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Mercenaries? - Raymond_Ames_Spruance - 02-23-2013

Now when I say this I don't just mean RP people who will join your group for money and join your formation.

I mean to have the ability to go to systems and hire a AI or 3 depending on what is helping you. NO BATTLESHIPS! I am only saying to have this for the traders or people who are freelancing and want to provide a extra escort.

Have a AI accompany you in a fighter or have 3 fights accompany you on your journey. (Next time you dock you either have to refit them [ pay 1.5x less than you did to buy them first]) or you loose them buy not refitting them and undocking. Before you say this might be unfair or dumb think about it. You are a lone ship you are in need of desperate escort but no one is around hire 3 fighters 2 freighters or 1 gunboat to escort you into your journeys.

I know you will say "This would make pirates be unable to pirate and render them useless" Well not exactly look at some rules I have put together starting with trader rules.

1 trade ship max 3 fighters or 2 freighters or 1 gunboat.

2 trade ships max 3 fighters or 1 freighter no gunboat.

3 trade ships max 2 fighters no freighter no gunboat.

4+ trade ships max nothing you are on your own or need to ask a player for help.

1 Pirate ship max 2 fighters or 1 freighter or 2 bombers

2 Pirate ships max 1 fighter or 1 freighter no bombers

3 Pirate ships max 1 fighter no freighter no bombers

4 Pirate ships max nothing you are on your own or you can band together some pirate players and attack in mass.


Those numbers are not for each ship individually in the group They are for the ENTIRE group.

There you go a fair way of doing things. Now lets talk costs.

Fighters 100,000$ (You can pay to upgrade their ships) per pilot
Refit: 65,350$
Freighters 500,000$ per ship captain (You may upgrade their ship(s))
Refit: 330,350
Gunboat 1,000,000 You may upgrade but remember you may only buy one.
Refit: 660,650

Refit numbers are evened out to a nice 0 at the end Wink.

Thats a traders cost

Pirate costs
Fighters/bombers 250,000 each You may only upgrade weapons NO shields or armor (Gives a trader a chance) Refit: 160,650
Freighters 750,000 each You may only upgrade weapons NO shields or armor
Refit: 500,000

Mercs are sold depending on the base so Liberty mercs freelancer mercs pirate mercs etc etc... They are for your services they are like AI freelancers that give you aid in your time of need but cost money so watch yourself that adds up!

Now as you can see they might be abused by the rich, but the poor oh man if you only have 10M and need to buy a resource from a base that might cost 2M. Profit will be slow.

But if you're out getting a load from a mining ship you will bank some cash...loose some but at least you have little protection.

RE: Mercenaries? - Leppy - 02-23-2013

No need to encourage even more afk trading. Thats what freelancers/cops/escorts are for. Hire another player and make some RP out of it.

And I promise I'm not shooting your posts down for fun. Just happen to be in this forum haha

RE: Mercenaries? - jammi - 02-24-2013

This is something we'd love to implement, but the freelancer game engine is extremely limited. Other mods have managed it to a limited degree, but only by breaking other core functionalities in the process. It's something Cannon is working on.

RE: Mercenaries? - Raymond_Ames_Spruance - 02-25-2013

(02-24-2013, 02:11 PM)jammi Wrote: This is something we'd love to implement, but the freelancer game engine is extremely limited. Other mods have managed it to a limited degree, but only by breaking other core functionalities in the process. It's something Cannon is working on.

Good to know, I hope there might be a loophole or something we can use to get this to work...If only I could remember more than multi threading programming else I would try to come up with at least a draft of a mod for that. Ahh well either it works or it don't.

RE: Mercenaries? - jammi - 02-25-2013

Multi-threading is a part of the problem with Freelancer's engine. Or rather the lack of it. If we could get Freelancer to use more than one core at a time, it'd be about a million times more versatile, and would drastically reduce lag.

That's going to be a long shot though.

RE: Mercenaries? - Raymond_Ames_Spruance - 02-25-2013

(02-23-2013, 11:29 PM)Leppy Wrote: No need to encourage even more afk trading. Thats what freelancers/cops/escorts are for. Hire another player and make some RP out of it.

And I promise I'm not shooting your posts down for fun. Just happen to be in this forum haha

Lets say I need to go through a pirate controlled sector but I have no ties with any pirates. What would I do? well I would need someone who is not a cop because cops can only escort in liberty space, well LPI at least.

RE: Mercenaries? - Raymond_Ames_Spruance - 02-25-2013

(02-25-2013, 02:27 AM)jammi Wrote: Multi-threading is a part of the problem with Freelancer's engine. Or rather the lack of it. If we could get Freelancer to use more than one core at a time, it'd be about a million times more versatile, and would drastically reduce lag.

That's going to be a long shot though.

Oh how that would be wonderful.

RE: Mercenaries? - SMGSterlin - 02-25-2013

(02-23-2013, 10:02 PM)Raymond_Ames_Spruance Wrote: Now when I say this I don't just mean RP people who will join your group for money and join your formation.

Just as a note, bold + italic + Impact = UNREADABLE TEXT.

RE: Mercenaries? - Raymond_Ames_Spruance - 02-25-2013

(02-25-2013, 03:16 AM)SMGSterlin Wrote:
(02-23-2013, 10:02 PM)Raymond_Ames_Spruance Wrote: Now when I say this I don't just mean RP people who will join your group for money and join your formation.

Just as a note, bold + italic + Impact = UNREADABLE TEXT.

Just as a not, all of the computers monitors (7) I have been able to read it. Also on a HDMI TV screen. but thats just how I play computer games. My bad I tend to forget people use computer monitors mainly.