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F1 rule question - Fletcher - 06-16-2008

I have been seeing a bit of an increase in F1'ing in combat so here goes.

Is F1'ing out of the game legal 'out' of a PvP fight? Or during an NPC fight?

Sometimes I Alt+F4 out because I get red lag, I always think the server crashes when that happens.

I haven't F1'd or Alt+F4'd out of a NPC fight, but I am curious to find out.

I'd rather know now before I accidentally get a sanction hammer.

F1 rule question - DBoy1612 - 06-16-2008

NPC fight?
Well here, simple question. Can an NPC report you? ^_~

F1 rule question - Horon - 06-16-2008

Yea red lag could technically get you sanctioned, but in order to avoid that, if you get disconnected in a fight, or an RP encounter, make sure you contact the person as soon as you can after you get the lag, or disconnected.

End of senselessness.

F1 rule question - timmychen - 06-16-2008

If you're in a PvP fight, and there's massive red lag, I'd wait just to be sure. If the server disconnects you and your internet still works, the server probably crashed and you should be good to go. If it's a problem on your end, though, get back in ASAP and apologize to whoever you fought with and offer them compensation or something.

F1 rule question - Fletcher - 06-16-2008

In PvP fights, sometimes my PC lags, so I have to crank down all my performance bars but space detail for those nasty imports:P

Its just that when I was starting out here, whenever I got red lag icon for 5 or more flashes, the server boots me, and won't re-appear for 30 odd minutes. So I guess it became a habit for me to Alt+F4 when I see the red lag. Although it only happens on average once every 2 days.

In all my PvP fights, I have never lagged out or F1'd out. I normally die or kill my opponent, or if badly outclassed, I flee.:wacko:

F1 rule question - Tenacity - 06-16-2008

i would hope the NPC's cant report me, I F1 out all the time due to allied npc aggro >.<

It would be nice if train cd's didnt end up pissing off the entire system, y'know?

F1 rule question - Dra1003 - 06-17-2008

' Wrote:i would hope the NPC's cant report me, I F1 out all the time due to allied npc aggro >.<

It would be nice if train cd's didnt end up pissing off the entire system, y'know?

That happens to me to at one time i had 12+ outcasts and a few rogues attack me at once when i was using a star tracker isnt that fun?

Anyway you can also take a screen of the message you get when you dc if that helps

Also ive CDed A battle Cruiser by mistake in single player before.. wasnt happy

F1 rule question - timmychen - 06-17-2008

' Wrote:i would hope the NPC's cant report me, I F1 out all the time due to allied npc aggro >.<

It would be nice if train cd's didnt end up pissing off the entire system, y'know?

Run to a different base not close to the one that was affected by the CD, dock, Press F1, "Select New Character", select the same character as before, and bam, it's fixed. If you were in a group, you stay in it.

F1 rule question - ryoken - 06-17-2008

Coming back in after you loose conection, even for a second, and explaining mean's nothing to alot of player's.IE LSF/SA/LNS
I lost conection a week ago, came right back in,was still being shot at, docked before i died,explained what happened, and they still sent in screen's, and got me sanctioned. Lost over 100mil. So you F1 out/Alt F4/loose internet/loose power, or any other reason you just vanish in front of another player,and you will get punnished.
Fair? not alway's. Rule violation? YES!

F1 rule question - Akumabito - 06-17-2008

Losing connectivity is not a rule violation, the rules clearly state:

5.11 Using F1 in a PvP fight, as well as in any other situations that involve player interactions, is not allowed.

Obviously if your connection crashes you have not violated that rule, but since the rules operate with a presumption of guilt it doesn't matter, you are getting punished anyway.