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How many ships? - Printable Version

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How many ships? - Dragon1980 - 01-13-2013

Hello can anyone lighten me up?

How many ships is permitted per account? I`ve tried to look in Discovery Rules and found nothing. As far I remember from old rules it was 5 ships?

RE: How many ships? - Dragon1980 - 01-13-2013

OPSS wrong post. I`am sorry I`ve shold post it at tutorials and help. Requesting Moderator to move it thanks in advance..

RE: How many ships? - Alvin - 01-13-2013

There is no rule as far as I'm concerned, the maximum load for the game client is 5 anyway. You can have as many account and ships as you want, just multi-boxing is mostly not allowed

RE: How many ships? - Coin - 01-13-2013

freelancer account manager or launchpad will help here.

you can have as many ships as you like. including shared accounts, i have over 9000 60

RE: How many ships? - Dragon1980 - 01-13-2013

Ok thanks! well time it is time to familiarize with those programs.