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Tyr Cromwell || Samarran Raiders - Printable Version

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Tyr Cromwell || Samarran Raiders - Valhalla Sr. - 03-16-2013

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Name :Tyr Cromwell
Birth Date :-unknown-
Birth Place : Planet Denver, Colorado
Height : 197 cm
Weight : 104 kg
Occupation : Pirate
Affiliation : Samarran Raiders
Rank : Senior Raider

A problem child, Tyr grew rapidly doing what he loved most. Causing havoc and mayhem among the people he hung out. Not much is known about his early history as he lived in the slums on Denver, the poor neighborhood on the capital. First mentions of his name come from the local justice department where his name is mentioned in a document regarding a Rogue attack on the local police force. Reports mention a person, in his young teens, firing towards police officers in attempt to cover the escape of two prisoners towards a nearby docked ship in the slums. Later identified as Tyr Cromwell, his story starts from there.

Always on the hunt for money and fame, his name was whispered from one ear to another until he made a name of himself in the local pirate den, under control of the Liberty Rogues. Time passed while his rise to power suddenly stopped, when his ship was blown up by local authorities in an attempted escape from LPI Sugarland. From there his name is not mentioned for a long time.

Time has forgotten the name of Tyr Cromwell, until the Samarrans appeared in Liberty. Locals say the name Tyr is now sang across the borderworlds, singing in the name of fame and fortune. Records say he was rescued by a Samarran named Addora Vigil while patrolling in Liberty.

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RE: Zhe Boss - Biography Corner - Valhalla Sr. - 03-16-2013

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