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New Hope Recruitment Office, Coronado System - Printable Version

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New Hope Recruitment Office, Coronado System - Crayter Republic - 01-21-2013

[Image: colprop2alt.png]

Whether brought along with your nation, through desperation or drawn by a cause, your journey takes you to the Coronado system. The shuttle drops you off at Camp New Hope, only a short distance from the recruitment centre. Coming out of the cold, there is the main desk for the Military offices, and a smaller stall next to a stack of crates with a couple of laid-back guys hanging around beside it.

After walking up to the Military desk, you are given the following form.

The application below is for the para-military of the Republic. If you wish to join the para-military then apply here. Ontop of this there is a oath towards the bottom of this transmission which is a oath for the Nyx as your weapon. It is a required and necessary or you will fail your application. Good luck.

[color=#FFFFFF][indent]Crayterian Fleet Database Entry #F-1752
Relevant Experience:
Your reasons for applying to the Military:[/indent][/color]

Crayterian Civilian Database Entry #C-5239 Wrote:What would become known as the “Colonial Movers” started long ago, in the exodus from Crayter. Today, the Colonial Republic calls upon its oldest and most able handed transport captains, bolstered by ranks of fresh young kids, flying transports until age permits them to join fighting units. This loose fraternity of transport skippers, both young and old, are the new Atlas, balancing the economy of the Colonial Republic on its shoulders. It’s a dangerous galaxy, but like all true Colonials, these old sailors and bright-eyed youths take to the job with the same strength of spirit as their brothers, sisters, sons, and daughters in the military.

Alternatively, you have a chat with the guys near the crates....
[color=#FFFFFF]What do we call you?
How old are you?
Where you from?
Tell us about yourself.
Why do you want to be a Mover?[/color]

Parliament of Crayter Republic
Crayter Republic Parliament

// OORP Section;
1) How long have you been on Discovery?

2) What characters and ships have you had thus far?

3) How often do you normally play/come online for?

4) What is your Skype username?[/indent][/indent]

RE: New Hope Recruitment Office, Coronado System - Reid - 01-25-2013

Name: Stian Pilkvist
Age: 35
Birthplace: Altair, Capella system
Biography: Stian was born on Planet Altair in the Capella system. His father, an archaeologist named Malte, his mother, a transport captain named Teresa, and his younger brother Mathias populated the family in Crayter. Shortly after entering his teen years, Stian became fascinated with fighter craft, and started making plans to become a security pilot. However, this changed when Stian and Mathias left their parents behind in the Exodus from Crayter. Stian and Mathias followed along until the Planetform Exodus, when Stian left the others to become a mercenary in the Omega systems. After the colonization of Tau-44, Stian decided to return, but took break from spaceflight. During the GRN incursion into Tau-44, Stian returned to a fighter ship to help people escape before the battle. But once again, settling on Pecos, Stian returned to civilian life.
Relevant Experience: Basic Pilot's Training (taken in the Capella system), Mercenary for hire after the Planetform Exodus, Escort pilot during exodus of Tau-44
Your reasons for applying to the Military: I have experience in fighter ships, and the Republic needs every man it can get

//ooRP Section

1) How long have you been on Discovery?
A year and a half, since June 2011

2) What characters and ships have you had thus far?
Too many to count

3) How often do you normally play/come online for?
I'm on Skype almost all day every day, and I usually log in if a chat pings for people needed

4) What is your Skype username?

RE: New Hope Recruitment Office, Coronado System - Whiplash058 - 01-26-2013

Name: James "Crytek" Hawk

Age: 21

Birthplace: Barrier Gate Station

Biography: Hello I'm James, but my friends call me Crytek. I was born on the Barrier Gate Station. My father was killed by Outcasts while escorting a group of Colonial freighters on a trade run. My mother died of cancer when I was only twelve. I had been working on the Barrier Gate as a cargo loader until I was offered a job as an escort for local traders. I have sense been protecting traders from Outcast raids and Rouge, and hacker attacks.

Relevant Experience: I have been flying escort to traders sense I was 19

Reason for joining the military: I want to join a better organized group of seasoned fighters, and avenge my father by helping clear out the outcasts from the taus.

