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To: LPI, LN & LSF Command. - Printable Version

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To: LPI, LN & LSF Command. - - Eon - - 01-29-2013

++++|Incomming Transmission|++++

User ID: Vanae, E, Oris
Callsign: Sierra-17

To: any and all officers especially Command.
Subject: Hells Gate Underground.
Time: 2013-01-29 12-12:45 SMT
a Freelancer Pilot, named: Peter Bourne requested for my assistance, as i moved to follow him he informed me he found a unknown station and was not sure about what to do, the Station once in range and scanned was revealed to be a neutral station with no IFF readings or any detected defenses, this station was identified as "Hells gate station", after an attempted database search, no data was found on this station, as i have recently flown through the area only a few days ago and had not seen it then, my guess would be its recently built but by who is unknown.

i then proceeded to take a camera image of the station and location being C4.
Cockpit Cam

i have 3 theory's on possible owners, but its a wild guess and two early to determine, any data on this station will be helpful.

Unit, Sierra-17, Out.

++++|End Transmission|++++

RE: To: LPI, LN & LSF Command. - Shintaz - 01-29-2013

The base is supplied by 3 barges, protected by every unlawfull faction.

RE: To: LPI, LN & LSF Command. - - Eon - - 01-29-2013

++++|Incomming Transmission|++++

User ID: Vanae, E, Oris
Callsign: Sierra-17

To: any and all officers especially Command.
Subject: Hells Gate Underground.
Time: 2013-01-29 12-12:45 SMT
*sighs* that's the theory i feared... the most, anyone able to confirm this also?


++++|End Transmission|++++

RE: To: LPI, LN & LSF Command. - Soul Reaper - 01-29-2013

[Image: LSFINCheaderbasicV1.gif]

COMM ID: Major General Tony Mitchell, Associate Director
TARGET ID: Agent Oris
SUBJECT: Illegal Base


The station is confirmed to be an illegal station, possibly operated by the Liberty Rogues, Naval Command has already been notified, priority siege paint has been ordered.

It won't last for long.

Associate Director Tony Mitchell,
Liberty Security Force
[Image: LSFINCfooterbasicV1.gif]

RE: To: LPI, LN & LSF Command. - Timmy - 01-29-2013

>>>>Incoming transmission<<<<

Source ID: SFC|LNS-Ravager
Encryption: High


Here are full data we managed to get about the station:

Name - Hells Gate Underground
Attitude - Neutral
Location - Detroit debris field
Docking rights - Restricted

We begun siege. Already destroyed one attempt to defend this base.

Ravager out.


RE: To: LPI, LN & LSF Command. - - Eon - - 01-29-2013

++++|Incomming Transmission|++++

User ID: Vanae, E, Oris
Callsign: Sierra-17

Target ID: Major General Tony Mitchell, Associate Director
Subject: Hells Gate Underground.
Oh Greetings there, Major Sir. its an honor to hear from you.
*takes a bow of respect*
i have a high feeling you maybe right with it being under Liberty rouge control, only due to the detected presence of LR vessels in the area, at least 2 confirmed destroyers at the time.

but i would like to offer my assistance with my stationed bomber for need be if a take down on the station is made, as it would be an honor for me to take part in its decommissioning.


++++|End Transmission|++++