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To: OSI Requisition Office || Requisition Order - Printable Version

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To: OSI Requisition Office || Requisition Order - Soul Reaper - 02-08-2013

[Image: icbannerv1.png]

Comm ID: Devon Steele
Target ID: OSI Requisition Office
Subject: Requisition Order
Encryption: High

To whom it may concern,

Good evening, my name is Devon Steele, CEO of Steele Industries, subsidiary company under Interspace Commerce of which I am a representative of. And now to business.

Interspace Commerce is looking to expand it's horizons, I'll leave the details out and get to the point, we were wondering what it would cost us to create a unique package of supplies, containing the following:
  • Basic Alloys - 11,000 units
  • Food Rations - 1,000 units
  • Water - 1,000 units
  • Oxygen - 1,000 units

The contract would be one package per 24 hours and the required contents would increase by time. The location is deep in the Omicrons. Just a reminder, this isn't a contract request, we're just wondering how much it would cost us in order to plan for future investments.

Thank you, and have a nice evening.

Devon Steele,
Interspace Commerce

***Transmission Terminated***

RE: To: OSI Requisition Office || Requisition Order - Aazalot - 02-08-2013

[Image: voncloud_trans.png]

Good Day Mr Steele

I am Intrigued by your Order request and will be more then Happy to quote you however, Deep in the Omicrons is quite vague, as you are most likely aware, the Omicrons are a large region of space, if you could be more specific as to where these hauls would be. As you can understand the Omicrons are a dangerous region of space that although OSI are very experienced with, i do not wish to risk my ships without knowing fully where they are going.
This will allow me to better gauge the price as I can assess what resources we would require to fill this request.

If you could send us the information requested then we may be able to quote and possibly do business with you

J. Voncloud CEO of OSI

[Image: transmissionbottom.png]

RE: To: OSI Requisition Office || Requisition Order - Soul Reaper - 02-08-2013

Comm ID: Devon Steele
Target ID: Jerard Voncloud
Subject: Requisition Order
Encryption: High

Mister Voncloud,

I bid you a good day. Now, for that specific information, I can't indulge you with an exact location, corporate confidentiality you understand. However I can tell you that the location is quite near Omicron Delta, but not as quite as dangerous as that particular system.

The logistics might seem a bit too high of a cost for the small amount we're asking, but I assure you the amount will multiply quite a bit.

Have a nice day, I look forward to doing business with the OSI.

Devon Steele,
Interspace Commerce

***Transmission Terminated***

RE: To: OSI Requisition Office || Requisition Order - Gytrash - 02-09-2013

[Image: gytrash_trans.png]

Good Day Mr. Steele

Mr. Voncloud has asked me to deal with this request from here on out and transferred the communication channel over to my station as I have somewhat more experience with that area of space.

Now onto business, I won't beat around the bush. All I can give you as a reply to your request for a quote. Unfortunately as you cannot tell me where these goods would be going exactly I am going to have to assume a worst case scenario. You have stated that the drop off location is "Somewhere near Omicron Delta but not quite as dangerous as that particular system.", Nowhere have you said that transports will not have to go through that system and in fact would have to go through the Omicron Kappa system to get there in any case.

Considering the length of time it takes to travel to Freeport Eleven in the Omicron Delta system we will use that +10% for a rough estimate. Now what you have requested actually comes to this monthly.
  • Basic Alloy, 330,000 Units
  • Food Rations, 30,000 Units
  • Oxygen, 30,000 Units
  • Water 30,000 Units

This comes to a grand total of 84 transport runs in a single month. Assuming all transports were in fact full, To be honest to perform that as a daily run would require 90 transport trips per month and that would increase.

A run of this length and difficulty combined with the frequency would certainly not be cheap.

To whit, we would ask that your station purchase these goods for the following prices.

Basic Alloys; 1,000 credits per unit
Oxygen; 250 Credits Per Unit
Food Rations; 250 Credits Per Unit
Water; 200 Credits Per Unit

Of course this is only a ballpark figure and is open to negotiation.

Respectfully, James Church
Director of Operations

[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]

RE: To: OSI Requisition Office || Requisition Order - Soul Reaper - 02-09-2013

Comm ID: Devon Steele
Target ID: James Church
Subject: Requisition Order
Encryption: High

Good evening Mister Church,

Well, I'm not one for playing negotiation too fiercely, I tend to let it drop. But alas the...Board, wishes otherwise. Now it isn't much of a secret that you don't have much quarrel with any parties, and considering your direct connection to the houses, and your personnel and ship's experience in the harsh systems of the edge would seem your price steep for such odds.

The only real danger you may face is the Nomad threat, which of course isn't something to be neglected, at all. However you will find that the place I speak of -as well as it's borders- will be guarded somewhat tightly by our...allies. Which is why the dangers are actually quite less than you would think. Which is why I'd like the price negotiation to be leaning more on our side...

That is, the following:
  • Basic Alloys: 800 credits per unit
  • Food: 200 credits per unit
  • Water: 200 credits per unit
  • Oxygen: 200 credits per unit
Would this be acceptable or do we need to continue the struggle? I await your reply Mister Church, have a nice evening.

