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[SOLVED]Constant Freelancer Tech Issue. - Printable Version

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[SOLVED]Constant Freelancer Tech Issue. - Eonaros - 03-09-2013

Hi again.

I think some of you remember that I have posted in here, but I will do it again.

My specs:

Microsoft Windows XP
512 RAM
2.40 GHz Intel® Celeron®
nVidia GeForce 4 MX 440 with AGP8X Graphics Card


Few months ago, I came back to Freelancer Discovery.I started playing , and everything was going well, until I went to Connecticut for some PvP.

I found myself outturned alot of times, and I got killed alot.And still am being killed..

I was, and still am very good at PvP combat on vanilla servers.On Disco, its a different story.First, when I joined Order| official faction , I was whining all the time about my skills, and I posted many times about this problem, but didn't got it solved.I used Nephthys, and I got killed alot of times.I tried to use my old Eagle , same story.

The thing is, I can't land any shot.My opponent`s ship is jumping all over my screen and I'm outturned/outgunned alot of times.I tried to do different resolutions , and it even gets worse.I always go back to the vanilla servers, and everything goes well.I come back to Discovery, and I'm pissed off for getting killed 20 times in a row in Connecticut.

I thought it was lag, but my modem and internet runs perfectly fine.I was told by someone to check FPS, but didn't do it.

I hope someone can help me fix this problem thats annoying me.I know I am better in PvP, but can't show it with this kind of problem.

Thanks in advance.

RE: Constant Freelancer Tech Issue. - sindroms - 03-09-2013

I think the problem here is related to your connection, rather than your PC.
Where do you live? What is your ping, lag, loss? Do you use a wireless router or one that uses satellite, rather than cable?

RE: Constant Freelancer Tech Issue. - Eonaros - 03-09-2013

I live in Bosnia and Herzegowina, Southern Europe.

My ping is between 55-66 ms, and I don't have lag.( Doesn't say so when I type /ping )

I think I have a cable router.

RE: Constant Freelancer Tech Issue. - indy.miner1 - 03-10-2013

512 ram wont help try get at least 1 or 2 gig

your agp 440 might also suffer

RE: Constant Freelancer Tech Issue. - Mickk - 03-10-2013

(03-10-2013, 12:10 AM)indy.miner1 Wrote: 512 ram wont help try get at least 1 or 2 gig

your agp 440 might also suffer

This is does not seem to be a problem with his computer, although an increase in ram *might* help the situation.

Try setting up some PvP OUTSIDE of Connecticut to see if your problem happens there too.

When you find out what happens with that, post here again.

More info on a problem is always better.

RE: Constant Freelancer Tech Issue. - Eonaros - 03-10-2013

I did set PvP combat outside of Conn, and it still lags.

I can't land any shot.My opponent`s ship is jumping all over my screen and I'm outturned.

Just as I said, its all laggy...

RE: Constant Freelancer Tech Issue. - Eonaros - 03-14-2013

Well, this is what I discovered.

I played on a vanilla server that is stationed in America, and my ping is 176, NO lag at all, then I come to Discovery and my ping is 55, and it lags.

i don't know why

RE: Constant Freelancer Tech Issue. - Veygaar - 03-14-2013

Either 1: You have low FPS

Or more likely 2: You're encountering good PvPer's.

You say you're being out turned alot. Do you know any of these terms? Gliding, Anchor Turn, and Boxing? If not perhaps you are simply being out maneuvered by skilled opponents.

RE: Constant Freelancer Tech Issue. - Vrabcek - 03-14-2013

Have you seen what was your fluct?

I was having problem with high fluct on disco for past two weeks and it caused me heavy problems to fight...

Have you also tried going to your task manager whether you are not having 100% CPU usage by any chance? I remember that was a problem when 4.86 came out, dont know whether its still around or was fixed.

RE: Constant Freelancer Tech Issue. - Gypsie - 03-14-2013

My normal ping is 300, and I have the same trouble in landing shots with snubcraft. The solution I found was to use only gunboat and bigger and fly with zoomed out turret steering. I know, it sucks, but well...