I hope to hear from you soon

RE: New Hope Recruitment Office, Coronado System - Dane Summers - 01-26-2013

[Image: ColonialBroadcast.gif]

Applicant Pilkvist

Your application to the Colonial Military Flight School is ACCEPTED

You will now be granted preliminary interview - should you pass this interview, you will be granted the rank of WARRANT OFFICER.

All other information will be given by your CO

- of the -
Quarter Master

RE: New Hope Recruitment Office, Coronado System - Dane Summers - 01-26-2013

[Image: ColonialBroadcast.gif]

Applicant Hawk

Your application is currently under REVIEW

Once discussed by Senior Command, we will inform you of our decision.

Thank you for your patience.

- of the -
Quarter Master

RE: New Hope Recruitment Office, Coronado System - Wraga - 02-06-2013

Name: Tiberias Blasius
Age: 39
Birthplace: Crayter
Biography: The family of Tiberias lived in East-Europe in the Sol era under communist oppression. His parents were members of the resistance against communist goverment. Since those bloody murderers forced the family to emigrate from their homeland they left East-Europe and joined the Eastern-European Resistance Forces in Germany. His family was one of the lucky ones, who travelled with the explorers of the Sleeper Ship Orion.

After the arrival into Sirius, the family established. Since the resistance against any kind of oppression is a family tradition, he would like to join into the ranks of the Colonial Republic and find his own destiny.

Relevant Experience: Semi-Professional Scout Training Program. Universal degree about middle to upper class fighter/bomber usage. Basic Qualifications Interceptor and Short-Term escort training.
Your reasons for applying to the Military: Since one of my friend already member of the Colonial Movers, I would like to help him and protect the interestings of the Colonial Republic while force the gauls to retire.

//ooRP Section

1) How long have you been on Discovery?
Since around 2009

2) What characters and ships have you had thus far?
Ah, a lot.

3) How often do you normally play/come online for?
Depends on my free time. Several times a week

4) What is your Skype username?

RE: New Hope Recruitment Office, Coronado System - SummerMcLovin - 02-07-2013

[Image: RogerAnders.png]

Tiberias Blasius,

You, your ancestors and all the descendants between the two have shared the values that came to be what defines the Colonial people - your decision to fight for your people is a noble one. The Gauls and other oppressors will know no victory as long as we stand.

You are accepted as a Warrant Officer of the Colonial Military. Head through to the quartermaster, who will assist with your and your new ship's outfitting.

James Hawk,

We are still awaiting the rest of your application. "For those we left behind" is not intended to mean those who stay behind themselves.

With all due regards,
Commander Roger Anders

RE: New Hope Recruitment Office, Coronado System - Iker Casilla - 02-08-2013

Name: Spike Bebop
Age: 21
Birthplace: -unknown-
Biography: I did`t remember who was my family and where I was born. 20 years ago an IMG pilot Jet Black discovered my escape pod in Tau-44 System and beacome my father. He told me what happened there. He captured an S.O.S. signal from an IMG ship. Unfortunately he had arrived late. The ship was destroyed by some GRN fighter, I was the only surviver.
With time I became a fighter pilot, Jet teached me all useful maneuvers to protect myself, and how can i be a deathly threat to my enemies. Jet was killed by GRN into a bloody battle when Gallia came onto the scene in Tau War. After Colonials appeared I decided to join the Military to avenge him and our home.

Relevant Experience: Long Range/Short Range Escort Pilot training, HF/VHF Pilot training("Bebop skills"), and occasionally merchant (long range routes).

Your reasons for applying to the Military: The first reason is to reclaim our land from enemys to establish our home, and I want revenge.

//ooRP Section

1) How long have you been on Discovery?
since Jan. 2013

2) What characters and ships have you had thus far?
huhh.. too many

3) How often do you normally play/come online for?
I can it every day (Exceptions the special days, i mean holidays, exams)

4) What is your Skype username?

RE: New Hope Recruitment Office, Coronado System - SummerMcLovin - 02-10-2013

[Image: RogerAnders.png]

Spike Bebop,

The Guild have many good people in their ranks, and have been friends of ours for some time. It is unfortunate you were caught up in 'our mess', but your resolve shall go undoubted. For those we left behind.

