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Lost Account - Printable Version

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Lost Account - NinjrKillr - 01-18-2013

Turns out I misplaced my main account when the Account Generator messed with my FAM database. I've got an account listed with the exact same details as my Main, however it's banned - and I'm told my main account isn't banned.

My characters were:

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

RE: Lost Account - fencore - 01-18-2013

Did you reinstall like I told you to do?

RE: Lost Account - NinjrKillr - 01-19-2013

Yep. I've got another account working perfectly fine at the moment. Reason I thought my main account was still banned was the Account Generator tweaked my main's code, so it was technically different - it got banned, and I still thought it was my main. *shrug*.

RE: Lost Account - NinjrKillr - 01-22-2013

It's been a few days, just wondering if there's been any progress? I'd love to play on these characters.

RE: Lost Account - fencore - 01-23-2013

To the PM box!