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GB Pulse Impact Effect Change? - Printable Version

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GB Pulse Impact Effect Change? - Veygaar - 01-28-2013

'ello chaps.
So I want to know if I can get the GB Pulse Hit animation effect removed entirely.

1. Would it be allowed?
2. How do I do it?

RE: GB Pulse Hit Effect Change? - pitockm - 01-28-2013 makes some FPS will be great if it get changed some how...

RE: GB Pulse Hit Effect Change? - Veygaar - 01-29-2013

Solution found.

Discovery Freelancer 4.86.0\DATA\FX\WEAPONS/weapons_ale

nickname = infernocannon_gunboat_ammo
hp_type = hp_gun
requires_ammo = false
hit_pts = 2
hull_damage = 700
energy_damage = 10000
one_shot_sound = fire_capship_emp_small
munition_hit_effect = dsy_inferno_impact
const_effect = dsy_inferno_proj
lifetime = 2.500000
force_gun_ori = false
mass = 1
volume = 0.000100

"dsy_inferno_impact" from "munition_hit_effect = dsy_inferno_impact"

Anti-Cheat wont mess with ya. Tested.
No more FPS lagging Pulse shots.

RE: GB Pulse Impact Effect Change? - AeternusDoleo - 01-29-2013

Yyyea, I'd advise against messing with the weapons equip INI file (which is what the section you posted is from) - as it also governs the damage done by the weapon, the anticheat will pick up on changes to it I wager.
Instead, either remove the ALE effect file itself (will cause FLSPEW logfile errors, but shouldn't impact the game) or try and edit the corresponding entry in effects_ale.ini: Find the effect you want to alter (in this case "dsy_inferno_impact") and remove it entirely from the file.