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To: All Lawfuls of Liberty - Printable Version

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To: All Lawfuls of Liberty - TLI-Inferno - 03-13-2013



Ship Callsign: IllimitableNavigation
Ship Class: Zoner Corvo Cruiser
Faction Identification: Zoner

Greetings to the Liberty Police, Liberty Navy, and the Liberty Security Force,

I am contacting you because I would like to request conditional rights to fly within Liberty. Do not end this transmission prematurely, at least hear me out until I have finished.

What I would like: Permission to fly and dock within Liberty space without lawful persecution due to my ship class.

I will agree to only equip my ship with Solaris turrets, and not use any heavy weaponry. This ensures that I will not disrupt the capital forces of liberty as my ship will not be equipped with anything capable of posing a threat to them. In fact, my ship's low hull, and the weaponry which it will be equipped with, will turn it into not much more than a Gunboat.

And, of course, I agree to follow the laws of Liberty when within Liberty space.

You're probably wondering by now why I would want to fly a handicapped cruiser in house space if not to fight. See, I carry important items to destinations. The quantity does not matter; I carry things such as:

Wealthy people wanting a vacation
Important supplies (nothing combat-related)
Valuable items such as rare gems

Why can't I do this with any other ship? Well, a transport isn't durable enough to withstand people who would attack for the purpose of stealing the cargo, and a gunboat doesn't have enough cargo capacity to efficiently enforce its armor and create a comfortable living environment for the important people within while still having enough space left over to carry important items.

If I am found to be equipping anything other than Solaris Cruiser Turrets within Liberty space, my access can be revoked.

I hope you will understand that I both intend no threat, as well as am incapable of posing a threat, and I hope that you will grant me the right to fly within Liberty space.


RE: To: All Lawfuls of Liberty - glassofwater - 03-13-2013

I'm not with the navy (officially) but I'd support this. So long as he did as he stated, and wasn't smuggling. I see no harm in allowing peaceful passage through liberty space. Just my two cents.

RE: To: All Lawfuls of Liberty - GrnRaptor - 03-13-2013


COMM ID: Vice Admiral Alan Polstari
TARGET ID: IllimitableNavigation's Captain
SUBJECT: Docking Request

Greetings, sir.

So, you wish to dock a Zoner "Corvo" class Cruiser in our House space as a trading vessel? While we certainly appreciate your straight forward request on the matter, checking into the paperwork and running a full security evaluation on the matter tells us we will of necessity have to deny your request.

Your trade is still welcome, as within the bounds of the law, but perhaps another vessel would be best suited to the quick transport of your proposed cargo. I would recommend looking into freighters with comparable capacity and making a selection from there. Deep Space Engineering's own "Camara" class would be an excellent choice, or perhaps the Border Worlds "Dromedary" if you wish something closer to your own line of vessel. In any case, there are plenty of civilian available options that you may use without requesting special exemption. I wish you luck in the matter.

Vice Admiral Polstari, signing off.


RE: To: All Lawfuls of Liberty - TLI-Inferno - 03-14-2013



Ship Callsign: IllimitableNavigation
Ship Class: Zoner Corvo Cruiser
Faction Identification: Zoner

Greetings to Alan Polstari,

A freighter is not sturdy enough for the important things which I would carry, so I suppose I'll have to stay out of Liberty.

I am aware of the standard procedure, which is why I made this request, as I was hoping for an exception to be made as my ship is equipped with weaker weapons so as to not pose a threat to the forces of Liberty.

However, I do not wish for conflict and so I will respect your decision.