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Friendly nomad gunboat at Manhattan? - Printable Version

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Friendly nomad gunboat at Manhattan? - nucleardud - 01-18-2013

Hello. Yesterday I saw a nomad gunboat flying by Manhattan. When I started to RP as a navy patrol trying to get it to leave, it first sent me visions of nomads shooting each other and the losing side going to Manhattan, and then visions that were supposed to suggest (according to what the player said later) that the leaders of liberty were allowing them to stay. After I left the nomad because I was being called by a navy ship requesting help against multiple people shooting him, the nomad player sent me oorp messages complaining that I should freshen up on recent RP and how stupid indy navy were always shooting him.

I searched the liberty navy faction status thread, the navy subforum, and then the entire forum for any instructions saying that nomads or certain nomads shouldnt be attacked by navy. So was this player trying to lie himself out being shot, or is what he said correct and where is one supposed to find this? If he is correct, isn't it rather unrealistic to expect not to be shot and complain about it oorp, considering that almost everyone here played the single player campaign, but only a small portion read forum RP? Even after searching the entire forum for any such instructions from the navy leadership I couldn't find them, so how can he expect to not be shot at if he flies near Manhattan?

RE: Friendly nomad gunboat at Manhattan? - Haste - 01-18-2013

I was mildly annoyed, that's correct, but probably shouldn't have complained at you. Sorry for that.

Anyhow, read this:

As for the 'instructions', I believe a fair number of indies have been told of the above, and therefore generally refrain from shooting nomads (which are not clearly on the Harbinger side) on sight.

RE: Friendly nomad gunboat at Manhattan? - AshHill07 - 01-18-2013

The thing is, IRP, not a huge ammount of people know about this.

Of all of my chars only the Captain of the California knows WHY this sort of things going on. And the only reason why he knows is because [LN] command told SFC| command and the information filtered down. I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if none of the indies knew about this.

RE: Friendly nomad gunboat at Manhattan? - Laura C. - 01-18-2013

Maybe there is some agreement between Navy and these "nomads against nomads" warriors, but I really doubt it allows nomad ships to stay around Manhattan. This deal is top secret and Liberty navy/government would have serious trouble to explain their common citizens why the hell there are nomads flying around in their capital system and planet and nobody is doing anything with it. Official attitude of government (what I know) is somewhere between "nomads don´t exist" and "yes, you heard about nomad war, this is true but there is no threat to liberty".

They really can´t say, "hey hey, these nomads are good nomads, we have peace with them, they are friends, so it´s okay to let them fly in our systems..."

I just want to say that if you want to RP with any nomad ship, you should´t do it at so busy and sensitive place as Manhattan is, and I believe that Navy job is still to kick you out of there (sure, better without any shooting) before rumours start to spread around.

RE: Friendly nomad gunboat at Manhattan? - nucleardud - 01-18-2013

(01-18-2013, 03:23 PM)Laura C. Wrote: I just want to say that if you want to RP with any nomad ship, you should´t do it at so busy and sensitive place as Manhattan is, and I believe that Navy job is still to kick you out of there (sure, better without any shooting) before rumours start to spread around.

Im doing missions at the moment to set up another ship, and he same nomad is there again, 14k from Manhattan.

And if its rumors...

As far as I know navy personnel don't act on rumors, they act on orders. So if the navy doesn't want its members to shoot nomads, they should put out clear orders, or the nomads should stop complaining if they get attacked in navy zone of influence.

RE: Friendly nomad gunboat at Manhattan? - Haste - 01-18-2013

True. That's why I was 20k above the plane and stayed at about 30k distance from Manhattan's mooring fixture / newark / etc, though.

I'll be honest here, the only reason I really get that close to Manhattan at all is generally because of low server population at times. I was just looking for some =LSF= I noticed were in New York, and they weren't at Norfolk, West Point, etcetera.

Point taken, however.

RE: Friendly nomad gunboat at Manhattan? - nucleardud - 01-18-2013

Ironically, the moment you just told me I was right in pm, I jumped to California (the mission I was doing to finish setting up sent me there) and right behind the gate I saw a nomad cruiser. He said ***This one sees/feels "Defender of the flag"*** and started shooting me. I asked a navy cruiser which I had passed a minute before for help, and he says he can't assist because he's on relay duty, what ever that means. While I was typing I got blown up, I was a guardian with class 8 shields and no armor, which contributed to it. Even more ironically, I saw the nomad cruiser was in group chat with you. Is it me, or is there something seriously broken with nomads in this mod/community? Oh, and when I saw you at Manhattan today you were not 20 k above the planet, you were 13k from the planet and on the Detroit Munitions lane. And when I told you the same thing which I said in the first post here, you were not to understanding as you are here now.

RE: Friendly nomad gunboat at Manhattan? - AshHill07 - 01-18-2013

(01-18-2013, 04:25 PM)nucleardud Wrote: Ironically, the moment you just told me I was right in pm, I jumped to California (the mission I was doing to finish setting up sent me there) and right behind the gate I saw a nomad cruiser. He said ***This one sees/feels "Defender of the flag"*** and started shooting me. I asked a navy cruiser which I had passed a minute before for help, and he says he can't assist because he's on relay duty, what ever that means. While I was typing I got blown up, I had class 8 shields and no armor, which contributed to it. Even more ironically, I saw the nomad cruiser was in a group with you. Is it me, or is there something seriously broken with nomads in this mod/community? Oh, and when I saw you at Manhattan today you were not 20 k above the planet, you were 13k from the planet and on the Detroit Munitions lane. And when I told you the same thing which I said in the first post here, you were not to understanding as you are here now.

Would that have been the same K'Hara Nomad cruiser me and a few =LSF= guys annialated in Cali about 10 mins ago?

RE: Friendly nomad gunboat at Manhattan? - nucleardud - 01-18-2013

Could be, when I came back to continue missions elsewhere the cruiser I asked earlier told me that the nomad had been destroyed.

RE: Friendly nomad gunboat at Manhattan? - ryoken - 01-18-2013

(01-18-2013, 03:12 PM)AshHill07 Wrote: The thing is, IRP, not a huge ammount of people know about this.

Of all of my chars only the Captain of the California knows WHY this sort of things going on. And the only reason why he knows is because [LN] command told SFC| command and the information filtered down. I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if none of the indies knew about this.

Some of us do, but at this point no Official RP has been posted in and of the navy or LSF forums.
Rule wise indies also do not have to follow this RP as it is not canon, so i see blue i kill it.
And last until navy or LSF posts this "truce" and until they start giving names of who is, and is not hostile it is utterly stupid RP.
It is like saying some of the HF are friendly to navy, and some are not. Who the hell would know which ones.
If some nomads what to be friendly? They best be getting a new TAG for those ships. Right now i see nomad it is hostile, and kill on site unless a high ranking [LN] or =LSF= is around telling me not to kill it.
After all we all remember when Rhienland was brain washed by Nomads, so how do we know this is not what is happening in Liberty?