base allowment - belarusich - 02-11-2013
Hello, how i can allow my base in House space? At this forum i found only one House that has topic for this - Bretonia.
RE: base allowment - sindroms - 02-11-2013
Find the thread called Laws of Sirius and they have links to each of the houses law related threads. You should be able to find the station permission via F3 search.
RE: base allowment - Narcotic - 02-11-2013
For what house are you searching it? I could give you the link.
RE: базы allowment - belarusich - 02-11-2013
(02-11-2013, 02:47 PM)Narcotic Wrote: For what house are you searching it? I could give you the link.
RE: base allowment - Narcotic - 02-11-2013
(05-19-2008, 10:26 PM)The Republic Of Liberty Wrote: ------------------------------------- SECTION TWO : LICENSURE -------------------------------------[/color]
I. Base Licenses.
Due to the high interest of individuals and groups wishing to set up their own private installations within the Republic of Liberty, we have decided to introduce a licensing procedure for these bases.
In order to legally register a base in the Republic of Liberty, it is required that the owner lease the part of space that the base will occupy for the duration of its existence. The fee is monthly, to be paid on the first of every month. As the lifetime of a base is variable, the system determining fees to be paid is also variable. This takes into account two primary factors:
Base location:
The cost of the space that you are required to lease to facilitate a private installation is partially based upon the location of that space. This is determined according to system, rather than system and sector. For example, leasing space in Texas will have a different price to leasing space in New York, but leasing space in sector 7G will be priced the same as space in sector 2C. For this purpose, the systems under the jurisdiction of the Republic of Liberty are divided up into four zones.
These zones are as follows -
• Zone 1: New York
• Zone 2: California, Colorado, Ontario, Pennsylvania, Texas
• Zone 3: Alberta, Kansas, Minnesota
• Zone 4: Cortez, Galileo, Kepler, Magellan, New Hampshire, Quebec, Yukon
The fees per zone are as follows -
• Zone 1: 60 million credits per month.
• Zone 2: 50 million credits per month.
• Zone 3: 40 million credits per month.
• Zone 4: 30 million credits per month.
Space within systems not mentioned here but is otherwise a part of Liberty and not available for lease. This would include systems such as Virginia and Illinois, but also the systems of Bering and Hudson, due to our state of war with Rheinland.
Base level:
As bases become larger, they take up more space, and can also be more profitable. This means that the lease cost goes up with the complexity of the base. While station modules are internal, the upgrades to the station infrastructure are not, and as such, must be costed. In this vein, the space for a level 1 base will be cheaper than the space for a level 2 base, and so on.
Base level fee modifiers are as follows -
• Level 4 base: x1.5
• Level 3 base: x1.4
• Level 2 base: x1.2
• Level 1 base: x1.0
Here are some examples to illustrate this system in practice -
• Level 2 base in zone 1.
[indent]- 1.2 x 60 = 72 million credits per month.
• Level 3 base in zone 3.
- 1.4 x 40 = 56 million credits per month.
• Level 1 base in zone 4.
- 1.0 x 30 = 30 million credits per month.
• Level 4 base in zone 2.
- 1.5 x 50 = 75 million credits per month.
Further conditions:
This applies to everybody except the Forces of Liberty, DSE), Ageira| and [*USI*]. That means that independent ventures of, for example, Deep Space Engineering or Kishiro Technologies, must be costed according to the values above. However, the presence of each base is still subject to approval by the government of the Republic of Liberty, and will be removed if necessary.
As you are leasing space from the Republic of Liberty, we must be provided with the location of your installation. This can be done privately to one of our high ranking officials, and will be kept secret if required to respect its potential sensitivity.
Each application will be considered on a case-by-case basis. There may be problems with certain base positioning, such as in the middle of a trade lane route or directly across an area of space that sees heavy traffic. As such, we reserve the right to refuse or request that you modify your application for leasing space.
This policy only pertains to the lease of space by you from the Republic of Liberty. The patrol paths in use by the Forces of Liberty will not be changed to incorporate your base, so choose your location carefully. For example, it may be unwise to construct a base in the Badlands in New York.
Bases already constructed within the Republic of Liberty before the introduction of this legislation will not be liable for fees due in retrospect, but will be expected to adhere to the the legislation from now on. If you refuse to comply, we expect you to move your operations elsewhere. If this is not possible, the Forces of Liberty will be tasked with removing your installation at their discretion.
If you upgrade your space station, the fee will change with the upgrade. Please notify the Republic of Liberty of any change to the status of your base so we can levy the correct fee. Failure to do so will result in consequences levied at the discretion of the Republic of Liberty.
In the event of a late payment to the Republic of Liberty, you will be given a warning and 14 days in which to gather and provide the required amount of credits. If this is not done, the Forces of Liberty will again be tasked with removing the installation. The acceptance or denial of payment later than this is discretionary on the part of the Republic of Liberty, and will not have an effect on the next due date, which would be the first of the next month.
If vessels belonging to groups that the Republic of Liberty considers hostile, such as the Liberty Rogues or the Rheinland military, use your base, you will be liable for any consequences that follow. It is your responsibility to make sure that you do not provide safe harbour for criminals and parties that the Republic is at war with. Failure to do falls under obstructing the course of justice, as described in Section One.
You will be advised as to the destination of the fees when you apply to lease space from the Republic of Liberty.