Devon Steele,
Interspace Commerce

***Transmission Terminated***

RE: To: OSI Requisition Office || Requisition Order - Gytrash - 02-11-2013

[Image: gytrash_trans.png]

Dear Mr. Steele

I'm not certain where this is going exactly, you asked for a quote and I threw out a ballpark figure, this is most definitely open for negotiation but I cannot in good faith complete this deal without knowing where exactly the end point is. The prices that you have listed are somewhat agreeable and perhaps a little more negotiation will get them to a point of perfection.

Basically what I'm saying is this, the numbers you have thrown out look moderately agreeable but I cannot agree to sending my pilots anywhere without knowing the end location. If you could send the location via a secure message direct to my personal inbox or perhaps we could arrange a meeting in space? I can assure you that your information would be treated as a company secret and not shared with anyone outside of myself unless the deal goes ahead at which point it would be shared with company members to make the deliveries.

Respectfully, James Church
Director of Operations

[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]

RE: To: OSI Requisition Office || Requisition Order - Soul Reaper - 02-11-2013

Comm ID: Devon Steele
Target ID: James Church
Subject: Requisition Order
Encryption: High

Mister Church,

Well, I guess that the time of the contract is coming close, so I see no reason as to why I should disclose the information anyway. The destination is the system charted as Omicron Lost. Literally beyond the edge of the Sirius sector. The exact destination in the system will be the right at the only entrance and exit of the system, the jump hole from Omicron Delta.

And yes, you're right with the "assumption" that base construction efforts will take place. Very soon in fact.

Devon Steele,
Interspace Commerce

***Transmission Terminated***

RE: To: OSI Requisition Office || Requisition Order - Gytrash - 02-11-2013

[Image: gytrash_trans.png]

Dear Mr. Steele

Well, that's certainly a surprise, you are aware of the history of stations that has existed in that area correct? There have in fact been no less than three attempts at constructing a station in that system that I am aware of, Two bounty hunter attempts that were destroyed by an enormous Corsair fleet and a Zoner installation that was destroyed by a Nomad battlegroup.

Another thing that I find somewhat interesting is that a primarily House space based corporation wants to construct a station in a system that has often been called the absolute center of nowhere.

Regardless, I think that the prices need something of a renegotiation and I need to know certain things before I can commit to a final deal. For starters I need to know what your relations are like with the other groups that inhabit this sector of space, that's the Bounty Hunters Guild, the CORE, the Corsairs and the Order. This is merely so that we know which ships we need to be careful about being followed to your base by.

As far as prices go I would suggest we take the middle road with the following prices.
  • Basic Alloys: 900 Credits per Unit
  • Food Rations: 225 Credits per Unit
  • Oxygen: 225 Credits per Unit
  • Water: 200 Credits per Unit

Respectfully, James Church
Director of Operations

[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]

RE: To: OSI Requisition Office || Requisition Order - Soul Reaper - 02-11-2013

Comm ID: Devon Steele
Target ID: James Church
Subject: Requisition Order
Encryption: High

Mister Church,

We are quite aware of the system's dangers, and we have already struck deals and collected the required resources as well as preparing certain defenses in order to deal with these dangers.

As to your second question of interest. Well, let's just say that Interspace Commerce wanted to try a different method of corporate growth and expansion, and leave it at that.

Our dealings are mainly focused around the Order as we know what they truly are and what they stand for, which is, they aren't terrorist and anyone believing otherwise is an ignorant fool. Of course, I do believe that bit of information should be regarded as a personal secret to yourself and not be shared with anyone else unless required, it would be unfortunate for several parties if out.

The Core, we have nothing against nor do we have any dealings with them just yet, but after Toledo's destruction a massive part of the Core fleet was also wiped out by the Nomads themselves, who also have little influence in the Lost system. So the Core does not hold as much sway as the Order would, which is why we chose them but it would be better if they knew nothing. As for the Corsairs, they don't know about anything just yet and I'd like to keep it that way until required otherwise.

As for the price, well, the resources for vital systems seem alright, we can agree on those. Yet the Basic Alloys, we'd feel it be more fair if it were lower, not as low as our first request but let's say..850 credits? I think that would be a decent price, our infrastructure will be around for quite some time so you need not worry about your contract coming to a sudden end, you'll actually be making even more money in due time.

Your answer, Mister Church?

Devon Steele,
Interspace Commerce

***Transmission Terminated***

RE: To: OSI Requisition Office || Requisition Order - Soul Reaper - 02-13-2013

Comm ID: Devon Steele
Target ID: James Church
Subject: Requisition Order
Encryption: High

Mister Church,

The station is up and online, construction is around the clock. We need to finalize the contract as soon as possible, not sure what's taking so long. If you're not willing to sign it due to..whatever, I'll understand, but I need an answer soon to know if we'll be looking for someone else that can handle the job or not.

Have a nice evening.

Devon Steele,
Interspace Commerce

***Transmission Terminated***