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Things I wish people would make or would exist - Printable Version

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Things I wish people would make or would exist - nOmnomnOm - 02-15-2013

An elevator to the moon.
Why not? We have the means to do so. Would be fun! Then we could populate the moon finally!

Underwater cities covered by glass domes.
Think about it. You look up and then there is a WHALE ABOVE YOU Big Grin

What do you want made? Big Grin

RE: Things I wish people would make or would exist - SA_Scavenger - 02-15-2013

We have the means to build an elevator that stretches over 360000 kms into space? I wish it were so but somehow I doubt it. Perhaps a space elevator with round trips, by spacecraft, to the moon might be possible in about 50 years, give or take a couple of decades...

RE: Things I wish people would make or would exist - nOmnomnOm - 02-15-2013

(02-15-2013, 06:32 PM)SA_Scavenger Wrote: We have the means to build an elevator that stretches over 360000 kms into space? I wish it were so but somehow I doubt it. Perhaps a space elevator with round trips, by spacecraft, to the moon might be possible in about 50 years, give or take a couple of decades...

I heard they could do it. Its just resources/money ... lots and lots of money.
Imagine: elevator race to the moon

RE: Things I wish people would make or would exist - Marburg - 02-15-2013

There are multiple reasons why it's not really possible to have an earth/moon elevator. like, for instance, the Earth & moon both constantly spin. what'cha gonna attach both ends to?

RE: Things I wish people would make or would exist - nOmnomnOm - 02-15-2013

This is how^

RE: Things I wish people would make or would exist - SA_Scavenger - 02-15-2013

Yep, and the fact that the moon's orbit constantly changes the distance between the two planetary objects. Then there's also the Sun's Solar radiation to think of.

RE: Things I wish people would make or would exist - nOmnomnOm - 02-15-2013

(02-15-2013, 07:07 PM)SA_Scavenger Wrote: Then there's also the Sun's Solar radiation to think of.

We do whatever they do to satellites... if they do anything at all that is.

RE: Things I wish people would make or would exist - SA_Scavenger - 02-15-2013

The Earth's magnetic field provides the protection for satellites and lead shielding can provide more protection if needed. However, lead is expensive for the amount of shielding that would be required.

RE: Things I wish people would make or would exist - Banshee - 02-15-2013

What you guys are forgetting is that even if its possible, the moon and the bottom of the sea are really not nice places to be at, if you think about it.

If we ever run out of habitable space, we'd go to the deserts first and build some nice aqueducts and shady parasols. More likely, we'd thin out the population by bashing each other's heads in before we even got to that point.

If I had a wish, I'd wish for everyone to have access to lots of money, luxuries, education, and contraception. And porn.

RE: Things I wish people would make or would exist - nOmnomnOm - 02-15-2013

Money money money and resources...