The list of permitted bases is as follows:
[CBL] Gas Compression Facility - Pennsylvania system
Luckenbach Station - Texas system
Langley Station - Zone 21
Long Island Station - New York System
Melbourne Station - Zone 21 perimeter
Platinum Incorporated - Alberta system
Doe Industries Space Port - New York system
Memphis Silver - Pennsylvania system
Memphis Storage - Pennsylvania system
DTJ Depot - Galileo system
There are no other licensing procedures as yet for actions such as arms dealing (legal currently) and the transportation of nomad material (illegal currently).
------------------------------------- SECTION THREE : SHIPS AND WEAPONS -------------------------------------
RE: base allowment - Kroh - 02-11-2013
Thx, but to which house should I pay if I build base in Cortez or Magellan?
RE: base allowment - Lonely Werewolf - 02-11-2013
(11-11-2008, 05:25 AM)The Kingdom of Bretonia Wrote: 5. Base construction and zoning
5.1 - Powers of Lawful Entities in Enforcing Base Regulations
In the case of an unregistered, illegal base being discovered, the owner will be given one chance to register and comply with Bretonia's demands, prior to destruction. The base may be placed under siege to ensure compliance. Bretonia does not accept liability for loss of life or property due to the construction of an illegal installation. Best effort shall be made to recover the crew of any station outfitted with escape pods - stations commanders which fail to fit life pods to their stations will also be charged with gross negligence and manslaughter. Crews who surrender themselves to the Crown's justice will be held by the BPA, prior to a sentence being passed. Installations operated by Hostile entities (see: 1.5 - Definition of Entities) will be given no quarter and destroyed on sight.
5.2 - Registration Conditions for Bases
Permission for base construction is to be granted by writ of the War Cabinet, and is considered on a case-by-case basis. For a base to be registered, the following conditions must be met. Failure to provide any of the points listed below will result in the immediate non-reimbursable voiding of the registration process.- The owner must not belong to an entity considered Hostile or Unfriendly to the Kingdom of Bretonia (see: 1.4, 1.5 - Definition of Entities).
- The location and name of the base must be explicitly detailed (can be broadcast privately for the sake of confidentiality).
- The base's intended purpose and duties must be explained.
- Entities to be permitted docking rights must be listed.
- A 50,000,000 credit deposit must be filed with the QCG|HMS-Victory (subtracted from zoning costs)
5.3 - Registration Zones for Bases
Bases already permitted at the time of these zoning regulations coming into effect will not be required to pay further licensing fees. The cost of registering a new installation varies, depending on the cartographic region the structure is located in. This registration fee is paid only once. Systems not mentioned below are not open for public construction, i.e. Sailsbury, Poole, Edinburgh, Taus. Pricing is as follows:- Zone 1: New London - 350,000,000 credits.
- Zone 2: Cambridge, Dublin, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle - 300,000,000 credits.
- Zone 3: Chester, Dundee, Omega-3 , Inverness - 250,000,000 credits.
- Zone 4: Cortez, Magellan - 150,000,000 credits and permission from the Libertonian Government.
For existing bases which are not currently registered and thus deemed illegal, the registration fees for the various zones are doubled. Permission must always be sought prior to construction being initiated.
5.4 - Base Operational Regulations
The following regulations are expected to be consistently and permanently observed by all station owners, in regards to their installations. Failure to comply with these regulations may result in the structure's siege and destruction. Regulations are as follows:- No Hostile entities (see: 1.5 - Definition of Entities) may be permitted to land on the station. Authorities may request evidence of docking permission logs at any time to confirm this.
- No station may leave their docking rights unrestricted - 'defencemode 2' - due to potential abuse by unlawful parties, until such a time as modular software is developed to allow the 'blacklisting' of troublesome individuals and organisations.
- All stations must be accessible at all times to all Bretonian law enforcement agencies; this includes the BAF|, BIS| and BPA).
- All bases must be fitted with sufficient evacuation equipment to prevent the loss of life of residents and crew, should the base become compromised via circumstances artificial or natural.
5.5 - Base Modification Protocols
Station owners are free to make whichever internal station modifications they see fit, including the construction of; shield relays, storage berths and factories. Despite this, permission must be sought from the War Cabinet or the BAF Admiralty Board before the placement of weapon platforms, due to the highly dangerous nature of the structures. Once permission has been granted, the owners of the structure may place as many defence platforms as they desire.
As you can see from this Bretonia need permission to for a base in Magellan or Cortez so you'll need to pay them both. For Bretonia it's just a one time payment, while for Liberty there is initial fee then you pay monthly installments.
EDIT: Corrected my dreadful spelling.
RE: base allowment - Narcotic - 02-11-2013
Pah, greedy governments, both claiming those systems as theirs, just because they've built a gate and lane there?
I'd suggest you to build your base in Coronado. I bet the Colonials aren't that greedy.
RE: базы allowment - Kroh - 02-12-2013
(02-11-2013, 08:35 PM)Narcotic Wrote: Pah, greedy governments, both claiming those systems as theirs, just because they've built a gate and lane there?
I'd suggest you to build your base in Coronado. I bet the Colonials aren't that greedy.
Yes, i too think so)
RE: base allowment - SummerMcLovin - 02-12-2013
(02-11-2013, 08:35 PM)Narcotic Wrote: I'd suggest you to build your base in Coronado. I bet the Colonials aren't that greedy.
We do like our privacy however, and need to watch for anyone moving into our last home (for now).
I would appreciate you sending a comm thread to us first, it's nice and neighbourly