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To the Corsairs Elders, from Juan de Alba. - Printable Version

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To the Corsairs Elders, from Juan de Alba. - McKarnigan - 03-16-2013

---------------------------------------INCOMING TRANSMISSION--------------------------------------

Encryption: High
Priority: High
Identification: Captain Juan Felipe de Alba y Espronceda
Source: Magallanes deep explorer ship - Somewhere in the Sigmas
Subject: Pontiff security

[Image: Duque+de+Alba.jpg]

Buenos dias buenos señores.
Im Juan Felipe de Alba y Espronceda, Field Maestre of the Pontifical Guard.
I received order of the Pontiff to get in touch with you, one week ago, an unknown entity attempted assassination against the life of the high priest of our church and destroyed our Sacred Base, fortunately, he was in my ship preparing his recent appearance to communicate with all sirius.
The reason for this message is to ask humbly, the possibility of renting a villa in Crete, because I fear for his life, the enemies of humanity have many faces, and a freeport, is a place for the passing of mercenaries to pirates would not be safe.
The villa must have an outside wall, accommodation for 73 people, 21 of them members of the entourage of the pontiff, the remaining members of the Guard, they will only have small arms for the defense of the enclosure.
That said, Paolus LXIV, want to transform a room in a small chapel to pray and perform rituals.
The rent would be for 1 month with possibility of 2 more, until we finish the reconstruction of our home.
Please, if you accept the proposal, give us an account number and amount, and will be entered soon.

Best regards, and Deux Protect us all

RE: To the Corsairs Elders, from Juan de Alba. - Madvillain - 03-16-2013

[Image: presidente-commsbar.gif]
Music plays in the background

Hola capitán de Alba.

It is no secret that the Pontiff holds a special place within the hearts from many of our people.
It is in the interest of the empire to investigate these events.
The Corsair Brotherhood owns a great amount of property that will suit the Pontiff's needs.

Villa Sephardi , situated at the Sierra de Villuercas mountains would be a good location.
Off limits to civilian traffic , this secluded compound is surrounded by harsh terrain , and only reachable via air transport.
A Brotherhood base nearby ensures 24/7 surveillance as a Brotherhood platoon is already tasked with guarding the region.

I will personally raise my voice in the Council of Elders to address your situation,
and until we might find a more permanent solution the eastern wing of Villa Sephardi is at the Pontiff's free disposal.

May Santa Muerte bless the Pontifical Guard with her absence.

Elder Juanez ''El Presidente'' Buonocore,
The Corsair Brotherhood.

[Image: tbhsmall_zps6799ed6f.png]

RE: To the Corsairs Elders, from Juan de Alba. - New Covenant Church - 03-16-2013

---------------------------------------INCOMING TRANSMISSION--------------------------------------

Encryption: High
Priority: High
Identification: Paolus LXIV - Pontiff of New Covenant Church
Source: Magallanes deep explorer ship - Somewhere in the Sigmas
Subject: To: His Excellency Señor Elder Juanez

[Image: paoluslxvi5.jpg]
Buenas tardes Excelencia:

I just want to personally express the deep gratitude I feel for your quick response, and your understanding of the situation that we're going through. The villa which so generously offer us is perfect for our needs.

In this moment I am addressing to Crete aboard the ship Magallanes, along with my entourage and my little bodyguard. I can assure you we will not represent any problem for Brotherhood or for the Imperio. You be the absolute liberty to talk to us, if my officers, any member of my entourage, or me can do something for you. For any matter please adress to my loyal Field Maestre Juan Felipe de Alba, since he is the maximum responsible for my safety.

My prayers and the prayers of my acolytes are claiming the greatest blessings of Deux, for Brotherhood and for you, caballero.

------------------------------------------END OF TRANSMISSION-----------------------------------------

RE: To the Corsairs Elders, from Juan de Alba. - Madvillain - 03-17-2013

[Image: presidente-commsbar.gif]
Music plays in the background

Hola esteemed Pontiff.

It brings me pleasure to host a well respected hombre as yourself.
I believe there are matters to be discussed in person that might lead to a mutual benefit.
Meanwhile I wish you a pleasant stay at Villa Sephardi.

With honour dignity and pride,

Elder Juanez ''El Presidente'' Buonocore,
The Corsair Brotherhood.

[Image: tbhsmall_zps6799ed6f.png]

RE: To the Corsairs Elders, from Juan de Alba. - Zelot - 03-17-2013

From: Miguel Sephardi

It is with honor that I greet the hand of the Pontifical holiness. I have already begun arrangements to have the East Wing of the Villa prepared for your arrival. It will nice to have visitors as I have been quite the hermit over the last year, and secluded myself away here. Your stay shall be a welcome respite from the solitary meditations that I have been tasked to. My staff is ready to receive you and I will make my own introductions as well when you arrive.

Also, for anyone who may be watching this channel in secret....yes I am still alive. Take that message back to those heathen Outcasts.... let them know they have still not managed to kill me.

With respect and honor,

Miguel Sephardi

RE: To the Corsairs Elders, from Juan de Alba. - McKarnigan - 03-17-2013

---------------------------------------INCOMING TRANSMISSION--------------------------------------

Encryption: High
Priority: High
Identification: Captain Juan Felipe de Alba y Espronceda
Source: Magallanes deep explorer ship - Somewhere in the Sigmas
Subject: Pontiff security

[Image: Duque+de+Alba.jpg]

Buenos dias señores!

I had taken the liberty of sending 38 pikemen of the Guard to prepare and coordinate the Pontiff security with your men, and with them i have been sent a cargo of gift as a token of good will to you and your people.

The Supreme Pontiff will arrive tomorrow, time and place will be communicated in a more secure channel.

Best regards, and Deux Protect us all