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To: CEO Jeff Phelps, AP Manufacturing || Business - Printable Version

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To: CEO Jeff Phelps, AP Manufacturing || Business - Soul Reaper - 02-17-2013

[Image: icbannerv1.png]

Comm ID: Devon Steele
Target ID: Jeff Phelps, CEO
Subject: Business
Encryption: High

Mister Phelps,

My name is Devon Steele, Board member of Interspace Commerce and CEO of Steele Industries, subsidiary company under IC.

I'll get straight to the point, as you are aware Interspace Commerce had a contract with your corporation for certain technology, mainly some ships. Although for some reason our respectful company's relationship didn't further any causes for quite some time, I'm here to light up the business again.

Which is why Interspace Commerce is requesting a full contract renewal, but with different terms. As you probably already received the intel from the Core, Interspace Commerce has begun full colonization efforts in the system designated as Omicron Lost. And for this purpose we have decided to re-look at our security capabilities, and found them lacking quite a bit. Which is why Interspace Commerce has been completely overhauling our security division as well as investing quite a bit of cash into it, renaming and turning it into the ICSF, a paramilitary.

But due to the fact that we have no military contracts with any of the House governments and since it'll be quite time consuming to have such things -we don't have that much down- we came to you. I understand that APM has complete access or perhaps even manufacture general military grade equipment. An entire list is attached to this transmission, a list of what we need, and quite a bit of it.

Also a further point, mainly connected to our old contract, we'd like to upgrade it to your full snub and gunboat line as well as weaponry, we will of course be paying all construction feed and any additional costs if required.

So that's the base request, negotiations will of course be made, ball's in your hands now Mister Phelps, what do you need or want?

Have a nice day.

Devon Steele,
Interspace Commerce

***Transmission Terminated***

RE: To: CEO Jeff Phelps, AP Manufacturing || Business - Agmen of Eladesor - 02-17-2013

[Image: phelpssig.jpg]

From: Jeff Phelps, CEO, AP Manufacturing
To: Devon Steele, CEO, Steele Industries, a subsidiary of Interspace Commerce

Subject: Business

Mr. Steele -

It is a pleasure to hear from Interspace Commerce again. We of AP Manufacturing are always interested in seeing if we can work with such a fine company.

Based upon my understanding of what you're doing, I have a suggestion for you. First off, rather than trying to re-invent the wheel - that is to say, start up your own paramilitary outfit - why not hire one? Oh, I realize that there are mercenary groups available. But the Guild is available. And since you are operating out in Omicron Lost, there are certain - shall we say - CAPITOL - things that you are unable to operate yourself?

Bombers are all well and good, and provide lovely support - but when the Marduks come visiting, there's nothing quite as lovely as having some Threshers and Makos available for base support, I'm sure you'll agree.

Now, I realize you don't want to limit yourself to what hired guns can do for you. After all, who guards the guardians - especially when the guardians work for someone else, and are only paid by you? I think we see that quite well in Liberty now, just as a commentary aside on the Liberty Police. What I suggest is that you purchase several of our excess ships - fighters, bombers, maybe some gunships or gunboats - we always have refurbished and excess to inventory models available of those, due to our patented and quite secret ship construction process that no, you can't buy even if you ask nicely - to outfit your core security division.

Then don't call them anything else OTHER than your own security division. Interspace Commerce Security Division - NOT a paramilitary organization - makes house governments (and others) considerably LESS nervous than Interspace Commerce Security Force. I realize that IC is THE expert in dealing with political organizations from a business perspective - APM as subsidiaries of the Bounty Hunters Guild and Guild Core have no equals in dealing with political organizations from a paramilitary perspective. (Seriously, if we can get people that don't like us to allow us to hunt bounties in their house space, I think we're doing something right, wouldn't you agree?)

As for our needs - APM would of course like to maintain - perhaps even expand slightly if possible - our presence upon your stations. It has been to our mutual benefit that APM have offices upon Interspace stations throughout Sirius. It gives our clients a point of contact that is convenient and provides us with a warehouse space for storage of materials for shipment throughout Sirius for our products. On the already established stations, expansion to allow the Guild a minor presence there as well. On your newest endeavor, simply allowing APM only (not the Guild) to dock and conduct trade would be greatly appreciated. I'm certainly not asking for a trade monopoly, but by allowing us to dock and sell our goods directly to the customer - without going through the Interspace middleman - would increase our profit considerably while honestly not hurting your bottom line any measurable amount.

I await your reply!

Jeffl Phelps, CEO, APM

RE: To: CEO Jeff Phelps, AP Manufacturing || Business - Soul Reaper - 02-17-2013

Comm ID: Devon Steele
Target ID: Jeff Phelps, CEO
Subject: Business
Encryption: High

Mister Phelps,

While your suggestion might seem quite inviting at first, I've already gone through the possibility. The fact is, we don't care about house politics in the area, these are the edge worlds and there are no laws as well as no house influence and even if there is we have the wealth to simply not care.

That said we also have the wealth and means to fund our own paramilitary group, as Interspace the only party we want to rely on is ourselves. While it is true we don't have the means to operate a proper combat -fleet- at the moment, the ICSF is growing and we are determined that it will reach the required significance in due time, after all, I got the idea from our friends the GMG which seem to have things quite in order. We generally employ mercenaries for a full time job as well as ex-fleet officers throughout the houses as a start, so the problem of manpower is slowly going away, and we have no problems with acquiring required ships for them, not with this type of economical power.

