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Player Base Decay Rate - Printable Version

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Player Base Decay Rate - SMGSterlin - 03-09-2013

Anyone know how many FWO and BA's a base uses per day?

I can't find any info on it.

RE: Player Base Decay Rate - farmerman - 03-09-2013

FWO is based on how many crew you have aboard, and it uses that much every 10 hours. If I'm not mistaken, BAs are a bit less than 10,800.

RE: Player Base Decay Rate - Alvin - 03-09-2013

I believe that figure changed recently and it should be about 2/3 of 10800 now every 24 hours ... If only I could find that thread again

But generally, this is the page you want - Look at post #10

RE: Player Base Decay Rate - Zen_Mechanics - 03-09-2013

FOW ( Food Oxygen and Water ) depends on the spaceship crew.
For example : 200 spaceshipcrews will eat 200 FOW every 10 hours ( every crew takes 1FOW ).
If ur base is not assaulted and remained unharmed, it will eat 10800 every 24 hours.

My suggestion is to : A deploy the base, go for a shield module, then a storage module and then a core upgrade.
(You need one module free for the core upgrade ) - after u upgraded to core 2, go for storage modules again and so on

RE: Player Base Decay Rate - sergey - 03-09-2013

as i remember from conversation at help channel cannon said he reduced consumption of ba to around 8400 in a 24 hours.