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Die Stukas (Unofficial. Info + Recruitment + Comms channel) - Printable Version

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Die Stukas (Unofficial. Info + Recruitment + Comms channel) - STUKA High Command - 02-03-2013

[Image: 107fla10.png]

Squadron Information:

The 107th Bomber squadron, also known as Die Stukas by it's pilots, is a volunteer unit of the Volksmarine (Peoples Navy). Pilots are typically civilians with previous military service records and backgrounds. Many of them serving or working upon various vessels of the Rheinland corporations during their normal civilian lives. The Volksmarine are called upon in times of need to reinforce or assist regular Rheinland Military units, or to take over the security of home systems whilst the fleet serves further afield. They may also be called upon to defend and escort trade vessels within Rheinland or to intercept and destroy unlawfuls and enemies of the Fatherland. Some over zealous elements of the Volksmarine (especially Die Stukas) have been known to mount lightning raids across the frontier systems into Liberty space, singling out and destroying enemy shipping and capital ships. These pilots have become known as Blitz-Jager amongst their comrades. Although such raids are officially frowned upon by the High Command, little is done to discourage them due to their undeniable frequent successes.

Pilots of 107th Die Stukas, and the Volksmarine in general, are not permanently stationed on base. They live normal lives, working normal jobs. When the call goes out to assemble, they respond rapidly, sometimes reaching full operational status in a matter of hours. Corporations employing members of the Volksmarine are required by law to release the pilots from their duties and to assist them in any way they can in returning to their assigned bases.

Geschwader designation and Operational Status:

Ship Identification: Rheinland Military
Identify Friend Or Foe Software: Rheinland Military
Unit designation: STUKA|
Base Of Operations: Brandenburg Flugplatz, Planet Hamburg.

Operational assets: 107 Geschwader is divided into 2 staffel. The Sturzkampfstaffel is the main bomber force. Pilots typically fly the Bergelmir and Fanfnir class bombers.

[Image: 254pxf10.png][Image: 254pxr10.png]

Fighter escort is supplied by the attached Jagdstaffel when no regular Military fighter cover is available. The Jagdstaffel have been assigned a small number of Phantom, Valkyrie and Wraith class fighters.

[Image: stukap10.png][Image: stukav10.png][Image: stukaw10.png]

Regulations and standing orders:

The 107th is bound by the following regulations, as laid out by the Volksmarine High Command and Rheinland Military Command;

  1. All pilots are bound by the rules of engagement governing regular Rheinland forces. These rules are hardwired into the vessels ID core programming for easy reference on the fly.
  2. All pilots are expected to obey the commands of regular Rheinland Military officers and to take no action that interferes or impedes regular forces in the course of their duties.
  3. All pilots are obliged and oath bound to observe and uphold the laws of Rheinland. Found HERE. Including enforcing and maintaining the current trade embargo with Liberty.
  4. Continuing from above; All pilots should be aware of the Rheinland criminal database and it's contents. Found HERE.
  5. Pilots are obliged and oath bound to defend the Rheinland systems, Rheinland Corporations and their assets. Any citizen of Rheinland is to be accorded assistance, escort and/or protection whilst within the recognised borders should they request it.
  6. Pilots are expected to cooperate with any members of the Rheinland Federal Police in civil matters not pertaining to the Liberty conflict.


Enlisting in Die Stukas is a relatively painless experience. Prospective pilots must be citizens of Rheinland and should report to their nearest Volksmarine enrollment office where they will be supplied their ship designation and ID. Typically for example; STUKA|Heinrich.Bauer. Upon applying the ID to their vessel, prospective pilots should contact any available Die Stuka pilot who will gladly put them through their paces and get them bomber certified.

Squadron Roster:

Sturzkampfgeschwader 107. Planet Hamburg

Callsign STG 107:Squadron Commanders: Major Sofie Gotlieb (Logistics) und Major Fritz Rammstein (Front Line Leader)


I./STG 107 Major Fritz Rammstein
II./STG 107 Major Sofie Gotlieb
III./STG 107 Leutnant Michael Schmidt
IV./STG 107 Unteroffizier Eric Hartmann
V./STG 107 Vacant

I./JG 107 Oberstleutnant Victor Von Richthofen
II./JG 107 Vacant
III./JG 107 Vacant
IV./JG 107 Vacant
V./JG 107 Vacant

RE: Die Stukas (Unofficial. Info + Recruitment) - STUKA High Command - 02-05-2013

Sender: Major Sofie Gotlieb
Subject: Updating
Protection: Low
Priority: High!

*A Video Feed starts to play*


Our New und Improved Information board has been updated! We shall be using this Board from now on! We will alsi be using this as our new Comms Channel!

Major Sofie Gotlieb Signing off

*The Video Feed Finishes*

RE: Die Stukas (Unofficial. Info + Recruitment + Comms channel) - STUKA High Command - 02-07-2013

Sender: Major Sofie Gotlieb
Subject: New Recruite
Protection: Low
Priority: High!

*A Video Feed starts to play*


We have a new recruite! Everybody please welcome Eric Hartmann. He is an old friend of mine so treat him well!

Major Sofie Gotlieb Signing off

*The Video Feed Finishes*

RE: Die Stukas (Unofficial. Info + Recruitment + Comms channel) - Moberg - 02-12-2013

>>>Establishing transmission channel
>>>Transmission channel opened

>>> Connection established
>>> Sender ID :
Leutnant Michael Schmidt, callsign STUKA|Michael.Schmidt
>>> Subject -
Destruction of Red Hessian capital ships
>>> Decrypting message -
[||||||||||||||||||||] 100%

Today, the red hessians suffered a major loss. Me, along with other Rheinland Military and Daumann Heavy Constructions craft, managed to destroy two RH-D1 "Jormungand" battleships and one RH-GM482 "Vidar" cruiser.

They attempted to siege a base constructed by Daumann Heavy Constructions. After I received the distress call, I immediately headed to the location of the base. When I arrived there, I encountered hessian battleships & cruisers attacking the base. I called reinforcements and indeed some capital ships arrived to destroy the criminals.
After some time, we successfully destroyed all sieging vessels. Guncam shots are included after this text-based message.

=[Critical damage to [RF]Red.Dragon]=
=[Killing blow from my cannons]=
=[Critical damage to Eternal.Crusader]=

>>> Ending of transmission, encrypting - [||||||||||||||||||||] 100%

>>> Transmission terminated

RE: Die Stukas (Unofficial. Info + Recruitment + Comms channel) - STUKA High Command - 02-18-2013

Sender: Major Sofie Gotlieb
Subject: New Recruite
Protection: Low
Priority: High!

*A Video Feed starts to play*


Jan Schmidt, will now be known as Michael Schmidt due to a few personal Reasons! Michael, thank you for the report as well!

Major Sofie Gotlieb Signing off

*The Video Feed Finishes*