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Player sanctioned: Skittlez & MINER$$$ - Printable Version

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Player sanctioned: Skittlez & MINER$$$ - Widow - 03-02-2013

Skittlez & MINER$$$ have been sanctioned for:

Quote:3.3 Out-of-character (OOC) chat must not be used in system or local chat. OOC communication in group or private chat between players will cease if one player requests it. Admins are free to communicate with any player at any time.

3.4 Threatening other players with reports and sanctions, attempting to pose as an Admin and using an Admin's name without permission is not allowed.


Skittlez - Your ship has been stripped, and credits taken off another ship to cover this sanction.

MINER$$$ - Your ship has also been stripped - armour included to scrap to pay for the fine.

Both of you need to remember this is a role-playing server. If you have a problem, file a report on the forums. You don't need to tell them that is what you are doing. It's likely to get you in more trouble then them anyway.

Link to original report (Admin use only)



If you post in this sanction and are not directly involved or a leader of the accused person's faction be advised that you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions up to a ban.
Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbours, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other legendary creatures may result in the use of Admin Right #CTE 750AE

RE: Player sanctioned: Skittlez & MINER$$$ - Skittlez - 03-02-2013

3.4 Threatening other players with reports and sanctions, attempting to pose as an Admin and using an Admin's name without permission is not allowed. huh?? what you talking about, occasionally people attack without a roleplay reason, but what the hell does this mean? I never posed as an admin.

RE: Player sanctioned: Skittlez & MINER$$$ - SummerMcLovin - 03-02-2013

I was the Maquis that you clearly had a problem with.

"Threatening other players with reports and sanctions" is the concerned part of the rule here, as well as rule-lawyering and ooRP in local chat. Some examples, which was not the full extent of the ooRP messages from the two of you:

Quote:[24.02.2013 22:52:14] Skittlez: get the report section on the forums ready?...
[24.02.2013 22:52:49] Skittlez: you told miner$$$ to stop mining at random. something you cant do..
[24.02.2013 22:55:52] Skittlez: // andre you can demand cargo, but your licence does not allow for stoping mining operations
[24.02.2013 22:56:57] Skittlez: // miner, drop the cargo if he fires on us report him on forums

And for your future reference:
The Rules Wrote:6.6 Aggressors are not allowed to destroy a trade vessel prior to issuing a demand, in system or local chat, and allowing sufficient time to respond. Demands may be cargo, credits or an RP demand, such as leaving the system. "Halt" is not a demand. You must say more than this to ask a ship to stop however you may destroy them if they attempt escape.

RE: Player sanctioned: Skittlez & MINER$$$ - Skittlez - 03-02-2013

so three days ago you decide to come up to me and my friend as he was mining for me, you decide to demand cargo which is within your right, but then you tell him he has to stop his 'mining operation' which was not allowed buy your id, the most I'v ever talked oorp is when someone does something they are not allowed too.


On my outcast account. Was killed by 2 people twice, first time they were hired, second time when I was trying to get out of the system. they were not hired.

My miner. 2 outcasts come. they 'tax' my friend, me and my friend do a joke where we both log off at once (I had to go as did he.), they kill us both. (they never taxed me.) (Didn't even mind, Knew they were prob going to kill me)

You: come over and demand something out of your roleplay right, we pm a freelancer and tell him if he gets you to leave us alone we will give him 10 mill, you 'give up' but say that it will go different next time. (forget exact words.), I pay him the 10 mil but he gives it back to me.

Every time Iv talked oorp is when someone was breaking rules they werent allowed.

I'm not going to lose 50 mil and then report the person on forums after a day or so of them abusing when there is a chance I could get them to stop there in game right now.

Quote: [24.02.2013 22:52:14] Skittlez: get the report section on the forums ready?... ~A maquis comes over and I suspect something will happen that shouldnt.

(35 seconds later)

[24.02.2013 22:52:49] Skittlez: you told miner$$$ to stop mining at random. something you cant do.. ~This is true. you cant.

( 3 minutes and 3 seconds later)

[24.02.2013 22:55:52] Skittlez: // andre you can demand cargo, but your licence does not allow for stoping mining operations ~ again its true.

( 1 minute and 5 seconds later)

[24.02.2013 22:56:57] Skittlez: // miner, drop the cargo if he fires on us report him on forum ~I told him to drop cargo as you 'requested' (demanded.) and if you did anything else we can post a report thread on the forums to get you dealt with.

And you appear to be leaving out what miner$$$ was saying, as well as yourself..

(I'd also like to add the ones without "//" were in private message '/PM' )

My oorp was within reason, seeing as the situation involved someone with a licence allowing for demand of cargo told someone that they also can no longer mine.

Thats the equivalent to the AI id pirating a transport. Naturaly someone is going to complain and talk oorp to do so.

(Realises the obv.) Wait.. did me and miner get sanctioned for something that happened like 3 or 4 days ago (or more.) which involved a maquis with these rights.

