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Understanding Discovery Roleplay... - deepak - 06-13-2008

Greetings all,

I would like to ask a question which I somehow believe is not new. But I am afraid, unable to find its answer when I searched thru the forums. Also if this question is in the wrong section I appologise for that. I dont know where to put it.

I have immigrated like few months back from Asgard mod. Probably some of you might have known it once. After coming on this mod, I found one thing which is quite differnt then other mods.

The Roleplay on this mod allows a realperson to become a part of differnt clans / factions. In the last few months I have struggled to find a real answer to how such a roleplay helps.

I would like to state a case here. On Asgard I was a part of Marshals. A bounty Hunter faction. We not only defend our system against Outcast attacks but any pirate faction or char. As a part of the dedicated and one clan we increased our roleplay and planted a spy in one pirate clan. Since the rule of that mod stricts one to become a part of one and only one clan on one Freelancer Game ID, that made sure the secrets of the clan or faction is not shared to other rival clan.

On here I have seen some people whilst are a part of lets say hackers tagged player faction are also a part of other faction like lets say Liberty. When one person is a friend on one char and foe on other, the role play conditions gets limited.

I am just wonder what you guys think of this...

Also please understand I am not comparing the two differnt mod styles for criticising purpose but to better understand the roleplay here, so I can get adjustted to it. I can better adjust to it only when I can better understand it.

I requested a friend of mine from Marshal to try this mod too, now when the mod where they play has been taken off.

Awaiting responses.


Understanding Discovery Roleplay... - sovereign - 06-13-2008

I have characters in the Rheinland Military, the Bundschuh, Das Wilde, etc...

As such, I have access to the military's member forums, the Keepers forums, the Volksfront forums, and know plenty of stuff that could screw any given faction.

Each character is in one (1) faction. They don't know all the stuff I do. So, if it isn't relevant and in-character, I pretend I don't know it. The RM don't know where the Wilde base is. The Bundschuh don't know the intricacies of RM battleship operation. So I act accordingly. Its really easy.

If you RP as a spy, then okay, you RP as a spy. When you are found out, you are attacked as a spy, then go report what your character knows to his parent faction if he lives.

If you RP as a not-spy and use your forum access to be an RL-spy, as soon as the parent faction probes into it and finds out your source, you'll shortly get kicked from both factions, banned from both forums, and there will likely be a public thread detailing both your exploits and how neither faction will tolerate any such buggery, which will likely get you kicked from all other factions and shunned by everyone.

There was such a thing awhile back, where someone with both a Lane Hacker and an SA offered to "hack" someone the SA teamspeak password or some such. Xoria, leader of the Lane Hackers, condemned the action openly, and gave a nice threat that if they went through with it, then the admins would have a nice, shiny ban request.

We are a community, when we fight with people our characters are fighting against each other while the players fight with each other. It matters not whether you win or lose, the point is to have fun- if an action isn't fun for everyone, it usually gets condemned by most people and gets you shot if you do it. Like chasing fighters in battleships, for example.

That being said, I'd like the Darkwings to read what I just wrote. They have a "no multi-clanning" policy that causes no end of integration problems and has burned a lot of bridges.

We're all one big, happy family here, not a bunch of clans struggling for supremacy.

Understanding Discovery Roleplay... - Stoat - 06-13-2008

Well, that's what we aim to be, anyway! But Sov's right. We just wear different hats!

Understanding Discovery Roleplay... - GhostFace - 06-13-2008

Well if I read everything correctly your asking how is it RP if for example have one character for LPI and one for Liberty Rogues, well really you RP each character as if you were actually them meaning you wouldnt know each other...and like Soverign said the character doesnt know all the stuff you know..get it?

Understanding Discovery Roleplay... - Unseelie - 06-13-2008

The key is, the vast majority of the players aren't competing with one another...Sure, the factions are, and our characters may hate each other, but if we know that guy from another faction, we are less likely to do anything horrible to them. Less faction loyaty, and more group loyalty. If you look at it as if disco is the clan, and not the faction, then it makes a lot more sense how we all play together well. We play together, and who I shoot toinght may have my back tomorrow morning, so I will respect them, and know they're good folks. Makes it much harder to countenance actually doing something foul to a group if that group is part of a lot of your other groups too.

Understanding Discovery Roleplay... - deepak - 06-13-2008

Thanks a lot mates. I really appreciate your replies.

I am getting a feel of it now.

Soverign, thanks for explaining, but I didnt mean hacking as in reallife hacking teamspeak server or anything thats useless and waste of time. I got a job to handle and websites to maintain officialy and Freelancer and other games are extension of fun and make friends rather then living life on web:). But i really appreciate the way you put it.

Unselie bingo that was the upto the mark answer for my limitied understandng:P

Thank you all I got it now. Now I just need 2 bug some of my friends 2 start playing in here :DIn the past I tried but failed. hope fully this time they may agree to come.

So far I am unable to find any clan to fit it with my request pending for one. Ah it gets very boring playing with 177 players online and without having to talk with ne one, Roleplay or otherwise...!

Understanding Discovery Roleplay... - ProwlerPC - 06-13-2008

Good thread, well spoken Unselie this is the kind of answer I needed to hear as well. While I'm probably not going to jump around with a roster of different character types it does let me know how the general community plays and answers a few, what I thought at the time, contradictions.

Understanding Discovery Roleplay... - Yngen - 06-13-2008

Welcome to Discovery,

The best thing you can do to avoid misunderstandings and sour drama is get skype and consult the Discovery Communications Directory There you can communicate with all the faction leaders.

Understanding Discovery Roleplay... - Athenian - 06-13-2008

Welcome. Unselie and Svereign have said what needs to be said. Start wth one faction and if you like it try another. If you don't like it try another as well.

Understanding Discovery Roleplay... - Unseelie - 06-13-2008

(Start with mine!)

I believe the 101st would love to have some new members, as well. UoG could use a boost, but thats really me just pushing you into another empty room at the moment.....

And its not like everyone here is faction whoring like razr...I've only got one faction right now, and a bunch of indies in different camps. IF I get more active (after my camping trip) I may rebuild my SCRA, and I am currently in the process of applying for the XA....though it may kill me.