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Open transmission: Please deliver message to Bobby the Fence - Printable Version

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Open transmission: Please deliver message to Bobby the Fence - Ingenious - 03-04-2013

To whomever may read this message,

I desire to have an encrypted conversation with a junker named Bobby the Fence. But his salvaged encryption systems are a few decades out of date, and require an older method of authentication. The problem: I done lost his contact details. So if you'd kindly contact him for me over unencrypted Sirius channel and have him send me a neuralnet message that'd be most appreciated. If you reach him, I'll pay you 1,000,000 SC.

Thanks and regards,
Denny Lampkin

RE: Open transmission: Please deliver message to Bobby the Fence - djordje_petrovic - 03-04-2013

>>message transmission<<

Sender: Ted.Prescott

Hello Sir, i know Bobby , we have done some bussines long time ago. No idea where he is now, but he maintained some facility in Inverness system , nearby Cortez jh. About 15k away in the rocky nebula. IF you wanna find him , go there , probably he is still hanging around.

RE: Open transmission: Please deliver message to Bobby the Fence - Zachary.Corfu - 03-07-2013

I've seen bobby in New York, and I'd tell him the message if I had the time to.