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[Old Archive] Information & Feedback - Kusari Uchugun - 06-19-2008

[Image: hull-logo-small-cropped.jpg]
Faction Name: Kusari Naval Forces
In-Game Tag: [KNF], [KNF], |66
Primary ID: KNF ID
Secondary ID:Varies

-Faction Leader: Bakamono
-Faction Co-Leaders: Yaoquizque
-Honorary Faction advisors:
West, Ebon

Discovery Frequencies: Faction roleplay/events: Roster & other information:

Kusari Naval Forces Faction Information & Feedback - BaconSoda - 06-23-2008

Spending a lot of time in Kusari, I have a couple of complaints and concerns.

What is the requirement to fly a capital ship in the KNF? I see lots of your pilots flying Gunboats and Destroyers without any crew on routine patrols quite often that would be better suited to a Chimera or a bomber.

What is your protocol for Detretium Smugglers? Once I stopped a smuggler on BPA)Greg.Vederman (with the help of a merc) and the KNF we stopped was piloting a gunboat at that time (again without crew).

I have no proof of these events, so you'll have to take my word for it, but I find those two things kind of odd.

Thank you for any response!

Kusari Naval Forces Faction Information & Feedback - mjolnir - 06-23-2008

' Wrote:What is the requirement to fly a capital ship in the KNF? I see lots of your pilots flying Gunboats and Destroyers without any crew on routine patrols quite often that would be better suited to a Chimera or a bomber.

Lieutenants and up can ask for a GB. But yes there are a lot of them in KNF.

Captains and up can ask for a Destroyer.. and there are ATM 3 Destroyers in KNF. Out of which only mine flies a lot.

It patrols only TLs and only the most trafficked ones, reason for it is that I got tired of taking on GBs alone in a bomber and/or taking ages to down a cruiser (and there are many of those around Kusari). At the time I'm on, there usually is no other KNF online. With the Destroyer I can take on anything up and including a BS. With bomber it's basically GB max (in reasonable time/effort).

My Kusari dessie has constantly 50 Crewmen, 50 food, 50 Oxygen, 50 water, 30-50 H-Fuel, some pharmaceuticals, 5 VIP members of General Staff and my Luxury Captain's Chair on board.

It's never risked in dangerous missions and has never been destroyed. It's credited with 5 Cruiser, 4 GB, 4 bomber and 2 VHF kills.

Kusari Naval Forces Faction Information & Feedback - BaconSoda - 06-25-2008

Alright, well noted on the availability and policies of KNF Capital ships. I'll be reporting any mismatches or inconsistencies to you guys directly in the future. And thanks for saving my butt on multiple occasions Mjolnir, I'm sure you have.....

But what about the criteria for smuggling Detretium to Kusari through Bretonia? It seems rather off to me for the KNF to invest such a large vessel as a gunboat to escort for a lone transport into Bretonia space. Are there any guidelines to doing these smuggling runs?

Thanks again for any response.

Kusari Naval Forces Faction Information & Feedback - LoTeK_ - 06-26-2008

Yes, there are: Tau Convention Document.
The document is pretty old but many of the statements are still applicable.
Faction status updated with the link.

Kusari Naval Forces Faction Information & Feedback - Derkylos - 11-21-2008

To start with, my first major characters were Bretonian, so this may be a little biased.

Shooting at you guys is a lot of fun, despite my inability to hit those ships.

However, a few points of consideration:
When you decide to invade Leeds...bring a reasonable force, please? It's not that much fun to discover a destroyer, several catamarans and some random NLH/Hogosha fighters while flying around in a Templar.

Also, look to your core systems a little more...I recently set up a Kishiro trader, and very rarely will I find any of your members patrolling the eastern part of Kusari, which is overrun by Bounty Hunters, pirates, BMM traders(?!), etc. One notable exception is Arimatsu Yoritoro, who has recently taken it upon himself to defend the whole of Kusari (well, so it seems...).

I don't know how many members you have in total, but your daytime (GMT) activity seems kinda light (maybe something to look into?)

Kusari Naval Forces Faction Information & Feedback - Ophiuchi - 11-21-2008

A number of our members are involved in Mod development and testing.

We have also opened the Kusari Consulate in New York to do a bit of politicking and recruiting.

Hopefully, we'll get those numbers back soon.


Kusari Naval Forces Faction Information & Feedback - Ophiuchi - 11-21-2008

' Wrote:When you decide to invade Leeds...bring a reasonable force, please? It's not that much fun to discover a destroyer, several catamarans and some random NLH/Hogosha fighters while flying around in a Templar.

I hesitated to comment before,

but please explain to me how this is any different than 2-3 BAF Privateer gunboats visiting Kusari daily, often supported by Mandos, GC, Kiretsu, and the odd Outcast?

You get as you give, IMHO.

Kusari Naval Forces Faction Information & Feedback - bluntpencil2001 - 11-21-2008

' Wrote:I hesitated to comment before,

but please explain to me how this is any different than 2-3 BAF Privateer gunboats visiting Kusari daily, often supported by Mandos, GC, Kiretsu, and the odd Outcast?

You get as you give, IMHO.
My Privateers don't take Outcast assistance, because we pirate from Tau 23, from a base which is often attacked by Outcasts, and we generally attempt to avoid Kiretsu since I know that my sexist cohorts will cause offence and cause a barmy, cheers.

Also: Gunboats coupled with Challengers, both average ships in their classes, don't quite compare to Catamarans and KU Dessies, amongst the best in their classes.

Kusari Naval Forces Faction Information & Feedback - LoTeK_ - 11-22-2008

' Wrote:My Privateers don't take Outcast assistance, because we pirate from Tau 23, from a base which is often attacked by Outcasts, and we generally attempt to avoid Kiretsu since I know that my sexist cohorts will cause offence and cause a barmy, cheers.

Also: Gunboats coupled with Challengers, both average ships in their classes, don't quite compare to Catamarans and KU Dessies, amongst the best in their classes.
You're speaking of privateers, which are not the main Bretonia force, so cannot be compared is such a context.
In Dundee and Leeds the situation is a bit different, Kusari forces are pushing deep in both systems with their main fleet.

Regardless of that, if Bretonian forces can't withstand a destroyer in a warzone, not Kusari fault, war isn't fair. How many times we have to say that?

Plus, signed what opiuchi said, you get as you give. Even if it's not the point.