia Base, this freighter is used to store experimental weaponry. [Aurochs]

Zone of Influence: Gallia, Taus, Gallic Bretonia, Kyushu
Zone of Operation: Kusari, Bretonia Borderworlds, Bretonia House Space, Sigmas, Liberty, Omicron-Alpha, Omicron-80, Baffin, Coronado, Cortez, Magellan, Upper Omegas, New Berlin, Stuttgart, Hudson, Bering, Kepler, Galileo

Registered Bounty BoardsImportant LinksTo the Admins
The required amount of 500 million credits can be found on " [UC]-Recueillir ".

Edit One: 2 March 2013 [Post #16, Page 2]
Edit Two: 10 May 2013 [Post #17, Page 2]
Edit Three: 29 May 2013 [Post #19, Page 2]

Author's Note
The Corse is a fun faction to roleplay as, since they have a rather unique position. It's the main focus of the Unione Corse, making PvP not a very high priority, for there aren't many groups which we fight. The Corse faction also provides a good balance of time with a military faction, because you'll have something different to do if you switch from one to the other. There is however a slight downside to the RP focus; it's sometimes a bit complex for new recruits.

Speaking of new recruits, I admittedly didn't know half of what I should have when I first started this faction seven months ago. Of course, we've gotten better over time, and with the help of many, [UC] has made it at least this far.

On another note, we've always been fairly active, but I was surprised at my last time check. At January 2nd, we had over six days of time.

Feel free to drop a comment here, feedback is much appreciated.
[Image: i376u1.png]

RE: The Unione Corse [UC] - Exdeathevn - 01-13-2013

[UC]'s money-making-addicted Commandant here just saying that I support this request.
I've spent far too much time role-playing in a single faction now that I probably hold a biased opinion (and rarely use anything else), but being in UC has been a blast so far and will definitely continue to be in the future.

Looking forward to more encounters in-game and hearing any feedback on this, ladies & gents. Smile

RE: The Unione Corse [UC] - Pinko - 01-13-2013

This has my unconditional support on a "This should be official" level.

Edit: Now for my nitpicks: You haven't mentioned the Gaians, how the Corse has betrayed them by selling their position to the Royal Navy, and then afterwards established a trade relationship with them to acquire Synthetic Marijuana as a softer alternative to Nox.

A second nitpick: smuggling is barely mentioned in the whole thing, but eh.

RE: The Unione Corse [UC] - Manticore - 01-13-2013

The [UC] has my support as well. Active, good RPers, and I've never had a bad encounter with one of them.

Best of luck!

RE: The Unione Corse [UC] - Teerin - 01-13-2013

(01-13-2013, 08:08 AM)Dancing Lady Wrote: You haven't mentioned the Gaians

I created the diplomacy list based off of in-game encounters, and since we haven't had contact with them, they aren't mentioned. However, you do have a very good point there. Perhaps I should speak with MacAulay; his new group needs some interaction.

RE: The Unione Corse [UC] - SummerMcLovin - 01-13-2013

(01-13-2013, 03:33 AM)Teerin Wrote: Speaking of new recruits, I admittedly didn't know half of what I should have when I first started this faction seven months ago. Of course, we've gotten better over time, and with the help of many, [UC] has made it at least this far.

As I said to you on Skype, I do remember your early efforts with the faction but that means I was able to see it improve. When I eventually joined, I was particularly impressed with all the organisation and effort put in by the HC.

Just the one problem, you took too long to post your officiality request! Tongue

RE: The Unione Corse [UC] - Pinko - 01-14-2013

Also, I'm wondering, your second objective states that you covertly assist the rebellion against the throne, what do you base yourself on for this objective ? Is that a liberal interpretation of the Corse? I'm not saying you should side with the Crown, but I'm curious. They're mostly unaligned, if I base myself on the lore I was given, a few of the rumors on the topic being Councilmen finding Corses to be unreliable at best.

RE: The Unione Corse [UC] - Teerin - 01-14-2013

I could have chosen to support the Gallic Crown, fight against it openly, or somewhere in between. Choosing to work covertly against them fits the third option, of course. However, this group does work with the GRN from time to time, shooting at Outcasts and such.

This way, each character can have a slightly different alignment towards the Crown, making it a lot more fun. This is also what made me come up with the idea of having a senate. With each family being able to voice their view, it brings "Unione" to Corse, whilst maintaining some unreliability if it cannot come to a consensus. "Indies", rare as they are, could be easily explained as not being part of the senate.

Then again, when you look at the Council, they're also a bit quirky. Read over their description in the diplomacy list, that should help.

RE: The Unione Corse [UC] - Yber - 02-09-2013

I've liked what I've seen so far, roleplay and pewpew, but only in Taus. Shouldn't you also move around bretonia's borders and gallia?

RE: The Unione Corse [UC] - farmerman - 02-11-2013

Money has been taken and the Unione Corse has been added to the tracker.