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To All Sirius Channels; Gallic Channels - Doc Holliday - 03-10-2013

Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc.Holliday
Location: Tombstone Estate, Planet Gran Canaria, Omega 49 System
To: All Sirius Channels; Gallic channels; Open Transmission
Subject: Sabbatical and Command Assignment

Kallisti, All of you,

From time to time, those of us in the Temple of Eris find it necessary to take some time to go into a state of hiding, to reflect upon our deeds, accomplishments and even our failures. Malaclypse did this while he was alive and so it has come time that I too must do this. Combine this with an involved research project I am undertaking and it will take me away for quite awhile.

TAZ has been doing well so I feel the time is right. We have many friends that have come to our assistance. You know who you are. Two of my own, Mr. Richard Cole and Dr. Van Mojo, have stepped up to improve Baffin security. They have done well.

So with all this said, Ambassador John Rackham will be taking over the day to day operations of the Temporary Autonomous Zoners. I have full confidence in him and he has my full support. Please, treat him with the respect as you would I.

Yours in Eris,
Dr. John Henry Holliday

//FYI, I'm off on military assignment for the next two months. My time will be limited if I get any at all here in Disco.

RE: To All Sirius Channels; Gallic Channels - Gypsie - 03-10-2013


Source: Ravenhurst Watch, Baffin System
From: Dr. Hodge Van Mojo, Second Apostle of Eris and Patron of the Season of Discord
To: John Henry 'Doc' Holliday

[Image: 4280g.jpg]

Kallisti Doc!

I hear you are going out on holidays, Holliday! I salute this decision, we all need some now and then. Don't worry, we'll keep the Chao Spinnin' Pope!

Yours in Eris,

Dr. Hodge Van Mojo
Second Apostle of Eris and Patron of the Season of Discord


RE: To All Sirius Channels; Gallic Channels - Duvelske - 03-11-2013

[Image: richardospreyf.png]

Kallisti Doc,

I have to thank you for the compliment you made towards Dr. Van Mojo and myself. The security of Baffin is at a high level at this moment. And we will do everything to preserve that.

As for your state of hiding.. I can only say you have earned it. For the meantime we will keep the chao spinnin'


[Image: richardend.png]

RE: To All Sirius Channels; Gallic Channels - Joggin - 03-23-2013

[Image: ambassadorsoffice.png]

*Incoming Transmission*
Comm ID: Mad John Rackham
Location: Ambassador's Office, Shasta Orbital Skyhook, Baffin System
To: Doc et al.


I gotta say you've left some big boots to fill. I'll do my best to step up while you're gone mate. But get yer thinkin' time in and enjoy your reflections, come back rested, wi' a fresh step. We'll keep yer ships polished and ready and the lads an' lasses here will help to keep the Chao spinning... ya know that.

In the meantime... anyone needing to parlay regarding TAZ matters, gimme a shout and we'll pick it up from there.

Hail Eris!