Following your interview, you have been accepted as a Warrant Officer in the Colonial Military. Good luck out there, and do try to keep the new ship intact.

With all due regards,
Commander Roger Anders

RE: New Hope Recruitment Office, Coronado System - Zephyranthes - 02-13-2013

Name: Alyosha Garza

Age: 28 (Born September 4th, 790 A.S.)

Birthplace: Freeport 7 (Destroyed), Sigma-17

Biography: My parents, Julio Garza and Esmeralda Martinez, were Corsairs by birth who took part in the trademark piracy and raids that they're known for. At some point, they met each other, and both vowed to desert, becoming Zoners. After wandering the sector for some time, they both settled in Freeport 7, where they eventually conceived me in 790 A.S.

My father and mother both taught me how to pilot a starship from a very young age, with my father taking me and my mother on many of his freighter runs to Freeport 6 in Tau-29. I grew up hearing about the battles and daring adventures they both partook in as Corsairs. At the age of ten, whilst we were away on a run to Freeport 6, news came that Freeport 7 had been destroyed by unknown assailants. Young as I was, I understood what that this event meant we had to find a new place to stay. We heard news of a place called Planet Gran Canaria in the Omegas, a seemingly idyllic world free from House control. There is where we traveled, making a home in the fertile countryside.

As I aged and matured into a man, so heightened my desire to break free from the planet and explore the stars from which I was birthed. At the age of nineteen, I told my parents my plans of leaving on a freighter bound for Liberty. They gave me enough financial aid to make sure I was secure, and gave me their blessings. A couple weeks later, I boarded the Firefly-class transport Don Quijote, and became friends with the transport pilot, Benjamin Anders. After a long voyage, we finally arrived on Planet Erie, in the Pennsylvania system.

For a good five years, I spent my days mining the Ralston Ice Field for helium, little by little earning enough money to purchase my own fighter. When the time came, I took a trip to Planet Manhattan, and purchased my first ship, a CTE-HF Kingfisher. I wandered from system to system, taking up different jobs along the way, meeting new people. I met a man named Logan Morris at some point on Planet Leeds, and we entered into a partnership, taking on missions and bounties together for a 50:50 split of the profit. A good portion of my cut was sent to my family back on Gran Canaria, and still is.

The day that perhaps changed everything was when a rogue Liberty carrier began to wreak havoc and destruction throughout the Republic's space, and me and Morris were hired to assist in taking out. By this point I had traded in my old Kingfisher for a Havoc Mk II, and participated in the many skirmishes against the carrier. It felt good to fight for a cause, to defend innocent people, instead of for my next paycheck.

I wandered the sector yet again, this time with the intent of searching for a cause to join, eventually running the Gallic Royal Navy's blockade of the Orkney-Languedoc jump holes. There, I made way through Gallia, dodging the attempts by the GRN to destroy my little ship. I arrived at the Council's homeworld of Planet Marne in the Burgundy system. To my horror, the people there were forced to live in squalor and depravity, conditions made so by the Gallic government. Yet to my amazement, these people still had the burning hope and desire of freedom in their hearts. It was this same cause that carried me to the Colonial Republic's capital of New Hope, where I had come to empathize with their struggle of being chased out of their home. The people of Marne taught me of the values of freedom and never giving up hope, a sentiment that I hope to fight for as a member of the Colonial Military.

Relevant Experience: Basic flight training, combat flight training, flew a fighter for two years, and flew a bomber for two years.

Your reasons for applying to the Military: Knowing what it's like to lose a home myself, I cannot help but empathize not only with the loss of the Colonial people, but with the hope of a brighter future over the horizon. After seeing the horrible atrocities committed by Gallia's government in both the Taus and their own systems, I know that they must be prevented from making any more transgressions against humanity.

OORP Section
1) How long have you been on Discovery?
Janurary, 2013
2) What characters and ships have you had thus far?
Three, one deleted, two active.
3) How often do you normally play/come online for?
Almost always on during the weekends, infrequently during the week. My timezone is Eastern Standard (GMT -5).
4) What is your Skype username?