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to Republic of Liberty - Printable Version

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to Republic of Liberty - Ingenious - 02-27-2013

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RE: to Republic of Liberty - GrnRaptor - 02-27-2013


COMM ID: Captain Alan Polstari
TARGET ID: Danny Lampkin
SUBJECT: Your Offer

Greetings, Mister Lampkin.

I've been tasked with responding on behalf of the Republic of Liberty to your offer. And yes, I believe the name Intrigue Industries has come up before. Before we get to all of that however I'd like to ask some questions of you. The following will need to be fully responded to before authorization of any sort can be granted or any deal made.

  1. How exactly are you collecting this data? Are you using data collected from Ageira's Trade Lane and Trade Gate network, which requires their explicit authorization to utilize? If so, please present your contract with Ageira authorizing this data mining. Please remember that illegal access and use of this data falls under the Corporate and Military Espionage laws.

  2. Additionally, for systems with minimal or non-existant Trade Lane and Gate technology, how are you collecting this data? Have you deployed an extensive probe network that may be a security risk to the Republic of Liberty, both within and without her borders? The government has given some consideration to this concept, but the sheer cost and resource investment for a full network that covers the entirety of even Liberty makes even our own efforts rather limited. We are curious as to how you and your corporation have overcome this obstacle, and would appreciate at least a whitepaper on the matter if available.

  3. With respect to base status, how exactly would you provide information that goes above and beyond our own status indicators? Several facilities have the strictest security, and not even private contractors are allowed to access them for supply runs, much less implanting an additional data tracking network into them. Are you already keeping tabs on these facitilies, and if so, how? Attempts to access these facilities, successful or not, is considered espionage.

  4. Also, what guarantees would you provide that this information would remain not only confidential to the Republic of Liberty, but that you would not indeed turn around and sell the very same data to our enemies? Espionage is not looked upon lightly in the Republic of Liberty's eyes, and stringent guarantees that you would not abuse our trust would be required.
Speaking of trust, let's address the matter of Intrigue Industries itself. We've heard of you, and not in the greatest of lights. There were rumors of your company attempting to extort Samura Heavy Industries before simply vanishing from the face of Sirius. We would appreciate if you addressed this matter and presented a statement we can cross-verify with Samura Heavy Industries that such a matter was truely only a rumor. We take trustworthiness to heart here, and we require the same from anyone with whom we deal.

We look forward to your response, Mister Lampkin.

Captain Polstari, signing off.

RE: to Republic of Liberty - Ingenious - 02-28-2013

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RE: to Republic of Liberty - The Republic Of Liberty - 02-28-2013

Danny Lampkin;

Our considered response on the matter is as follows:


- Boris Livingstone, Secretary of State for Internal Affairs.