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Anyone know a site showing complete system nav maps? - Printable Version

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Anyone know a site showing complete system nav maps? - Skittlez - 02-14-2013

I want to find the best trading routes but It'll take too long to randomly explore for the right jump holes, I need a site that shows complete Freelancer Discovery nav maps?

RE: Anyone know a site showing complete system nav maps? - Veygaar - 02-14-2013

Search around for Freelancer Companion

I don't use it myself, but someone, perhaps with a DL link, will show up shortly i'm sure Wink

RE: Anyone know a site showing complete system nav maps? - bloogaL - 02-14-2013

Use FL Companion. Not only will it extract data from your freelancer installation giving you complete maps, you can also use it to work out profit/time ratios of different trade routes to find the "best" routes. You can download it here. Make sure to set the freelancer directory to your Discovery install though, as it will automatically set to the vanilla install to begin with.

RE: Anyone know a site showing complete system nav maps? - Skittlez - 02-15-2013

How do i use the companion, I cant find out how to set it to freelancer discovery..

RE: Anyone know a site showing complete system nav maps? - indy.miner1 - 02-15-2013

it should auto detect the running game?

i thought mine did anyway

RE: Anyone know a site showing complete system nav maps? - indy.miner1 - 02-15-2013

run freelancer then load companion

settings and tick "set freelancer directory"

4.86 is not using the normal microsoft games/freelancer directory it uses your "C:\Users\#your user login name here #\AppData\Local\Discovery Freelancer 4.86.0\EXE

RE: Anyone know a site showing complete system nav maps? - Skittlez - 02-16-2013

It says problem with mod loader. dafuq..

RE: Anyone know a site showing complete system nav maps? - Skittlez - 02-16-2013

"An error was found in your game or mods' files :
File equipment/goods.ini not found

Please isgnal this problem to the author of the mod you activated
Press ctrl-c to copy this information. Program will terminate now."


RE: Anyone know a site showing complete system nav maps? - Skittlez - 02-16-2013

I literately click on " FLcompanion " and that pops up..

RE: Anyone know a site showing complete system nav maps? - Skittlez - 02-16-2013

(02-16-2013, 12:26 PM)Skittlez Wrote: I literately click on " FLcompanion " and that pops up..