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Perilous Council Gunboat - Printable Version

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Perilous Council Gunboat - Soger_Hayha - 02-24-2013

Hello everyone,

I currently fly a Bottlenose gunship, and have been considering switching to the Orca purely for the cap gun. However, I do not like the greatly reduced turning rate. The Council Perilous gunboat seems to be a match for the Bottlenose in terms of agility, but I know nothing more about it - I don´t know about it´s turret distributions, I don´t know about it´s performance in pvp.

If anyone has experience flying one, please let me know your thoughts on it, and if it's worth ditching the Bottlenose for it.


RE: Perilous Council Gunboat - Veygaar - 02-24-2013

It's rather fat, which sort of counter acts it's agility. The archs are decent enough (6 front 5 back, 4-5 sides i think?). In the right hands it can kick some butt.

That being said you will not find a single other GB that can do what the Bottlenose does, to get close to the same style Gunship try the Kusari GB or Liberty GB, but you will still not have the survivability of the Bottlenose.

If you are to pick between Orca and Perilous, i'd say go with the Orca. Even though it's less agile in terms of turn rate, it has a higher rate of survival due to it's shape and size. It's a great ship, but nothing is like the Bottlenose Wink

RE: Perilous Council Gunboat - Soger_Hayha - 02-24-2013

Thanks for the advice, I bought it in the end just to experience it myself, and I have to say I like it - it's a completely different feel to the BN. Whereas the BN felt like a SHF, this feels more like a capital ship...and man do I love the main gun! Tempted to get a liberty cruiser now!