And while I would normally accept the proposition of the Core actively defending our project in the Lost system, I fear that obvious diplomatic issues will arise with the Order, which is something I do not need or want at the time being. However if the Core does agree with it we could talk about defense in more..subtle ways, which would be well compensated of course.

As for our part of a would-be deal, we of course would accept your continued presence on our bases throughout House space as well as your storage space on our bases may be expanded. We could also offer an office on Otemachi Trade Annexe in Okinawa. Otemachi is our most active trading center so you would no doubt find chances of business by simply having access. As for Edgepoint, APM would of course be granted docking rights, you'd have to transport in the required military equipment and goods that we need -apart from the ships which we would acquire and pay for ourselves, given your permission-, of course, without the presence of the Core due to diplomatic reasons mentioned earlier.

And of course, agreements and contracts made now would obviously bring Interspace and AP closer to each other, which would result in AP being able to take part in what we have planned for Omicron Lost. But that's for later.

Anything else to discuss or do we have an agreement, Mister Phelps?

Devon Steele,
Interspace Commerce

***Transmission Terminated***

RE: To: CEO Jeff Phelps, AP Manufacturing || Business - Agmen of Eladesor - 02-18-2013

From: Jeff Phelps, CEO, AP Manufacturing
To: Devon Steele, CEO, Steele Industries, a subsidiary of Interspace Commerce

Subject: Business

Mr. Steele -

The only reason I mention the whole paramilitary thing versus house security divisions is that house governments to get even more paranoid than they already are when they think companies are gearing up for war. It's simply a matter of presentation, after all. You can easily tell some bean counter tax grabbing bureaucrat without him noticing otherwise that these ships are for your corporate security division. But tell him that they're for a paramilitary organization - run under your auspices (and trust me, they will find out - they're notorious for that sort of stuff) and they freak out.

So, simply to make sure that we're on the same page here:

In exchange to Interspace Commerce for access to the snub and gunboat ship class and appropriate weaponry for same, AP Manufacturing and the Bounty Hunters Guild and Guild Core will be allowed to operate office, storage, and recruitment space on all Interspace Commerce facilities in Liberty, Rheinland, Kusari, Bretonia, and also specifically in Okinawa. In addition, AP Manufacturing only will be allowed to operate in Edgepoint station. AP Manufacturing will be allowed to sell directly to end users without paying any commission to Interspace Commerce. AP Manufacturing will, of course, be responsible for maintaining and paying normal power, data usage, and other standard fees at these facilities, based upon similar in-house charges that Interspace Commerce charges itself. Any ships that Interspace Commerce flies from this transaction will be required to have Interspace Identification.

Agreed upon by Jeff Phelps, CEO, AP Manufacturing
cc: Max DeVirgo, Guildmaster, Bounty Hunters Guild and Guild Core

RE: To: CEO Jeff Phelps, AP Manufacturing || Business - Soul Reaper - 02-18-2013

Comm ID: Devon Steele
Target ID: Jeff Phelps, CEO
Subject: Business
Encryption: High

Mister Phelps,

Well, it seems most of the points are agreeable with except for a few. First off, while we would be more than happy to grant normal Guild vessels full docking access, storage space and everything else -considering they make sure to pay the fees you mentioned-, I do have a problem with the Core. Not the smaller vessels but the Capital classes. Due to house laws, they don't allow for such things and even though it doesn't quite affect Interspace, I'd rather still be on the legal side, so docking access to Core Capital Class Vessels will not be given.

As for APM in Edgepoint, your terms are pretty much agreeable with. Although the fact is, no one except business partners are allowed to dock on Edgepoint at this time. So you'll have a problem with your "end users" being around. Of course, this will be changing once we have system infrastructure in place and begin doing our planned business.

But other than that, if there are no more further negotiations with the contract, you may start bringing in the equipment requested, I'll have an executive order sent throughout our stations within the houses. And don't worry about bringing the ships to us, we'll purchase them whenever they are required.

Have a nice day Mister Phelps.

Devon Steele,
Interspace Commerce

***Transmission Terminated***

RE: To: CEO Jeff Phelps, AP Manufacturing || Business - Agmen of Eladesor - 02-19-2013

From: Jeff Phelps, CEO, AP Manufacturing
To: Devon Steele, CEO, Steele Industries, a subsidiary of Interspace Commerce

Subject: Business

Mr. Steele -

I certainly was not advocating breaking any house laws, my apologies that this clarification had to be included. I will certainly make sure that the Core knows that their large capital ships do not get the same docking privileges.

We certainly don't need any major diplomatic issues on our watches.

Regarding Edgepoint - our philosophy was, if Interspace builds it, then their customers will come. Just wanting to get in on the ground floor, as it were.

Yes, completely agreeable to AP Manufacturing.


RE: To: CEO Jeff Phelps, AP Manufacturing || Business - Soul Reaper - 02-19-2013

Comm ID: Devon Steele
Target ID: Jeff Phelps, CEO
Subject: Business
Encryption: High

Mister Phelps,

A correct assumption Mister Phelps. I was simply stating that it would be a while until we were fully operational.

But other than that, we have a deal then. I'll be giving out the related executive orders and electronic signatures. Edgepoint will be awaiting the equipment. If there's something you'd like to discuss, I'd be happy to on this channel or perhaps another, your choice.

Nice doing business with you Mister Phelps.

Devon Steele,
Interspace Commerce

***Transmission Terminated***