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Nova vs Incapacitator torps - nOmnomnOm - 02-15-2013



Here is the thing:

Quote from incapacitator wiki page:

"As shields got stronger and conventional "Nova" type warheads became ineffective against large capital vessels, Kishiro engineers set out to create a heavy torpedo that could deliver an immense EMP charge. The design was quickly copied and adopted across Sirius, and the "Incapacitator" class torpedos are now available throughout the colonies."

And yet in all aspects NOVA is better.

Hull Damage: 165,000 /round (33,000 /sec)
Hull Damage: 10 /round (3 /sec)

Energy Damage: 82,500 /round (16,500 /sec)
Energy Damage: 23,500 /round (7,050 /sec)

Seek Range: 4,200 meters
Thrust Speed: 165 m/sec
Lifetime: 37.50 seconds
Travel Range: 6,187 meters
Turn Rate: 5.73 deg/sec (0.1 rad/sec)
Hit-Points: 10,000

Seek Range: 800 meters
Thrust Speed: 78 m/sec
Lifetime: 25.00 seconds
Travel Range: 1,950 meters
Turn Rate: 28.65 deg/sec (0.5 rad/sec)
Hit-Points: 5

Whats the point of it? It would make sense to get the shield damage up HIGHer than the Nova.
At this point its useless and no one uses it.

Why not make an actual working EMP torp like the quote says.

Kishiro engineers... you failed. Maybe some other faction can take over.

RE: Nova vs Incapacitator torps - Omicron - 02-15-2013

While at that, also buff Sunslayer torps for fighters.

RE: Nova vs Incapacitator torps - nOmnomnOm - 02-15-2013

"Spawned from the weapon labs of the Military industrial complex, the Sunslayer is hands down the most destructive weapon in Sirius. Though using the same guidance system and components as the Starkiller, the Sunslayer's massive payload dwarfs its counterpart's - making it capable of delivering extreme damage to any target it comes in contact with."

I dont think it needs buffing....

Quote from:

What I am getting that the Incapacitator has potential of having MASSIVE EMP damage, and from what it looks ike that was the point of making it, but it fails in all aspects. Even the mission statement for making it doesn't make sense!

Either take it out or make buff it to have higher shield damage than NOVA.

RE: Nova vs Incapacitator torps - Redon - 02-15-2013

Incapacitators are a bad joke as far as I can tell, and definitely need a massive buff.

RE: Nova vs Incapacitator torps - Felix_Wannamaker_III - 02-15-2013

Yes. Make them do twice the anti-sheild that Novas do but little hull damage. Then they would be useful

Also, if fighter torps got the right buff, a gb nerf would be unneeded, IMO

RE: Nova vs Incapacitator torps - aerelm - 02-15-2013

This, and a few other major mess-ups in 4.86 balance were basically results of Mjolnir not listening to a word any of the test team members had said. His reasonings behind these mess-ups might have made sense to him, but it neither made sense to anyone else, nor actually worked as intended ingame.

Far as I know, this specific issue has already been taken care of and will be in 4.87 along with a few other clean-ups.

RE: Nova vs Incapacitator torps - Jack_Henderson - 02-15-2013

The Incap Torp is a joke.

I know one player who used them for a while, and he was so damn good at snaccing that he used the incap to insta-kill fighter shields, then snac them. But that was it.

I agree with people here: if it is a shield torp, make it kill shields. And drain lots of energy from cores. That could make it an interesting choice, if you could suck the energy off your enemy.

RE: Nova vs Incapacitator torps - nOmnomnOm - 02-15-2013

Fix wiki so it doesn't lie!

Please and thank you! Smile

RE: Nova vs Incapacitator torps - Tibbles - 02-15-2013

(02-15-2013, 07:52 PM)Jack_Henderson Wrote: [...]
I agree with people here: if it is a shield torp, make it kill shields. And drain lots of energy from cores. That could make it an interesting choice, if you could suck the energy off your enemy.


Maybe if the drain energy capacity was good enough couln't need a lot of buf, so more a strategic wepaons than a direct one, just a thought

RE: Nova vs Incapacitator torps - Exterminator - 02-15-2013

As everyone else said,Incapacitator is useless.
I don't think I saw more than 2 people using that thing.
It has a really low range and really low damage potential.
Maximum ammo of 70 novas can inflict much more shield damage+it can inflict hull damage and can be used from safe distance while with Incapacitators you have to get really close to a capship for torpedo to actually start tracking.
So yeah,it indeed needs shield damage and range buff