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Stolen LSF A-1 MK3 Concept now reconciled. - Printable Version

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Stolen LSF A-1 MK3 Concept now reconciled. - RmJ - 02-02-2013

The Genesis of this fighter project was a joint operation with the Liberty Upholder. However in delay of production the VHF version was never made to be submitted. So while it matured I kept revising the model till now I want to hand it off for someone else to finish.

The LSF A- MK III is the upgraded version of the Avenger. While sporting a slim clean design. - Version 1 Version 2


I win

3 hours ago User Avatar
Are you there?
33 minutes ago User Avatar
30 minutes ago User Avatar
29 minutes ago User Avatar
thanks for discussing this matter with me here
28 minutes ago User Avatar
Im actually a bit curious... why after such a long time is that 3d model a problem now?
24 minutes ago User Avatar
Because that model is going to be used. And after trying to contact the person, there hasn't been any effort to reconcile my work. It's mine, and I need my name on it or it to be removed. It's a matter of principle. It was really hard to read other people claiming it's their complete work.
24 minutes ago User Avatar
Also, There was a year lag time from discovery of this and the time the mod was released. Life gets in the way, and now that I am done with my service (my job) I finally got back home to work on it again.
23 minutes ago User Avatar
Yeah I understand that.
22 minutes ago User Avatar
I actually found out, because people on Discovery forums complained about it. First was accusing me of taking it from Crossfire, so that set a fire that hasn't been put out.
21 minutes ago User Avatar
Look, I am responsible for whats in Crossfire... in the end I am the creator of the mod and therefore you are talking to the right person atm.
21 minutes ago User Avatar
Great, I was hoping. I didn't know who is who here I haven't played Crossfire in years.
20 minutes ago User Avatar
We can openly speak about the issue since we both actually dont have a problem with each other.
Ive spend half the day to figure out what actually happened
19 minutes ago User Avatar
From my point of view we both are in a similar situation.
18 minutes ago User Avatar
Yeah, sorry I wish I could tell you the actual name of the guy his account was banned on Discovery and couldn't get him on skype. The original posting for the ship is here.

17 minutes ago User Avatar
You expected your 3d model to be used for something else... and I expected to get a 3d model from one of the players here.
17 minutes ago User Avatar
So in the end we both didnt get what we expected.
16 minutes ago User Avatar
From the same source?
15 minutes ago User Avatar
I am generally very strictly following copyright permissions here and am of course interested to get this problem solved.
If I had known that you created that ship I would have contacted you in order to ask for permission
14 minutes ago User Avatar
Even a "no" would have been acceptable since then I would have saved alot of work getting the ship fixed and finally into the mod
However, the information that this is your ship was not available to me.
The guy that got that ship from you is known under various names.... here and on discovery.
13 minutes ago User Avatar
I'm not opposed to creating another original piece, but the MKIII to MKIV is a 5 month project from an already finished product. I already figured out that the issue wasn't with the dev tea
13 minutes ago User Avatar
12 minutes ago User Avatar
just click in the chat window once if the space is not working (thats a bug in the java script)
12 minutes ago User Avatar
ill get that fixed when I have alot of time... somewhen much later Wink
10 minutes ago User Avatar
Well, like I said the guy which got the ship from you used many different names in both communities.... duck_dodgers, scorpion, zhe boss, trinity... just to name a few
10 minutes ago User Avatar
Ah yes Java winner of no one's heart. But my proposal is that a public notification of the designer of the ship to be made. I don't know if you did the texturing or...who, but...the original was a million times sexier <_<. You can retain it in the mod, since it's there and will take work to changethings
9 minutes ago User Avatar
I know almost all of them - .-'
9 minutes ago User Avatar
all the same guy
9 minutes ago User Avatar
9 minutes ago User Avatar
And thank you for your kind offer.
the current texture was done by vishnu
8 minutes ago User Avatar
I intend to revise itorStarCitizenthoughandthis....
8 minutes ago User Avatar
this guy truely was part of the Crossfire 2.0 team.... and its not that bad actually
it might be that the original texture was better but well... ive never seen it
8 minutes ago User Avatar
Well it's different from the grand visionihad.
7 minutes ago User Avatar
and yes... ehmm i know about your intention about the star citizen mod....
like i said ... ive spend half the day gathering information
about the ship... about you... about the guy which took the ship from you.... and the circumstances how everything happend
6 minutes ago User Avatar if you have your fb on for the crossfire group
6 minutes ago User Avatar
and i stumbled over your star citizen thread from today ^^
5 minutes ago User Avatar
Yeah, I made a post back around 2012 about it, but never updated so I made a new thread on SC
5 minutes ago User Avatar
well, since we are honest here.... its pretty dark
too dark for my taste ^^
5 minutes ago User Avatar
The LSF is pretty dark is Disco xD
5 minutes ago User Avatar
in black space i need some contrast ^^
4 minutes ago User Avatar
well, ok... its just my opinion
a different taste
4 minutes ago User Avatar
Oh yeah, well in game mechs was trying to make it harder to hit visually.
3 minutes ago User Avatar
Ok, how can we solve this issue now?
2 minutes ago User Avatar
If its just a matter of giving proper credits then this is absolutely no issue
2 minutes ago User Avatar
Just a public announcement describing the designer. Yes.
2 minutes ago User Avatar
Id be happy to correct this mistake.
A moment ago User Avatar
Sure, is it ok to name you and add vishnu for this "custom" texture?
A moment ago User Avatar

RE: LSF A-1 MK3 Concept - Alvin - 02-02-2013

Looks like a next generation stealth fighter in space... Certainly a intresting model nonetheless

RE: LSF A-1 MK3 Concept - RmJ - 02-02-2013

Danke, I did have it textured once but I have lost those files a while ago.

RE: LSF A-1 MK3 Concept - Pancakes - 02-03-2013

Looks like something I'd wanna have naughty stuff with. Though I am not so sure it fits in LN's line.

RE: LSF A-1 MK3 Concept - Crackpunch - 02-03-2013

That is what Batman would fly.

RE: LSF A-1 MK3 Concept - Mercarryn - 02-03-2013

Could be a useful new model for Wasupu. I like it.

RE: LSF A-1 MK3 Concept - Beckz - 02-03-2013

I want this <3

RE: LSF A-1 MK3 Concept - Savi - 02-03-2013

It's gorgeous. I vote for Havoc mk3.

RE: LSF A-1 MK3 Concept - Vrabcek - 02-03-2013

looks sexy

RE: LSF A-1 MK3 Concept - sindroms - 02-03-2013

Hmm, remove the ''horns'' otherwise I want to make some x rated furry art of it.