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Would you want to live forever. - Printable Version

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Would you want to live forever. - Echelon - 03-02-2013

I thought on this question for awhile...would you want to live for ever this is what I mean
- you can look like any age you choose. But be fit like a 24 year old
(Would be funny to be a 90 year old in a bar yelling "Shots,Shot,Shots' while being drunk)
- you can grant anyone the same gift
- you can choose suicide by taking a pill. That only you can choose to take

It would be nice to live for ever in my opinion because imagine what the future will be like... And that if you got bored of life it self. You could just make creative ideas like video random stuff. What ever you think that is physically possible
You could do in time.

What do you think? Real honest answers plz

Edit: I maybe should have removed the suicide part.
How would this affect your answer if there was this drawback post answer to this too

RE: Would you want to live forever. - Narcotic - 03-02-2013

Yes I would like to.

RE: Would you want to live forever. - Othienka - 03-02-2013

You are fit, you can grant anyone the same gift and you can take a pill when you get tired of it? Where are the disadvantages?

RE: Would you want to live forever. - jammi - 03-02-2013

(03-02-2013, 03:32 PM)Othienka Wrote: You are fit, you can grant anyone the same gift and you can take a pill when you get tired of it? Where are the disadvantages?

You're trapped in a society and specie that continues to advance and evolve, leaving you behind as an outdated and isolated alien.

RE: Would you want to live forever. - Mickk - 03-02-2013

After thinking about it, my answer is no.

Yes, I would like to live for a long time and be healthy/happy right up to the end, but living forever would kinda suck.

Think about how many friends/lovers you would outlive.
I suppose you would get used to that eventually, but in the meantime it would be a major bummer.

As things stand right now, I figure I have at *least* another 50 years to go before I kick the bucket, as long as I don't get killed in an accident or something silly like that.

RE: Would you want to live forever. - Amon.Cire - 03-02-2013

Hells yes. So long as there is a voluntary out, and I can make immortal of anyone else I would like.

RE: Would you want to live forever. - Echelon - 03-02-2013

(03-02-2013, 03:43 PM)Mickk Wrote: After thinking about it, my answer is no.

Yes, I would like to live for a long time and be healthy/happy right up to the end, but living forever would kinda suck.

Think about how many friends/lovers you would outlive.
I suppose you would get used to that eventually, but in the meantime it would be a major bummer.

As things stand right now, I figure I have at *least* another 50 years to go before I kick the bucket, as long as I don't get killed in an accident or something silly like that.

About you outliving someone you do understand I gave you the option to give other people this gift also?

Edit: jammi that is I aspect I never thought about. Kinda of cool to think you are a alien from the past Big Grin

RE: Would you want to live forever. - shcore22 - 03-02-2013

No.. Beacuse at some point i'll get sick of life and kill myself

RE: Would you want to live forever. - Jihadjoe - 03-02-2013

Not really. I don't think it'd be fun forever, no matter how much fun it is now.

RE: Would you want to live forever. - SA_Scavenger - 03-02-2013

Supposed 'science' is that the human population is getting dumber as we move on from now. Would I really choose to live 'Idiocracy' as a life choice? Probably not...

Also boredom is a factor. If we had space flight, exploration and discovery, then I would choose to live another thousand years, just for poops and giggles.