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Discovery Freelancer 4.86 Ideas - Printable Version

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Discovery Freelancer 4.86 Ideas - Raymond_Ames_Spruance - 02-23-2013

I say why not make another install version similar to 4.86 but for offline, I would also love to have the option to use freelancer explorer on it! The ability to have a offline version of freelancer free to mod hack cheat at...etc etc you know to have a sandbox of your choice! Have the ability to use trainers on it or freelancer explorer to add new systems of your own or to modify existing systems that would make fun when the discovery server I use is down or restarting. Maybe your internet is out, well now you have a single player discovery to screw around on for a bit if you're really in the mood for freelancer or discovery mod!

Now I know this may seem far fetched but hey I don't know about you but I see a lot of people want to play single player discovery for reasons of not wanting online play to the reason of screwing around in your own sandbox and to have player bases up the arse to making your own system with Freelancer Explorer.

Now from many google searches I can not find a mod that fits this description SP discovery, that's open like a lan or multiplayer match ready for modding at any moment in time.

RE: Discovery Freelancer 4.86 Ideas - Swallow - 02-24-2013

Rename your existing freelancer's directory. Install another copy of freelancer.
Just don't edit your playable verion by accident Smile

RE: Discovery Freelancer 4.86 Ideas - Raymond_Ames_Spruance - 02-25-2013

Thank you there are days when I just want to go around and use discovery as a personal modded versions and edited systems/new ones I created, you know your own personal sandbox. Anyways thank you for the way if it does not work I will find someone who can make it work or help me. It sounds like a easy way to do it though.