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Changing Zoner ID - Printable Version

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Changing Zoner ID - Zen_Mechanics - 02-07-2013

Zoners ID states that it can only attack in self-defense, thats also applies to zoner guard systems and normal systems.

The ID should be altered!

- Can attack lawful and unlawful targets in self-defense, to protect another trader, or in defense of zoner systems/bases.
- May uphold the Zoner way of life within the Zoner systems, levy fines and destroy ships if they refuse to cooperate. With the notable exeption of Baffin ( As TAZ is rather different).

The fact that zoners are "neutral" doesn't mean people can spit on it.

RE: Changing Zoner ID - sindroms - 02-07-2013

Let me tell you about a post like this which was once made for the BHG ID.

This is what resulted of it:
Quote:May not enter any system containing a jumpgate while flying a cruiser or larger.

Pick one.

RE: Changing Zoner ID - Zen_Mechanics - 02-07-2013

(02-07-2013, 03:03 PM)sindroms Wrote: Let me tell you about a post like this which was once made for the BHG ID.

This is what resulted of it:
Quote:May not enter any system containing a jumpgate while flying a cruiser or larger.

Pick one.

There are no cruisers and above in house space anyway, The same as the Order cannot use Cruiser In such systems, except the ones specified ; Alaska.
Besides, it's a different case as Freeports and other zoner bases are well within systems with Gates.

RE: Changing Zoner ID - Haste - 02-07-2013

Perhaps you should change your understanding of Zoners, instead of changing Zoners to your understanding of them.

Zoners seek a life away from the houses. Away from the clashing factions within them. They want to left alone, and in turn, they leave others alone.

It makes no sense at all for them to suddenly start "upholding laws" in systems they usually have nothing but a Freeport in. In fact, there is no Zoner law.

It also seems rather foolish. What are you going to do? Shoot Outcasts and Corsairs within the Omicrons? I somehow doubt that'd improve the living standards of your fellow Zoners. And besides your neighbors, nobody really visits you without respecting your way of life anyways.

RE: Changing Zoner ID - Zen_Mechanics - 02-07-2013

(02-07-2013, 03:07 PM)Hasteric Wrote: Perhaps you should change your understanding of Zoners, instead of changing Zoners to your understanding of them.

Zoners seek a life away from the houses. Away from the clashing factions within them. They want to left alone, and in turn, they leave others alone.

It makes no sense at all for them to suddenly start "upholding laws" in systems they usually have nothing but a Freeport in. In fact, there is no Zoner law.

It also seems rather foolish. What are you going to do? Shoot Outcasts and Corsairs within the Omicrons? I somehow doubt that'd improve the living standards of your fellow Zoners. And besides your neighbors, nobody really visits you without respecting your way of life anyways.

Oh you mean the RNCS in Tau who find it funny to use FP as a sheild or a practice target? Or the outcasts who use 74 to engage war in Theta.. AGAIN IN a zoner space, Zoners have their own systems, therefore, they should have all the control, how low can u guys be?

RE: Changing Zoner ID - Haste - 02-07-2013

Yes. It seems very wise for the small, reclusive group of Zoners to shoot the Rheinland Military, Outcasts and Corsairs.

That isn't going to get you into a war - the very last thing a Zoner would want - at all. Nope. That isn't going to get your fellow Zoners killed, either. Nope.

RE: Changing Zoner ID - Zen_Mechanics - 02-07-2013

Ah, so outcasts can do whatever they want in Alpha, but zoners can't shoot anything in Delta, unless ofcourse the enemy shoots you.
Are you dumb or stuck? It has to be one of them, Zoner systems are zoner systems, they are not Ind, if u enter someone elses space, you dont bloody own it, and ur not gonna tell that faction that they can't do shit.

RE: Changing Zoner ID - Mercarryn - 02-07-2013

Quote:4.2 Official Player Factions and Guard IFF'd players for the NPC faction are free to tax, fine, pirate, and destroy any players who enter their respective guard systems.

How about you have a look at this rule: It - to my mind - clearly states that Guard IFF'ed ships are allowed several things within the guard systems.
In your situation, if you have a Zoner guard IFF and you see an Outcast doing crap in Omicron 74, you are free to shoot him - according to the rules -

And regarding zoner bases, there was more then one incident where zoners told other players to stay away from freeports during a combat and shot those who did not listen to that command.

So, why change the Zoner ID then? To have another zoner faction like ORI?

RE: Changing Zoner ID - Eduard - 02-07-2013

For the Freeport part, freeports are designated to be used by everyone. What problem could zoners have if a faction(Which has no business with them) uses their station as a vantage point to raid another faction(which still has no business with them) ?

Also, as far as I am aware, Freeports are or were owned by Freeport Administrators and these could set some laws(But I may be mistaken here) and moreover, most freeports have a no FP fire zone if I'm not mistaken

If you don't really like the current zoner lore why don't you take a FL ID and just RP as a ,,different" zoner?

Zoners ID is already an ID which can be easily exploited to make a substantial advantage to oneself ( spamming bases with no one caring about those and spamming cloaks unbothered and all this and that). What more would you want?

RE: Changing Zoner ID - Zen_Mechanics - 02-07-2013

(02-07-2013, 03:14 PM)Mercarryn Wrote:
Quote:4.2 Official Player Factions and Guard IFF'd players for the NPC faction are free to tax, fine, pirate, and destroy any players who enter their respective guard systems.

How about you have a look at this rule: It - to my mind - clearly states that Guard IFF'ed ships are allowed several things within the guard systems.
In your situation, if you have a Zoner guard IFF and you see an Outcast doing crap in Omicron 74, you are free to shoot him - according to the rules -

And regarding zoner bases, there was more then one incident where zoners told other players to stay away from freeports during a combat and shot those who did not listen to that command.

So, why change the Zoner ID then?

Because, the guideline is nothing when the ID side-steps it.
Can only attack in self-defense contradicts that now isn't it?
And what about O-49, it's zoner system, but it is however a place where people like to have fun when zoners are not around.
And theres no Guard Factions anymore, no Guard ID no nothing.