Maquis ID
Pilot carrying this ID is a member of the Maquis who:
May treat all trade vessels in Gallia as combat targets.
May demand cargo.
Can engage pirates, terrorists and lawfuls within Gallia and the Taus.
Cannot ally with any military or police players except the Council.
Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo
Allowed ships: Fighters, Bombers, Freighters, Transports.

Who demanded that my friend, whos peaks basic english, stop mining all together of which your maquis id does not allow. so I got so much mil taken off me while my friend got how much? (last time i checked he had like 500 mil.) all because he had no idea what was going on and I was trying to defend him?

(Sorry if this is long, but I'm annoyed, miner had no idea what was going on and I saw a very big break in roleplay. I'v never seen any rule allowing for the ending of mining in a system. if he has a police id he could tell me and him to leave the system, but he never demanded for us to leave the system. he demanded to 'stop your mining operation'

*Puts hand on forehead* Just please tell me you Didn't take 500 mil off the poor guy, Me and him aren't even friends now but that's just bad if that much was taken off him.. (500 mil is the amount he last told me he had)

RE: Player sanctioned: Skittlez & MINER$$$ - Skittlez - 03-02-2013

Is now calm: Whatever.. Whats in the past is in the past, cant change that. Just got to move on I guess.

RE: Player sanctioned: Skittlez & MINER$$$ - Hawk - 03-02-2013

This is your second sanction for the same thing in less than a week. You should be glad that you are still able to play on the server right now. I recommend changing your behavior. As for your friend not knowing what was happening, I'm sorry about that, but this is an English speaking server and it is a requirement that people be able to converse in English to play here. That won't work as an excuse.

RE: Player sanctioned: Skittlez & MINER$$$ - Skittlez - 03-02-2013

Iv had two sanctions? In the same week? .. what was the first one?

And yes, I'm being more careful now.
When I do /s I make sure its in full roleplay and cannot be assumed oorp.

When I pm someone I do Pm: so in chat logs that could be shown. (encase.)

Definitely more caution now.

RE: Player sanctioned: Skittlez & MINER$$$ - SummerMcLovin - 03-02-2013

(03-02-2013, 07:22 PM)Skittlez Wrote: (I'd also like to add the ones without "//" were in private message '/PM' )
To be clear, I never received any PMs. I sent two to you, but gave up after you continued.

Unless the admins would like to correct me, demanding they stop mining (with valid RP) is a suitable 'RP demand', doable on the Maquis ID?

(03-02-2013, 07:22 PM)Skittlez Wrote: *Puts hand on forehead* Just please tell me you Didn't take 500 mil off the poor guy, Me and him aren't even friends now but that's just bad if that much was taken off him.. (500 mil is the amount he last told me he had)
I think it would only be a few tens of millions, not all his cash - that is the normal 'fine' for ooRP in local.

RE: Player sanctioned: Skittlez & MINER$$$ - Skittlez - 03-02-2013

(03-02-2013, 11:12 PM)SummerMcLovin Wrote:
(03-02-2013, 07:22 PM)Skittlez Wrote: (I'd also like to add the ones without "//" were in private message '/PM' )
To be clear, I never received any PMs. I sent two to you, but gave up after you continued.

Unless the admins would like to correct me, demanding they stop mining (with valid RP) is a suitable 'RP demand', doable on the Maquis ID?

(03-02-2013, 07:22 PM)Skittlez Wrote: *Puts hand on forehead* Just please tell me you Didn't take 500 mil off the poor guy, Me and him aren't even friends now but that's just bad if that much was taken off him.. (500 mil is the amount he last told me he had)
I think it would only be a few tens of millions, not all his cash - that is the normal 'fine' for ooRP in local.

You id allows for combat with anyone giving a valid roleplay, and you can demand cargo, but demanding people stop mining all together wouldn't be covered by the id, thats why I was talking oorp. (Also if you wanted to troll you could just demand we give up our cargo continually as we are mining. I'd have to admit there would be some humor there)

RE: Player sanctioned: Skittlez & MINER$$$ - SummerMcLovin - 03-02-2013

(03-02-2013, 11:20 PM)Skittlez Wrote: You id allows for combat with anyone giving a valid roleplay, and you can demand cargo
I can engage pretty much anyone I want after some RP, but because of 6.6 I have to make a demand of transports. It is the same with Colonial ID - I can destroy Gallic transports but not before making an (RP) demand. If I couldn't do something to over-ride 6.6, all I can do is sit and watch you mining "hiding behind the Royalists on your knees".

(03-02-2013, 11:20 PM)Skittlez Wrote: (Also if you wanted to troll you could just demand we give up our cargo continually as we are mining. I'd have to admit there would be some humor there)
I'm also not looking to troll, didn't particularly fancy demanding cargo over and over again (which would actually be against the rules I believe) until you call in some lawfuls.