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To: GMG - Printable Version

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To: GMG - JudgeYohance - 01-24-2013

From: Judicial Order
Subject: Negotiation of equipment
Encryption: Private channel- Class 3

Greetings GMG,

I am Senior Judge Yohance of the Judicial Order. I am here today as a representative of the Judges and at their behest, to open a dialog with your leadership.

While our operational zones are of great distance to one another, we are well aware of the high level of science your organization as achieved over the years. While I personally would enjoy a chance to see your labs, I was sent to specifically discuss your specialized weapon technology. The Judicial Order would like to negotiate for access to these armaments.

As is standard for any agreement such as this we would of course agree to never use these weapons against any member of the GMG or it's subsidiaries.

We are fully aware of the sensitive nature of the technology we are requesting. As such, I would be happy to meet your leadership at the location of your choosing, to discuss the specifics of such an agreement between our respective groups.

While I have high hopes for this negotiation, at the least, I hope that this opening of dialog will begin a bridge of friendship between our people's.

May honor find you and yours.

Senior Judge Yohance

RE: To: GMG - lionel - 01-26-2013

[Image: niigata3.png]
Incoming transmission
… GMG Encryption …

Konnichiwa Judge Yohance,
I have been informed we do not have your organizations credentials on file.
Therefore please submit the following information for our review.

Quote:GMG Weapons TLP - Leasee Information
Full name of Organization:
Affiliation ID:
Name of Leader:
Current Status with GMG:
List purpose and goals of your organization:
Describe justification for use of GMG weapon technology:
Please allow a few days for our board to complete the review and I will send a reply.
Arigato for your patience.

Yori Suzu
Executive Assistant, Gas Miners Guild

End of transmission

RE: To: GMG - JudgeYohance - 01-28-2013

Konnichiwa Mr. Suzu,

Thank you for the response. Yesterday I got to meet with several members of the GMG and I must say I thoroughly enjoyed the conversation. As requested, here is the lease information requested.

GMG Weapons TLP - Leasee Information

Full name of Organization: Judicial Order

Affiliation ID: Freelancer

Name of Leader: Supreme Judge Logan

Current Status with GMG: Neutral/Friendly ( No official contact has been established until this point, however we believe in friendly cooperation with the lawfuls and corporations of Sirus)

List purpose and goals of your organization: I have arranged a link to our database which can be located (here) however for simplicity, the basic goals are...
• To help bring order back to a chaotic universe
• To stem the tide of piracy against the civilian population
• To rebuild Tanhouser Gate and the great library of human history it once held
• To reunite the original four house in peace as our predecessors had seen

Describe justification for use of GMG weapon technology:

Our organization is beginning to incorporate several additional craft to compliment our VHF and Bomber units as hostilities between ourselves and several pirate groups are beginning to heat up. As a peace keeping organization, while we prefer not to battle, when we do, we wish to make sure we have the equipment necessary to do so.

The justification I offer you for use of the GMG guns is that we can better protect the people as peacekeepers only if we have the ability to do so. Your weapons can help us do that.

We hope your find this to your satisfaction.

May honor find you and yours,
Senior Judge Yohance

RE: To: GMG - Gas Miners Guild - 01-30-2013

[Image: niigata3.png]
Incoming transmission
… GMG Encryption …

Konnichiwa Judge Yohance,
The GMG board has offered the following path in order to use our fighter weapons.

Quote:GMG Weapons TLP
GMG will license the “Judicial Order” organization the use of GMG fighter weapons as long as the following are fulfilled and conditions remain met. GMG fighter weapons include Skyblast photon blasters and Skyblast photon turrets.
1) The Judicial Order will make a 150,000,000 SC deposit to “GMG|Armoury”. A non-refundable transaction. Send proof of transaction.
2) The Judicial Order is required to destroy two Outcast vessels within GMG space. Proof of ID, location, and time is required.
3) The Judicial Order is required to destroy two Corsair vessels within GMG space. Proof of ID, location, and time is required.
The lease will be canceled if, the client uses the weapons to attack GMG resources or GMG allies, a third party gains control of your vessel voluntarily or involuntarily, or any Judicial member violates GMG Territory Laws.
GMG Territory Laws may be found here.
Note: GMG weapons are sealed units and may only be repaired on a GMG facility. Proprietary algorithms auto-clear if seal integrity is compromised.

Supreme Judge Logan
Judicial Order

In your replies, please include a signed copy of this agreement, proof of payment, and other documents required as they are appropriated.
Once payment and all documents are fulfilled I will inform where the weapons may be acquired.
I wish you good hunting.

Yori Suzu
Executive Assistant, Gas Miners Guild

End of transmission

RE: To: GMG - Judge Logan - 03-03-2013

I destroyed one Outcast this day

The ID Tag: [Image: ID_zps13a02e6b.jpg]

The Kill:[Image: kill_zpsf39e5858.jpg]

The Location: [Image: location_zpse9acf700.jpg]

Honor Justice Duty
Supreme Judge Logan

RE: To: GMG - Gas Miners Guild - 03-04-2013

[Image: niigata3.png]
Incoming transmission
… GMG Encryption …

Konnichiwa Judge Yohance,
The GMG Guild Masters have notified me to relay this to you and your organization.

“The proposed contract has not been fulfilled to date and further evidence recently received has caused us to reconvene on this opportunity.
GMG are an honorable organization and will only engage in agreements with those who uphold similar values.
Evidence reviewed will remain within GMG databases.
Consider this proposed TLP agreement canceled without consideration.

In addition we do not condone private police groups within GMG space.
Therefore all vessels and personnel relating to your organization shall remain outside of GMG systems.
To do otherwise will result in your demise.”
GMG Board

It is unfortunate that I must deliver such news. Consider this communication channel closed.

Yori Suzu
Executive Assistant, Gas Miners Guild

RE: To: GMG - Judge Logan - 03-05-2013

Dear Yori Suzu:

I find it deeply unfortunate that you do not honor your agreement of some 34 days ago. To my knowledge we had given no offense to the GMG and I find your statement of “honorable similar values” to be at best spurious. However, the ships and guns are yours and you may of course decide anything you wish. We did have one ship equipped with Skyblasts for equipment testing and verification as mentioned in initial discussions. I will of course order that ship to de-equip those weapons at once.

Please do NOT threaten us with statements such as “To do otherwise will result in your demise.” Threats are below the dignity of great men and can be misconstrued by small minded men. One “Fatboy Reaver” has already contacted you, showing what small minded men can misconstrue. He is of no consequence. We shall do our best to stay out of GMG space and wish you well.

Honor Justice Duty
Supreme Judge Logan

RE: To: GMG - Asbestos - 03-05-2013

[Image: tarokatsuorevamp.png]
To: Judge Yohance
From: Guild Master Taro Katsuo
Location: Shuri Base, Okinawa

Konbanwa Judge Yohance.

This whole affair is an unfortunate one, indeed. We will never feel the obligation to uphold to any sorts of agreements with those who would misuse our trust.

Though I'm having difficulty understanding one thing... You claim one of the Reavers contacted us, but I just cannot get my head around how you possibly would know of such a thing, if it were to be true.

Judge Yohance, do not mistake the Guild for making idle threats. I promise you, it is no threat, it's a guarantee. Stay away from our systems, if you value your lives more than your honour.

Guild Master Taro Katsuo,