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To: Daniel Artura (Republican) - From: Nelly Sachs (ALG) - Printable Version

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To: Daniel Artura (Republican) - From: Nelly Sachs (ALG) - Tyler - 03-07-2013

[Image: NellySachsTop.png]

"Guten Abend herr Artura, or, Daniel, as du said du didn't mind."

"If du could be so kind to tell your wife Ich would prefer to be addressed as Nelly, all those in the end meaningless titles and formal etiquette don't suit me that well, that would be wunderbar."

"My apologies if Ich seemed... distant, when we met in Sigma thirteen. Ich was tired, stressed and had a lot on my mind, Ich still do, but that's my problem.

She chuckles and nips from her glass of whiskey.

"So, that dinner we talked about. Would du feel comfortable meeting in the Blood Money bar on Freeport One in Omega three? The clientèle is perhaps on the 'strange' side, but they do offer lovely private chambers where we can have a peaceful and lovely talk about whatever it is you wanted with view on the comet."

"Oh, and the food isn't that bad either! The chef is known for his mixed cuisine and the whiskey is plenty available, if you're into the stronger liquors. Ich know Ich am."

"Ich am looking forward to your reply."

"Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Nelly Sachs, President of ALG Waste Disposal."

[Image: NellySachsBottom.png]

RE: To: Daniel Artura - SMI-Great.Fox - 03-07-2013

[Image: repextbtop.png]

Identification: Daniel Artura, RepEx Director of Intra-House shipping
Message Details: Rheinland Trade Opprotunity
Message Secutiy Level: Low

Guten Tag Frauline Sachs,

We had a little talk, and we would both be honored to join you at Freeport One for the evening.

There are a few proposals we would be interested in talking to you about if you would be willing to hear.

With regards,

Daniel Artura
RepEx Director of Intra-House Shipping

[Image: repextbbtm.png]

RE: To: Daniel Artura - Tyler - 03-08-2013

[Image: NellySachsTop.png]

"Guten Abend Daniel,

It's actually Frau Sachs, aber, Ich don't mind. My husband might, but he's busy anyway tending to our farm on planet Stuttgart. Und please, call me Nelly. Ich get shivers every time someone addresses me politely. Ich have been long enough in space to have heard everything regarding as to my person."

"Would you mind if Ich would take my chief operational officer with me then? My husband is just a simple farmer and isn't involved in any form of ALG business, hah! He's not even on the pay-roll, luckily for me!"

"Rasmus Lagerlöf is my assistant sort of, although I'm training him for a more prominent role in my company, and he would benefit greatly from being a part of this. Consider it as a non-involved in a relationship double date."

She laughs for a couple of seconds and focuses back on the camera.

"Ich am looking forward to this meeting and am quite interested, to say the least, in your business proposals."

"Let me know if du agrees with Rasmus's presence and what time and date we shall meet. Ich can't wait to meet your wife! She must be one hell of a lady, and we got to protect and love each other!"

She starts grinning and forces out a laughing bark.

"Auf Wiedersehen Daniel."

"Nelly out."

[Image: NellySachsBottom.png]

RE: To: Daniel Artura (Republican) - From: Nelly Sachs (ALG) - SMI-Great.Fox - 03-08-2013

[Image: repextbtop.png]

Identification: Daniel Artura, RepEx Director of Intra-House shipping
Message Details: Rheinland Trade Opprotunity
Message Secutiy Level: Low

Guten Abend Nelly,

Forgive me if it sounds a bit strange to call you such out of business talks but I'll bite.

First, Perhaps you would honor myself and my family a visit to your farm at a later date, as I know for one how such can be of the farmers of Stuttgart. Its not a lie I support a bit of the LWB's notions to remove Synth Foods from Rheinland, but their actions of violence do not come to approval into my eyes.

Now to business. I see no reason not to include Herr Lagerlöf in our talks. Such would actually help make into terms of one of our newest ideas in our markets, one I think could hold very substantcial results for both our companies.

On mein wife... Best to not.. Think of myself as a predator of the foul type due to her size. Believe me I made that mistake a few times already and most were not pleasant in the end for me.

We shall meet you tonight in simple formalities.

Auf Wiedersehen,

Daniel Artura
RepEx Director of Intra-House Shipping

[Image: repextbbtm.png]

RE: To: Daniel Artura (Republican) - From: Nelly Sachs (ALG) - Tyler - 03-09-2013

[Image: NellySachsTop.png]

"Guten Abend Daniel,

Rasmus und Ich are at the Freeport, ask for the waitress to guide you to the private rooms. Whiskey is already available, but do not hesitate to order what you prefer."

"Auf Wiedersehen Daniel."

"Nelly out."

[Image: NellySachsBottom.png]