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Banned: No reason - Printable Version

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Banned: No reason - Foley - 02-18-2013

So , after 5 days as a new player in Freelancer 24/7 server i am banned . I honestly have no idea why . I talked to maybe 10 people on the server over my 5 or 6 days / nights . Mostly just going " omg nice ship " or something along that line . Then tonight i restarted my char , after messing up my ID buying a ship i found out to be illegal , and i was enemy's with all these factions and i couldn't land ANY place i wanted to , i wasted all my money doing stupid shit .. so i restarted ( long story short ) ... so when i got back into the game i saw a few guys i saw the night before Dracnyox ( i think ) and this guy named [RS] Omni something or other . I honestly cant remember there exact names . I asked each of them in private chat if i could borrow 500k , ( so i could get a Rhino and buy some diamonds for my first run on my new char ). Both of them gave me money , the one RS guy gave me a million and the drac guy gave me 500.000 , witch i payed him back right after my first run.

This is the part i don't get , he like 2 other guys i met last night , acted very very suspicious of me , both of them telling me the money i made in just under a week ( 250 mill ) was TOO much for a " new player " . This baffles me considering all i did was run cargo , not stop .. run from assholes .. and get paid . This took no time at all . They said they would be telling the "ADMINS" to keep an eye on me ..... i just laughed and said ... " ok buddy lol " . Honestly thinking to myself " whats he got on me , iv done nothing wrong " . But 5 minutes after talking to and paying back Dracnyox i was banned .

RS guys .. Navy guys ...Role play guys who know whats going on .. Drac ....and please god an ADMIN ......tell me what went wrong here . I never spoke a foul word to ANYONE , in any fashion . I was always respectful to everyone i came across . The only thing im guilty of here is being new to the game , and giving it my best . I talked to one guy as soon as i joined with my very first char ( before he taught me how to restart as a miner ) . Jim something .. in that [ANGELS] group . He was the only truly helpful person i met and he told me " hay man , the admins help you out , if you got a question ask ... takes times to learn .... no worrys .. bla bla " . I was banned strait up , because someone out there had a " bad feeling " about me . And that rly sucks guys . I rly liked this mod and all i wanted to do was make money shiping cargo until i could get a cool ship . I didnt role play , but thats not to say i maybe wouldn't have. I was nice to everyone .... i dont know .

Please someone tell me what the hell happened .... Ill talk to you in private chat , ill answer any questions you have to try to prove im not a threat in any way ... i dont know what i did im sorry .


RE: Banned: No reason - SMGSterlin - 02-18-2013

First, try going HERE and see if one of your characters has been sanctioned.

If not, then go HERE and make a post.

RE: Banned: No reason - Foley - 02-18-2013

theres no info about me being " punished for anything " . Dude i didnt do anything . This is personal , sombody honeslty thinks they found the " bad guy " and there doing the server a favor and just sweeping me under the rug .... no ... i rly am just a new player , it would be nice to WHO i offended.

RE: Banned: No reason - Balaerus - 02-18-2013

Then click on the second link.. Sometimes the server randomly bans people